How do I see the type of a variable whether it is unsigned 32 bit, signed 16 bit, etc.? How do I view it? Python doesn't have the same types as C/C++, which appears to be your question. Try this: >>> i = 123 >>> type(i) <type 'int'> >>> type(i) is int True >>> i = 123456789L >>> type(i) <type 'long'> >>> type(i) is long
如何查看变量的类型,无论它是无符号的32位,带符号的16位等? 我如何查看它? Python与C / C ++不具有相同的类型,这似乎是您的问题。 尝试这个: >>> i = 123 >>> type(i) <type 'int'> >>> type(i) is int True >>> i = 123456789L >>> type(i) <type 'long'> >>> type(i) is long True >>> i = 123.456 >>> type(i) <type 'f
I am using appstats to debug some important queries in our app. One thing I noticed is that for a particular entity kind, an ancestor query is many times slower than a non-ancestor query. When I go from: q = Entity.query(ancestor=ancestor_key) q = q.filter(Entity.field == 'foo') return q.fetch(10) to: q = Entity.query() q = q.filter(Entity.field == 'foo') return q.fetch(10) In the developm
我正在使用appstats在我们的应用程序中调试一些重要的查询。 我注意到的一件事是,对于特定的实体类型,祖先查询比非祖先查询慢许多倍。 当我从: q = Entity.query(ancestor=ancestor_key) q = q.filter(Entity.field == 'foo') return q.fetch(10) 至: q = Entity.query() q = q.filter(Entity.field == 'foo') return q.fetch(10) 在开发环境中,第一个查询总是需要超过500毫秒,通常高于1秒,而第二个查询需要20-100
The appengine docs state that the default deadline for .run() an .fetch() is 60 seconds. I'd like to understand exactly how that deadline is applied, specifically in the context of a task or cron job, where the total process can run for 10 minutes. Imagine we have 1000s of geese: geese = Goose.all().run(batch_size=100) for goose in geese: goose.cook() # for sake of example, cooking a
appengine文档声明.run()和.fetch()的默认截止时间为60秒。 我想了解如何应用截止日期,特别是在任务或定时任务的情况下,整个过程可以运行10分钟。 想象一下,我们有1000只鹅: geese = Goose.all().run(batch_size=100) for goose in geese: goose.cook() # for sake of example, cooking a goose takes 1 second 如果我理解正确,这将从数据存储中检索100只鹅,并依次烹饪每只鹅。 当它到达第61只鹅时,超过60
I want to change an object's attribute before it is inserted to the DB using Falsk-SQLAlachemy. I tried using before_models_committed signal, but it seems to be broken, so I'm trying models_commited instead (and re-committing the changes) and I get the following error: InvalidRequestError: This session is in 'committed' state; no further SQL can be emitted within this transact
我想在使用Falsk-SQLAlachemy将其插入到数据库之前更改对象的属性。 我尝试使用before_models_committed信号,但它似乎被破坏,所以我试图models_commited而不是(并重新提交更改),我得到以下错误: InvalidRequestError:此会话处于“已提交”状态; 在此事务中不会再发出SQL。 代码如下所示: from app import db from app import app from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import models_committed class Foo(db.Model): id =
I'm trying to switch our application from python mail to Mailgun but am having trouble with emails that have attachments. Specifically PDF's that are generated by the application (not stored in the file system). Have no problems sending emails without attachments. Currently we generate the PDF as such: pdf = StringIO() draw_pdf(pdf, params) attachment = MIMEApplication(p
我试图将我们的应用程序从python邮件转换为Mailgun,但是遇到有附件的邮件时遇到问题。 特别是由应用程序生成的PDF(未存储在文件系统中)。 发送没有附件的电子邮件没有问题。 目前我们生成PDF格式如下: pdf = StringIO() draw_pdf(pdf, params) attachment = MIMEApplication( attachment.add_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename=filename) pdf.close() 然后附加并邮寄它:
