Refresh a page using JavaScript or HTML

This question already has an answer here: How to reload a page using JavaScript? 16 answers window.location.reload(); in JavaScript <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> in HTML (where 1 = 1 second). Here are 535 ways to reload a page using javascript, very cool: Here are the first 20: location = location location = location.href location = window.location


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何使用JavaScript重新加载页面? 16个答案 window.location.reload(); 在JavaScript中 HTML中的<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> (其中1 = 1秒)。 这里有535种方式使用javascript重新加载页面,非常酷: 这里是第20个: location = location location = location.href location = window.location location = self.location location = window.l

How to reload a page using JavaScript?

How can I reload the page using JavaScript? I need a method that works in all browsers. JavaScript 1.0 window.location.href = window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash; // creates a history entry JavaScript 1.1 window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash); // does not create a history entry JavaScript 1.2


我如何使用JavaScript重新加载页面? 我需要一种适用于所有浏览器的方法。 JavaScript 1.0 window.location.href = window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash; // creates a history entry JavaScript 1.1 window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash); // does not create a history entry JavaScript 1.2

How do I refresh my current page

This question already has an answer here: How can I refresh a page with jQuery? 16 answers Yes you can refresh like this location.reload() As you are using jquery mobile and don't want to use reload try changePage as below: var url = location.href; if (url.indexOf('?r=1') != -1 || url.indexOf('&r=1') != -1) { url = url.replace('?r=1', '?').replace('&r=1', ''); } else { i


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何使用jQuery刷新页面? 16个答案 是的,你可以像这样刷新location.reload() 正如你正在使用jQuery的手机,并不想使用reload尝试changePage如下: var url = location.href; if (url.indexOf('?r=1') != -1 || url.indexOf('&r=1') != -1) { url = url.replace('?r=1', '?').replace('&r=1', ''); } else { if (location.href.indexOf('?') == -1) { url = url +

Ctrl + F5 in jquery to clear browser cache

This question already has an answer here: How can I refresh a page with jQuery? 16 answers I think the reload function can take an argument that forces full refresh. ie: window.location.reload(true); Ctrl+F5 basically used to refresh the client objects. Whenever we change anything into client scripts then we usually do ctrl+f5 to get the updates. Obviously, no developer want this. Well

在jQuery中Ctrl + F5清除浏览器缓存

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何使用jQuery刷新页面? 16个答案 我认为重载功能可以采取强制全面刷新的参数。 即: window.location.reload(true); Ctrl + F5基本上用于刷新客户端对象。 每当我们将任何东西改成客户端脚本时,我们通常会按Ctrl + F5来获取更新。 显然,没有开发人员想要这个。 那么有一个解决方案。 将js代码分离到外部文件中并在视图中使用它。然后,您只需要设置要放置它的JS文件版本(即在

How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags

I'm making a page which has some interaction provided by javascript. Just as an example: links which send an AJAX request to get the content of articles and then display that data in a div. Obviously in this example, I need each link to store an extra bit of information: the id of the article. The way I've been handling it in case was to put that information in the href link this: <


我正在制作一个由JavaScript提供一些交互的页面。 举一个例子:发送AJAX请求来获取文章内容然后在div中显示该数据的链接。 显然在这个例子中,我需要每个链接来存储额外的信息:文章的ID。 我一直在处理它的方式是将这些信息放入href链接中: <a class="article" href="#5"> 然后我使用jQuery来查找a.article元素并附加适当的事件处理程序。 (不要太在意这里的可用性或语义,这只是一个例子) 无论如何,这种方法

jQuery Ajax raising TypeError

I'm having quite a hard time to figure this out. I would like to know if TypeError is caused by the second AJAX call (or the osmtogeojson.js )? I made sure that my data in the first success function is not null by alerting it. function sendQueryData(url, query){ url =url.replace('query' , query); if (query === ""){ alert("City Input Required"); }else{ $.ajax({

引发TypeError的jQuery Ajax

我很难弄清楚这一点。 我想知道是否TypeError是由第二个AJAX调用(或osmtogeojson.js )引起的? 通过提醒它,我确信我的第一个成功函数中的数据不为空。 function sendQueryData(url, query){ url =url.replace('query' , query); if (query === ""){ alert("City Input Required"); }else{ $.ajax({ beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { if (!csrfSafeMethod(settin conflicts with joomla 3

why conflicts with joomla 3 ? and how can solved this problem? I use google map and when I add the map stop work and when I remove the map work but joomla "tab" and "field sql" stop working help me pl

ajax.googleapis.com与joomla 3冲突

为什么与joomla 3冲突? 怎么能解决这个问题? 我使用谷歌地图,当我添加地图停止工作,当我删除 .0 / jquery.min.js地图工作但joomla“tab”和“field sql”停止工作 请帮帮我 你的Joomla网站几乎可以肯定已经加载了jQuery的(不同)版本,所以版本之间可能

ExtJS: Using remotely loaded singleton values for store definition

I'm having some trouble trying to figure out how to do this (if it's even possible). I have an app which uses to store it's data, the thing is I want each user to have a different account so their data sets don't intersect whatsoever. So I created a singleton (Settings) which stores the user's appId and apiKey, which are loaded from a general a


我在尝试弄清楚如何做到这一点时遇到了一些麻烦(如果甚至可能的话)。 我有一个应用程序使用parse.com来存储它的数据,事情是我希望每个用户有一个不同的parse.com帐户,所以他们的数据集不会相交。 所以我创建了一个存储用户的appId和apiKey的单身人士(设置),这是从我管理的一般parse.com帐户加载的,并包含每个用户的电子邮件,appId和apiKey,因此当他们登录到应用程序时,用户的appId和apiKey。 事情是我需要在我的

Sending an array of objects via AJAX

So getting the objects I need in JS, I did: $('.combine-payment-input').each(function (index, value) { if (parseFloat(value.value) > 0) { if (methodOfPayment == -1) { methodOfPayment = value.dataset.method; } else { methodOfPayment = 0; } vmopl.push({ id: value.dataset.method, name: $('label[for="' + value.i


所以得到我需要在JS中的对象,我做到了: $('.combine-payment-input').each(function (index, value) { if (parseFloat(value.value) > 0) { if (methodOfPayment == -1) { methodOfPayment = value.dataset.method; } else { methodOfPayment = 0; } vmopl.push({ id: value.dataset.method, name: $('label[for="' + + '

Change Chrome tab color with JavaScript or jQuery

In Chrome you can set the color of a tab with the meta tab <meta name="theme-color" content="#FFA000"> In my website I have several sections color-coded. To make it look better, I would like to dynamicly change the tab's color according to the currently opened section. I have tried doing it with jQuery: $("meta[name='theme-color']").attr('content', '#455A64'); But it doesn't w


在Chrome中,您可以使用元标签设置选项卡的颜色 <meta name="theme-color" content="#FFA000"> 在我的网站上,我有几个部分用颜色编码。 为了使它看起来更好,我想根据当前打开的部分动态更改标签的颜色。 我试着用jQuery来做这件事: $("meta[name='theme-color']").attr('content', '#455A64'); 但它不起作用。 如果有人能够告诉我是否/如何在运行时改变这个元值,我会非常高兴。 编辑:在我注意到一些检查后,