I have two string variables which contain dates in yyyy-mm-dd format as follows : date1 = '2011-05-03' date2 = '2011-05-10' I want to write code that generates all dates in the range date1 to date2. How can this be done in Python? Dates can be compared to each other just like numbers, and you can do date-related math with the datetime.timedelta object. There's no reason to use dateutil
我有两个字符串变量,其中包含yyyy-mm-dd格式的日期,如下所示: date1 = '2011-05-03' date2 = '2011-05-10' 我想编写生成范围为date1到date2的所有日期的代码。 这怎么可以在Python中完成? 日期可以像数字一样相互比较,并且可以使用datetime.timedelta对象进行与日期相关的数学运算。 没有理由在这里使用dateutil,并且没有必要硬编码'范围(9)'的迭代次数。 这与您处理普通旧数字的方式非常相似。 >>
I am sketching the architecture for a set of programs that share various interrelated objects stored in a database. I want one of the programs to act as a service which provides a higher level interface for operations on these objects, and the other programs to access the objects through that service. I am currently aiming for Python and the Django framework as the technologies to implement th
我正在绘制一组共享存储在数据库中的各种相关对象的程序体系结构。 我希望其中一个程序充当一个服务,为这些对象的操作提供更高级别的接口,其他程序通过该服务访问对象。 我目前将Python和Django框架作为实现该服务的技术。 我非常肯定,我知道如何在Linux中对Python程序进行守护进程。 但是,这是系统应支持Windows的可选规范项目。 我几乎没有使用Windows编程的经验,也没有使用Windows服务的经验。 是否有可能将Pyth
Does anyone know an xlib function to trap a keypress event without losing the original focus? How to get rid of it? (or "to use XGrabKey() without generating Grab-style focusout"?) (or "How to get rid of NotifyGrab and NotifyUngrab focus events at system level?) The XGrabKey will lose focus on key pressed and restore focus on key released. And I want to trap the keypress w
有没有人知道一个xlib函数来捕捉按键事件而不会丢失原始焦点? 如何摆脱它? (或“使用XGrabKey()而不生成抓取式聚焦”?) (或者“在系统级别如何摆脱NotifyGrab和NotifyUngrab焦点事件?”) XGrabKey将失去对按键的焦点并恢复焦点释放。 我想捕捉按键而不泄漏到原始窗口(就像XGrabKey可以做到的那样)。 参考文献: ... XGrabKey将窃取焦点... https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtkhotkey/+bug/390552/comments/8
short summary: I am trying to create a program that will send keyboard events to the computer that for all purposes the simulated events should be treated as actual keystrokes on the keyboard. original post: I am looking for a way to generate keyboard events using python. Assume that the function receives a key that it must simulate pressing, like so: keyboardevent('a') #lower case 'a' k
简短的摘要: 我正在尝试创建一个将键盘事件发送到计算机的程序,出于所有目的,模拟事件应被视为键盘上的实际按键。 原帖: 我正在寻找一种方法来使用python生成键盘事件。 假设函数接收到一个必须模拟按下的键,如下所示: keyboardevent('a') #lower case 'a' keyboardevent('B') #upper case 'B' keyboardevent('->') # right arrow key def keyboardevent(key): #code that simulated 'key' being pressed
I'm writing an command-line application which listens for Control key release events in X Windows and alerts another process when it detects them. Being new to GNU/Linux, I'd prefer avoiding to fumble with GCC and therefore I'm looking for a scripting-based solution. Since I know a bit of Python, it seemed natural to go for a Python-based solution, and after scavenging the Internet
我正在编写一个命令行应用程序,它在X Windows中监听Control键释放事件,并在检测到它时警告另一个进程。 作为GNU / Linux的新手,我宁愿避免使用GCC,因此我正在寻找一种基于脚本的解决方案。 因为我知道一些Python,所以选择一个基于Python的解决方案似乎很自然,并且在清除Internet上的示例并阅读Python Xlib文档后,我将这些程序合并在一起,但有一点需要注意:它会陷入陷阱事件而不是仅仅听他们(我的意思是这些事件不再