I'm making some contour plots with contour which are labeled via clabel . The problem is that the contour labels tend to overlap with the axes: (some of the other labels are messy, ignore that). For the left plot, 10^-3 and 10 are problematic. On the right, 10^3 is the only problem one. Here is the code that generates one of them: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(12
我正在制作一些轮廓图,通过clabel标记contour 。 问题是轮廓标签倾向于与轴重叠: (其他一些标签很混乱,忽略)。 对于左图,10 ^ -3和10是有问题的。 在右边,10 ^ 3是唯一的问题之一。 以下是生成其中一个代码的代码: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(r'$T_e$ (eV)', fontsize=10) ax.set_ylabel(r'$n_e$ (1/cm$^3$)', fontsize
I am working on a project which requires that I import an already existing database and use it's data in Web2py. I have been able to link to the database by changing the DAL URI to: db = DAL('mysql://root:password@localhost/database_name',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all']) and it creates all of my web2py defined fields just fine, and it can interact with them, but I can not access any of
我正在开发一个项目,该项目要求我导入一个已经存在的数据库并在Web2py中使用它的数据。 通过将DAL URI更改为:我能够链接到数据库 db = DAL('mysql://root:password@localhost/database_name',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all']) 它创建了我的所有web2py定义的字段,并且可以与它们进行交互,但我无法访问之前已存在于数据库中的任何数据。 我尝试运行web2py脚本,这是支持导入数据的方式,但是我
I'm learning web2py, and have made it to the image blog example. However, I get an error when the controller tries interacting with the database? More precisely, the line image = db.image(request.args(0,cast=int)) or redirect(URL('index')) causes an error (it's copy-pasted from the example). Looking at the error-logs, the first few lines are (dp1 S'output' p2 S"<type 'exceptions
我正在学习web2py,并且已经将其转化为图片博客的例子。 但是,当控制器尝试与数据库进行交互时,出现错误? 更确切地说,这条线 image = db.image(request.args(0,cast=int)) or redirect(URL('index')) 会导致错误(从示例复制粘贴)。 看看错误日志,前几行是 (dp1 S'output' p2 S"<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cast'" p3 sS'layer' 这个例子可以在这里找到
which is better for production with web2py? please more insights. I'm very new 2 web2py and i am working on a small pharmacy mgt system. pls which is better for production postgres or mysql? if postgres, step by step installation guide pls so to smoothly work with web2py. thanks In general, I think PostgreSQL is more popular among the web2py community, and there is even a section of th
用web2py生产哪个更好? 请更多见解。 我很新2 web2py,我正在研究一个小药房管理系统。 请问哪个更适合生产postgres或mysql? 如果postgres,一步一步的安装指南,请顺利使用web2py。 谢谢 总的来说,我认为PostgreSQL在web2py社区中更受欢迎,甚至连本书的一部分都会讨论web2py的安装和使用。 所以,如果您需要帮助,可能会更容易得到Postgres的帮助。 另一方面,如果你已经熟悉MySQL,你可能会更好地坚持你所知道的
I find myself frequently using Python's interpreter to work with databases, files, etc -- basically a lot of manual formatting of semi-structured data. I don't properly save and clean up the useful bits as often as I would like. Is there a way to save my input into the shell (db connections, variable assignments, little for loops and bits of logic) -- some history of the interactive ses
我发现自己经常使用Python的解释器来处理数据库,文件等 - 基本上有很多半结构化数据的手动格式。 我没有按照我的意愿经常保存和清理有用的部分。 有没有办法将我的输入保存到shell(数据库连接,变量赋值,循环和逻辑) - 一些交互式会话的历史记录? 如果我使用类似script东西,我会得到太多的stdout噪音。 我并不需要腌制所有的对象 - 但如果有解决方案可以做到这一点,那就没问题了。 理想情况下,我只剩下一个与我交互