Introduction Background I'm writing a script to upload stuff including files using the multipart/form-data content type defined in RFC 2388. In the long run, I'm trying to provide a simple Python script to do uploads of binary packages for github, which involves sending form-like data to Amazon S3. Related This question has already asked about how to do this, but it is without an
介绍 背景 我正在编写一个脚本来使用RFC 2388中定义的multipart/form-data内容类型来上传包括文件的文件。从长远来看,我试图提供一个简单的Python脚本来为github上传二进制包,涉及向Amazon S3发送表单式数据。 有关 这个问题已经问到了如何做到这一点,但是到目前为止还没有被接受的答案,并且目前有两个答案中更有用的是指向这些食谱,而这些食谱又手动地构建了整个消息。 我对这种方法有些担心,特别是关于字符集和
so I have been writing a simple web server in Python, and right now I'm trying to handle multipart/form-data POST requests. I can already handle application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST requests, but the same code won't work for the multipart. If it looks like I am misunderstanding anything, please call me out, even if it's something minor. Also if you guys have any advice on making
所以我一直在Python中编写一个简单的Web服务器,现在我正在尝试处理多部分/表单数据POST请求。 我已经可以处理application / x-www-form-urlencoded POST请求,但相同的代码不适用于multipart。 如果看起来我误解了任何东西,请给我打电话,即使它很小。 此外,如果你们有任何建议使我的代码更好,请让我知道以及:)谢谢! 当请求进入时,我首先解析它,然后将其分割成一个包含请求正文的标题和字符串的字典。 然后我使用它
This question provides a background of this filename parameter. I need to write a script to access some files on a web server. The filename contains CJK characters which cannot be encoded in ASCII. $ curl -I '
这个问题提供了这个filename参数的背景。 我需要编写一个脚本来访问Web服务器上的一些文件。 文件名包含不能用ASCII编码的CJK字符。 $ curl -I '
My understanding is that request.args in Flask contains the URL encoded parameters from a GET request while request.form contains POST data. What I'm having a hard time grasping is why when sending a POST request, trying to access the data with request.form returns a 400 error but when I try to access it with request.args it seems to work fine. I have tried sending the request with both Po
我的理解是, request.args在瓶包含从编码到URL参数GET请求,而request.form包含POST数据。 我很难掌握的是为什么发送POST请求时,试图通过request.form访问数据会返回一个400错误,但是当我尝试使用request.args访问它时,它似乎工作正常。 我试着用Postman和curl发送请求,结果是一样的。 curl -X POST -d {"name":"Joe"} --header "Content-Type:application/json" 码: @app.route('/t
Assuming sample sizes are not equal, what test do I use to compare sample means under the following circumstances (please correct if any of the following are incorrect): Normal Distribution = True and Homogeneity of Variance = True scipy.stats.ttest_ind(sample_1, sample_2) Normal Distribution = True and Homogeneity of Variance = False scipy.stats.ttest_ind(sample_1, sample_2, equal_var = Fal
假设样本量不相等,在以下情况下我应该使用什么样的测试来比较样本均值(如果以下任何一项不正确,请更正): 正态分布=真和方差齐性=真 scipy.stats.ttest_ind(sample_1, sample_2) 正态分布=真和方差齐性=假 scipy.stats.ttest_ind(sample_1, sample_2, equal_var = False) 正态分布=虚假和方差齐性=真 scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(sample_1, sample_2) 正态分布=虚假和方差齐性=虚假 ??? 快速回答: 正态分布=真 ,
I understand python-eve support HMAC or token based authentication ie including the token or hash in the header for each request. however how shall we implement login in the first place ie the process we verify username and password before we provide them the token/hmac hash? shall we just accept an new route method like below and read the db directly or there is better way to do that? app.rou
我了解python-eve支持HMAC或基于令牌的身份验证,即在每个请求的标头中包含令牌或散列。 然而,我们应该如何实现登录,即在我们提供令牌/ hmac散列之前,我们验证用户名和密码的过程? 我们是否应该接受像下面这样的新路线方法,并直接读取数据库,还有更好的方法来做到这一点? app.route('/login', methods['POST']) 理想情况下,用户ID,密钥和令牌通过一些带外技术提供,例如电子邮件,普通旧纸,网页(不建议)。 客户
It's a simple thing but I've searched for quite a while without success: I want to customise a figure legend by reversing the horizontal order of the symbols and labels. In Gnuplot, this is simply achieved by set key reverse . Example: change x data1 to data1 x . In matplotlib, there seems to be no user-friendly solution. Thus, I thought about changing a kind of handle anchor or just
这是一件简单的事情,但我搜索了很长时间没有成功:我想通过颠倒符号和标签的水平顺序来自定义数字图例。 在Gnuplot中,这只需通过设置键反向即可实现。 例如:将x data1更改为data1 x 。 在matplotlib中,似乎没有用户友好的解决方案。 因此,我想过改变一种手柄的锚点或只是改变手柄的位置,但找不到任何开始的地方。 所请求的功能已经存在,作为legend命令的关键字markerfirst 。 plt.plot([1,2],[3,4], label='la
如何使用python程序连接到MySQL数据库? Connecting to MYSQL with Python in 3 steps 1 - Setting You must install a MySQL driver before doing anything. Unlike PHP, only the SQLite driver is installed by default with Python. The most used package to do so is MySQLdb but it's hard to install it using easy_install. For Windows user, you can get an exe of MySQLdb. For Linux, this is a casua
如何使用python程序连接到MySQL数据库? 通过三步与Python连接MYSQL 1 - 设置 在做任何事之前,您必须安装MySQL驱动程序。 与PHP不同,Python中只有默认安装的SQLite驱动程序。 最常用的软件包是MySQLdb,但使用easy_install很难安装。 对于Windows用户,你可以得到一个MySQLdb的exe文件。 对于Linux,这是一个随便的软件包(python-mysqldb)。 (你可以在sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb中使用sudo apt-get i
I am trying to create a socket connection using python. Here is my python code... socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) socket.settimeout(config['timeout']) self.socket.connect((config['host'], config['port'])) self.ssl = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, certfile=config['certificate'], keyfile=config['key'] ) It didn't work as remote server's certificate
我正在尝试使用python创建套接字连接。 这是我的Python代码... socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) socket.settimeout(config['timeout']) self.socket.connect((config['host'], config['port'])) self.ssl = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, certfile=config['certificate'], keyfile=config['key'] ) 它不起作用,因为远程服务器的证书似乎是自签名的或从信任存储库中丢失。 我是
I am trying to install pandas via pip install pandas but when I do, I get the error: Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in c:users[username]appdatalocaltemppip_build_[username]pandas I followed the answer given here and installed without incident, but still get the error when doing pip install pandas . Thanks for any help, if I can provide more information
我试图通过pip install pandas install pandas来pip install pandas但是当我这样做时,我得到这个错误: 命令python egg_info失败,错误代码1在c: users [用户名] appdata local temp pip_build_ [用户名] pandas中 我按照这里给出的答案安装了 ,但没有发生任何事件,但在pip install pandas时仍然出现错误。 感谢您的帮助,如果我可以提供更多信息,请让我知道。 在Windows上安装pandas及其