Javascript: Iterating over JSON objects

This question already has an answer here: How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object? 29 answers This is strictly speaking a ecmascript-2017 answer, but it can easily be shimmed into older versions of Javascript. You want to use either Object.values or Object.entries to loop through all the properties in an object. Where Object.keys gives you the keys, Object.values gives you


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何遍历或枚举JavaScript对象? 29个答案 这严格来说是一个ecmascript-2017的答案,但它可以轻松地进入老版本的Javascript。 您想要使用Object.values或Object.entries来遍历对象中的所有属性。 在Object.keys为你提供键的地方, Object.values为你提供了属性(well,duh),而Object.entries Object.values你提供了对象中每个条目的数组[key, value] 。 你不会在你当前的代码中使用这

HashMap objects in javascript

Possible Duplicate: Loop through JavaScript object Get array of object's keys Is there a way to use hashmaps in javascript. I found this page which shows one way of having hashmaps in javascript. Based on that I am storing the data as below: var map = new Object(); map[myKey1] = myObj1; map[myKey2] = myObj2; function get(k) { return map[k]; } But I want the keySet (all the keys)


可能重复: 循环浏览JavaScript对象 获取对象的键的数组 有没有在JavaScript中使用hashmaps的方法。 我发现这个页面显示了在JavaScript中有hashmaps的一种方法。 基于这一点,我存储的数据如下: var map = new Object(); map[myKey1] = myObj1; map[myKey2] = myObj2; function get(k) { return map[k]; } 但是我希望map对象的keySet(所有键)就像它在Java( map.keySet(); )中完成的一样。 任何人都可以告诉

JavaScript iterate key & value from json?

This question already has an answer here: How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object? 29 answers 使用Object.keys()获取键数组并使用forEach()遍历它们。 var data = { "VERSION": "2006-10-27.a", "JOBNAME": "EXEC_", "JOBHOST": "Test", "LSFQUEUE": "45", "LSFLIMIT": "2006-10-27", "NEWUSER": "3", "NEWGROUP": "2", "NEWMODUS": "640" }; Object.keys(data).forEach(fu


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何遍历或枚举JavaScript对象? 29个答案 使用Object.keys()获取键数组并使用forEach()遍历它们。 var data = { "VERSION": "2006-10-27.a", "JOBNAME": "EXEC_", "JOBHOST": "Test", "LSFQUEUE": "45", "LSFLIMIT": "2006-10-27", "NEWUSER": "3", "NEWGROUP": "2", "NEWMODUS": "640" }; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) { console.log('Key : ' +

How do I enumerate the properties of a JavaScript object?

This question already has an answer here: How do I loop through or enumerate a JavaScript object? 29 answers Simple enough: for(var propertyName in myObject) { // propertyName is what you want // you can get the value like this: myObject[propertyName] } Now, you will not get private variables this way because they are not available. EDIT: @bitwiseplatypus is correct that unless you


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何遍历或枚举JavaScript对象? 29个答案 够简单: for(var propertyName in myObject) { // propertyName is what you want // you can get the value like this: myObject[propertyName] } 现在,你不会以这种方式获得私有变量,因为它们不可用。 编辑:@bitwiseplatypus是正确的,除非你使用hasOwnProperty()方法,你会得到继承的属性 - 但是,我不知道为什么任何熟悉面向对象

how to refresh page in php

i'm using ajax call on the php page(my.php) to pass JS variables and JS array to another php page(destiny.php). Now in destiny.php i do some DB operations. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "destiny.php", data: { b_Array : b_arr, b_value : b_val}, success: function(data) { window.alert(data); } But sometimes due to user inputted error (through Js variables or


我在php页面(my.php)上使用ajax调用来将JS变量和JS数组传递给另一个PHP页面(destiny.php)。 现在在destiny.php我做了一些数据库操作。 $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "destiny.php", data: { b_Array : b_arr, b_value : b_val}, success: function(data) { window.alert(data); } 但有时由于用户输入的错误(通过Js变量或Js数组),我不得不显示警报(现在使用上面的代码window.aler

Why location.reload() is slower than the other page reload methods?

Few months ago I posted this answer about how to refresh the page via JavaScript. I provided a JSFIDDLE DEMO too: var solutions = [ function () { location.reload(); }, function () { history.go(0); }, function () { location.href = location.href; }, function () { location.href = location.pathname; }, function () { location.replace(location.pathname); }, function () { loca


几个月前我发布了关于如何通过JavaScript刷新页面的答案。 我也提供了一个JSFIDDLE DEMO : var solutions = [ function () { location.reload(); }, function () { history.go(0); }, function () { location.href = location.href; }, function () { location.href = location.pathname; }, function () { location.replace(location.pathname); }, function () { location.reload(false); }, ]; $

Browser support for window.location.reload(true)

window.location.reload() is supported in all browsers, according to w3schools But what's with window.location.reload(true) which reloads the page without cache? How well is it supported? location.reload() takes no arguments in the specification, so do not rely on it. It is implemented in some browsers though, including Mozilla Firefox. reload() is supposed to accept an argument which


根据w3schools的说法,所有浏览器都支持window.location.reload() 但是, window.location.reload(true)会在没有缓存的情况下重新加载页面? 它有多支持? location.reload()在规范中没有参数,所以不要依赖它。 它在一些浏览器中实现,包括Mozilla Firefox。 reload()应该接受一个参数,告诉它做一个硬重载,即忽略缓存: location.reload(true); 注意:我不认为只是说它支持FF是正确的,这里明确提到它也支持其他浏

Refreshing a page after certain delay in jquery

This question already has an answer here: How to schedule IE page reload 4 answers You don't even need jQuery or HTML5 for this: setTimeout(location.reload.bind(location), 60000); This will wait 1 minute (60,000 milliseconds), then call the location.reload function, which is a built-in function to refresh the page. setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); },delayTime); //delayTime


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何安排IE页面重新加载4个答案 你甚至不需要jQuery或HTML5: setTimeout(location.reload.bind(location), 60000); 这将等待1分钟(60,000毫秒),然后调用location.reload函数,这是一个内置函数来刷新页面。 setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); },delayTime); //delayTime should be written in milliseconds e.g. 1000 which equals 1 second 你可以试试这个没有js的循环

JavaScript hard refresh of current page

How can I force the web browser to do a hard refresh of the page via JavaScript? Hard refresh means getting a fresh copy of the page AND refresh all the external resources (images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.). Try to use: location.reload(true); When this method receives a true value as argument, it will cause the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the b


我如何强制Web浏览器通过JavaScript对页面进行硬刷新? 硬刷新意味着获取页面的全新副本并刷新所有外部资源(图像,JavaScript,CSS等)。 尝试使用: location.reload(true); 当此方法接收到一个true值作为参数时,它将导致页面始终从服务器重新加载。 如果它是错误的或未指定,浏览器可能会从缓存中重新加载页面。 更多信息: 位置对象

Cache busting via params

We want to cache bust on production deploys, but not waste a bunch of time off the bat figuring out a system for doing so. My thought was to apply a param to the end of css and js files with the current version number: <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> Two questions: Will this effectively break the cache? Will the param cause the browser to then never cache t


我们希望在生产部署中缓存萧条,但不要浪费一大堆时间来确定系统。 我的想法是用当前版本号将一个参数应用于css和js文件的末尾: <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> 两个问题:这会有效地破坏缓存吗? 由于param指出这是动态内容,param是否会导致浏览器永远不会缓存来自该url的响应? param ?v=1.123表示一个查询字符串,因此浏览器会认为它是一个新的路径,比如说?v=1.0 。 从而导