Unexpected elseif

if ($postcode > 6999 && $postcode < 8000); { echo "Tasmania"; $postage_cost = "$22.50"; } elseif ($postcode > 5999); { echo "Western Australia"; $postage_cost "$27.50"; } elseif ($postcode > 4999); { echo "Southern Australia"; $postage_cost "$15.00"; } This is only a snippet; ( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'elseif' (T_ELSEI


if ($postcode > 6999 && $postcode < 8000); { echo "Tasmania"; $postage_cost = "$22.50"; } elseif ($postcode > 5999); { echo "Western Australia"; $postage_cost "$27.50"; } elseif ($postcode > 4999); { echo "Southern Australia"; $postage_cost "$15.00"; } 这只是一个片段; (!)解析错误:语法错误,意外的'elseif'(T_ELSEIF)在C: wamp www

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in C:\wamp\www\reg.php

<html> <head> <title> Registration </title> </head> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit buttton'])){ processForm(); }else{ displayForm(); } /*check out this function. Here in array doesnot work*/ function validateField($fieldname,$missingfield){ if(in_array($fieldname,$missingfield)){ echo 'class = "error"'; } } function setValue($fieldname){

解析错误:语法错误,在C:\ wamp \ www \ reg.php中出现意外的'{'

<html> <head> <title> Registration </title> </head> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit buttton'])){ processForm(); }else{ displayForm(); } /*check out this function. Here in array doesnot work*/ function validateField($fieldname,$missingfield){ if(in_array($fieldname,$missingfield)){ echo 'class = "error"'; } } function setValue($fieldname){

.htaccess rewrite PHP $

.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule register index.php?mode=register RewriteRule login index.php?mode=login index.php <?php if ( isset ( $_GET['mode']) && ( $_GET['mode'] == 'register' ) ) { include('includes/register.php'); } elseif ( isset ( $_GET['mode']) && ( $_GET['mode'] == 'login' ) ) { include('includes/login.php'); } ?> This i

.htaccess重写PHP $

的.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteRule register index.php?mode=register RewriteRule login index.php?mode=login 的index.php <?php if ( isset ( $_GET['mode']) && ( $_GET['mode'] == 'register' ) ) { include('includes/register.php'); } elseif ( isset ( $_GET['mode']) && ( $_GET['mode'] == 'login' ) ) { include('includes/login.php'); } ?>

PHP, unexpected T

Very strange, I got code running on my localhost, but when I deployed it on remote server. it got T_IF error. The code is as follow: The xxx line is around: $experiment['import_result'] = TRUE; private function do_import($file_info, $ih_id){ $this->load->library("MY_PHPExcel"); $inputFileName = $file_info['full_path']; $sheetNames = array('General','Gas', 'Sample'


很奇怪,我的代码在本地主机上运行,​​但是当我将它部署在远程服务器上时。 它得到了T_IF错误。 代码如下: xxx行围绕着:$ experiment ['import_result'] = TRUE; private function do_import($file_info, $ih_id){ $this->load->library("MY_PHPExcel"); $inputFileName = $file_info['full_path']; $sheetNames = array('General','Gas', 'Sample', 'Mass Gain', 'Cr'); /** Identify

Nested php code cause error from the php code inside

This question already has an answer here: PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them? 13 answers Well, for anyone or newbies want to know the answer. I just need next_posts_link( 'Previous' ); instead of <?php next_posts_link( 'Previous' ); ?>


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: PHP解析/语法错误; 以及如何解决它们? 13个答案 那么,任何人或新手都想知道答案。 我只需要 next_posts_link( 'Previous' ); 代替 <?php next_posts_link( 'Previous' ); ?>

Syntax error converting to NGINX, unexpected 'elseif' (T

This snippet of code seemed to have been working in Apache but when switching over to NGINX I receive an 500 internal server error. In my nginx logs I get PHP message: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'elseif' (T_ELSEIF) in /var/public_html/app/design/frontend//template/seorich/review/summary.phtml on line 51" while reading response header from upstream, It's refere


这段代码似乎一直在Apache中工作,但切换到NGINX时,我收到500内部服务器错误。 在我的nginx日志中,我得到了 PHP消息:PHP解析错误:语法错误,意外的'elseif'(T_ELSEIF)在/var/public_html/app/design/frontend//template/seorich/review/summary.phtml第51行“,同时从上游读取响应头, 它引用了这个代码 <?php elseif ($this->getDisplayIfEmpty()): ?> <p class="no-rating"><a href="<

how do i validate if my email is already exist?

if(count($_POST)>0) { /* Form Required Field Validation / foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) { if(empty($_POST[$key])) { $message = ucwords($key) . " field is required"; break; } } / Password Matching Validation */ if($_POST['password'] != $_POST['confirm_password']){ $message = 'Passwords should be same '; } /* Email Validation */ if(!isset($message)) { if (!filter_var($_POST["userEmail"]


if(count($_POST)>0) { /* Form Required Field Validation / foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) { if(empty($_POST[$key])) { $message = ucwords($key) . " field is required"; break; } } / Password Matching Validation */ if($_POST['password'] != $_POST['confirm_password']){ $message = 'Passwords should be same '; } /* Email Validation */ if(!isset($message)) { if (!filter_var($_POST["userEmail"]

post data from form that was hidden using jquery

I have a form that I had hidden using jquery which on click is displayed.I want to post data using php but on clicking submit nothing happens.see code <div class="col-12 col-sm-2 with-click-text"> <form name="contactform" method="post" action=""> <table class="click-text font-light "width="450px" > <tr> <td> <label for="first_name">First Name *</label&g


我有一个表单,我隐藏了使用jquery的点击显示。我想用php发布数据,但点击提交什么都不会发生。 <div class="col-12 col-sm-2 with-click-text"> <form name="contactform" method="post" action=""> <table class="click-text font-light "width="450px" > <tr> <td> <label for="first_name">First Name *</label> <input type="text" name="first_name" maxlength="50"

JQuery event.preventdefault and php

I have a question concerning event.preventdefault. I used it on my client side validation just to make sure a username and password were filled in. However when I pressed the submit button and passed the validation on to php I got nothing. I mean when I checked if the form was submitted and did an echo to check I got nothing. But when I did (!isset($_POST['whatever']) I got something.

JQuery event.preventdefault和php

我有一个关于event.preventdefault的问题。 我用它在我的客户端验证只是为了确保用户名和密码被填写。但是,当我按下提交按钮,并通过验证到PHP我什么都没有。 我的意思是,当我检查表单是否已提交并做了回应以检查我什么都没有。 但是当我做了(!isset($ _ POST ['whatever'])的时候,我得到了一些东西,检查字段是否为空也是一样。 jquery / html代码 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <hea

submit button not returning value via AJAX/JQuery to self

I have a form which opens in Colorbox and is submitted via Ajax/JQuery to itself. However, it seems as if the data passed is not including the value of the submit button itself. Whether I use multiple submits or just one, there is no data in $_POST['submitButton'], and it doesn't respond to isset() or empty(). The rest of the form posts just fine though. I can echo $_POST['na

提交按钮不通过AJAX / JQuery返回值给自己

我有一个在Colorbox中打开并通过Ajax / JQuery提交给自己的表单。 但是,似乎传递的数据不包括提交按钮本身的值。 无论我使用多个提交还是仅使用一个,$ _POST ['submitButton']中都没有数据,并且它不响应isset()或empty()。 表单的其余部分只是很好。 我可以回显$ _POST ['name']和$ _POST ['email'],而不是$ _POST ['submitButton'] 这里是(我的表单的精简版): <form id="