This question already has an answer here: Understanding Python super() with __init__() methods [duplicate] 7 answers You can call the Car init method and pass its arguments class ElectricCar(Car): def __init__(self, model, color, mpg, battery_type): Car.__init__(self,model,color,mpg) self.battery_type = battery_type Or you can also use the super method which is a preferr
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 用__init __()方法理解Python super()7个答案 你可以调用Car init方法并传递它的参数 class ElectricCar(Car): def __init__(self, model, color, mpg, battery_type): Car.__init__(self,model,color,mpg) self.battery_type = battery_type 或者您也可以使用评论中提到的优先方法的super方法。 class ElectricCar(Car): def __init__(self, model, color, mpg
This question already has an answer here: Understanding Python super() with __init__() methods [duplicate] 7 answers How does it differ from self.x=x ? super() is only useful if you subclass: class Foo(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x class Bar(Foo): def __init__(self, x): super(Bar, self).__init__(x) self.initial_status = False is better than se
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 用__init __()方法理解Python super()7个答案 它与self.x=x什么不同? super()只在你继承子类时才有用: class Foo(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x class Bar(Foo): def __init__(self, x): super(Bar, self).__init__(x) self.initial_status = False 比在Bar的__init__设置self.x = x要好。 区别在于Bar不需要关心Foo的实现。 如
Possible Duplicate: Understanding Python super() Class B subclasses class A , so in B's __init__ we should call A's __init__ like this: class B(A): def __init__(self): A.__init__(self) But with super() , I saw something like this: class B(A): def __init__(self): super(B, self).__init__() #or super().__init__() My questions are: Why not super(B, self)._
可能重复: 了解Python超级() B类的子类A ,所以在B的__init__我们应该像这样调用A的__init__ : class B(A): def __init__(self): A.__init__(self) 但是用super() ,我看到了这样的东西: class B(A): def __init__(self): super(B, self).__init__() #or super().__init__() 我的问题是: 为什么不是super(B, self).__init__(self) ? 仅仅因为返回代理对象是绑定的对象? 如果我
I have many rows in a file that contains xml and I'm trying to write a Python script that will go through those rows and count how many instances of a particular node attribute show up. For instance, my tree looks like: <foo> <bar> <type name="controller">A</type> <type name="channel">12</type> </bar> </foo> I want to get te
我在包含xml的文件中有很多行,并且我正在尝试编写一个Python脚本,它将通过这些行并计算出特定节点属性的实例数量。 例如,我的树看起来像: <foo> <bar> <type name="controller">A</type> <type name="channel">12</type> </bar> </foo> 我想通过'name ='controller''来获取文本。 在上面的XML文本中,我需要接收“A”而不是“控制器”。
As per this thread, I am using xml.dom.minidom to do some very basic XML traversing, read-only. What confuses me is why its getElementsByTagName is finding nodes several hierarchy levels deep without explicitly supplying it with their exact path. XML: <data> <items> <item name="item1"></item> <item name="item2"></item> <item
按照这个线程,我使用xml.dom.minidom来做一些非常基本的XML遍历,只读。 令我困惑的是为什么它的getElementsByTagName会在深层找到多个层次结构的节点,而没有明确地提供它们的确切路径。 XML: <data> <items> <item name="item1"></item> <item name="item2"></item> <item name="item3"></item> <item name="item4"></it
I have a big xml document that looks like this: <Node name="foo"> <Node name="16764764625"> <Val name="type"><s>3</s></Val> <Val name="owner"><s>1</s></Val> <Val name="location"><s>4</s></Val> <Val name="brb"><n/></Val> <Val name="number"><f&g
我有一个很大的XML文件,看起来像这样: <Node name="foo"> <Node name="16764764625"> <Val name="type"><s>3</s></Val> <Val name="owner"><s>1</s></Val> <Val name="location"><s>4</s></Val> <Val name="brb"><n/></Val> <Val name="number"><f>24856<
I am using futurize --stage2 which aplies a number of source-source transformation to make the code python2 and python3 compatible. One of those fixes is that all divisions a/b are replaced by old_div(a/b) , which I would like to avoid (there is too many, and many of them are replaced unnecessarily, such as math.pi/2. . The documentation says that --nofix (or -x ) can be used to avoid running a
我正在使用未来--stage2,它支持许多源代码转换,以使代码python2和python3兼容。 其中一个修正是所有分区a/b被old_div(a/b)取代,我想避免它(这里太多了,其中许多math.pi/2.被不必要地替换,例如math.pi/2. 。该文件说, --nofix (或-x )可以用来避免运行有一定的修复,而是试图--nofix=fix_divison或--nofix=libfuturize.fixes.fix_divison有没有效果--stage2 。可有人也许帮助如何忽略那个特定的修复者,否则呢? 省略
I want to find all data enclosed in [[ ]] these brackets. [[aaaaa]] -> aaaaa My python code (using re library) was la = re.findall(r'[[(.*?)]]', What if I want to extract only 'a' from [[a|b]] Any concise regular expression for this task? ( extract data before | ) Or should I use additional if statement? You can try: r'[[([^]|]*)(?=.*]])' ([^]|]*) will match u
我想查找括在[[ ]]所有数据。 [[aaaaa]] - > aaaaa 我的Python代码(使用re库)是 la = re.findall(r'[[(.*?)]]', 如果我只想从[[a|b]]提取'a',该怎么办 任何这个任务简洁的正则表达式? (提取数据之前| ) 还是应该使用额外的if语句? 你可以试试: r'[[([^]|]*)(?=.*]])' ([^]|]*)将匹配到| 或]找到。 并且(?=.*]])是一个预见,以确保]]在匹配的RHS上匹配。 测试: >>>
I am trying to fetch meta data of around 10k+ torrents per day using python libtorrent. This is the current flow of code Start libtorrent Session. Get total counts of torrents we need metadata for uploaded within last 1 day. get torrent hashes from DB in chunks create magnet link using those hashes and add those magnet URI's in the session by creating handle for each magnet URI. s
我正在尝试使用python libtorrent获取每天大约10k + torrents的元数据。 这是目前的代码流 启动libtorrent会话。 获取最近一天内我们需要的元数据上传的种子总数。 从数据库中获取洪流散列 使用这些散列创建磁链,并通过为每个磁URI创建句柄来在会话中添加这些磁URI。 在获取元数据时睡一会儿,并持续检查是否找到元数据。 如果接收到元数据,请将其添加到数据库中,否则检查我们是否已经查找了大约10分钟的元数据
I want to create a new file in Python for that I am using mknod command, but getting error as: os.mknod(); AttributeError: module 'os' has no attribute 'mknod' I am using windows and attributes other than 'mknod' are working. os offers functionality that is closely related to the OS you're using. If most other attributes can be accessed from os (meaning you haven't got a os.p
我想在Python中创建一个新文件,以便使用mknod命令,但出现如下错误: os.mknod(); AttributeError: module 'os' has no attribute 'mknod' 我正在使用窗口和'mknod'以外'mknod'属性正在工作。 os提供的功能与您使用的操作系统密切相关。 如果可以从os访问大多数其他属性(意味着在当前目录中没有os.py文件掩盖标准模块),则AttributeError将99%表示操作系统上不支持的功能。 这就是Windows上的os.mkno