I have a long-running script which, if let to run long enough, will consume all the memory on my system. Without going into details about the script, I have two questions: Are there any "Best Practices" to follow, which will help prevent leaks from occurring? What techniques are there to debug memory leaks in Python? Have a look at this article: Tracing python memory leaks Als
我有一个长时间运行的脚本,如果运行时间足够长,将会占用系统上的所有内存。 没有详细说明剧本,我有两个问题: 是否有任何“最佳实践”要遵循,这将有助于防止泄漏发生? 有什么技术来调试Python中的内存泄漏? 看看这篇文章:跟踪python内存泄漏 另外,请注意垃圾收集模块实际上可以设置调试标志。 看看set_debug函数。 另外,请查看Gnibbler的这段代码来确定调用后创建的对象的类型。 我尝试了以前提到的大多数
I want to know the memory usage of my Python application and specifically want to know what code blocks/portions or objects are consuming most memory. Google search shows a commercial one is Python Memory Validator (Windows only). And open source ones are PySizer and Heapy. I haven't tried anyone, so I wanted to know which one is the best considering: Gives most details. I have to do
我想知道我的Python应用程序的内存使用情况,特别想知道哪些代码块/部分或对象消耗了大部分内存。 谷歌搜索显示,商业版本是Python Memory Validator(仅限Windows)。 而开源的是PySizer和Heapy。 我没有尝试任何人,所以我想知道哪一个是最好的考虑: 给出大部分细节。 我必须对我的代码做最少或不做更改。 Heapy使用起来相当简单。 在代码中的某个时刻,您必须编写以下内容: from guppy import hpy h = hpy() pr
I am trying to write an application that uses ZeroMQ to recieve messages from clients. I receive the message from the client in the main loop, and need to send an update to a second socket (general idea is to establish a 'change feed' on objects in the database the application is built on). Receiving the message works fine, and both sockets are connected without issue. However, sendin
我正在尝试编写一个使用ZeroMQ从客户端接收消息的应用程序。 我在主循环中从客户端收到消息,并且需要向第二个套接字发送更新(通常的想法是在应用程序所在的数据库中的对象上建立“更改提要”)。 接收消息正常工作,并且两个套接字连接没有问题。 但是,在出站端口上发送请求只是挂起,并且旨在接收消息的测试服务器不会收到任何内容。 在同一个应用程序中是否可以同时使用REQ和REP套接字? 作为参考,主要的应用程序是C
I have a working application using python and zeromq and I would like to optimize it. Briefly, a master node send the same request to all workers (about 200) and the then collect the answers. Based on the answer, it sends a message back to one node and the node answers back. Right now I implemented a very simple pattern. Each worker has one REP socket and the server has a list of REQ socket
我有一个使用python和zeromq的工作应用程序,我想优化它。 简而言之,主节点向所有员工发送相同的请求(大约200位),然后收集答案。 根据答案,它将消息发送回一个节点,节点回应。 现在我实现了一个非常简单的模式。 每个工作人员有一个REP套接字,服务器有一个REQ套接字列表。 服务器遍历所有发送一般消息的套接字,然后迭代所有套接字以收集答案。 最后,服务器根据答案选择一个工作人员,向其发送消息并等待答复。
I would like to pass keyword arguments to my worker-function with Pool.map(). I can't find a clear example of this when searching forums. Example Code: import multiprocessing as mp def worker((x,y), **kwargs): kwarg_test = kwargs.get('kwarg_test', False) print("kwarg_test = {}".format(kwarg_test)) if kwarg_test: print("Success") return x*y def wrapper_proces
我想通过Pool.map()将关键字参数传递给我的工作函数。 搜索论坛时找不到这个清晰的例子。 示例代码: import multiprocessing as mp def worker((x,y), **kwargs): kwarg_test = kwargs.get('kwarg_test', False) print("kwarg_test = {}".format(kwarg_test)) if kwarg_test: print("Success") return x*y def wrapper_process(**kwargs): jobs = [] pool=mp.Pool(4) for i, n