I'm working with Python OpenCV and want to capture webcam images to a frame, but the output was always showing this instead of my webcam images. The script is as shown below: import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(True): ret, frame = cap.read() gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow('frame',gray) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF ==
我正在使用Python OpenCV,并希望将网络摄像头图像捕获到一帧,但输出始终显示此图像而不是我的网络摄像头图像。 该脚本如下所示: import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(True): ret, frame = cap.read() gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow('frame',gray) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWin
My original python script was created to work on images already saved. I am now wanting it to capture the image and crop it. I have a working webcam section and a working crop section but I am not able to combine them and make them it. I have included the combined code. Currently it will still crop a saved image and the GUI for the webcam does display for a second but does not display any con
我的原始python脚本是为了处理已保存的图像而创建的。 我现在想让它捕捉图像并剪裁它。 我有一个工作摄像头部分和一个工作作物部分,但我无法将它们组合起来并制作成它。 我已经包含了组合代码。 目前它仍会裁剪保存的图像,并且网络摄像头的GUI会显示一秒,但不会显示任何内容(灰色屏幕)。 谁能帮我? import cv import cv2 import numpy import Image import glob import os # Static faceCascade = cv.Load('haarcasc
I'm working with python and using wx for my GUI. I'm using OpenCv to capture frames from my webcam and this works fine when using the webcams default driver. However, I'm also trying to use pyUSB with a libusb backend to detect which USB devices are plugged in at any given moment. In order to use pyUSB to determine which devices are plugged in, I need to use libusb to generate a dr
我正在使用python并将wx用于我的GUI。 我使用OpenCv从我的网络摄像头捕获帧,并且在使用网络摄像头默认驱动程序时工作正常。 不过,我也试图在一个libusb后端使用pyUSB来检测在任何特定时刻插入哪些USB设备。 为了使用pyUSB来确定插入哪些设备,我需要使用libusb为网络摄像头生成驱动程序。 从libusb生成的驱动程序会自动安装,然后我可以使用pyUSB的find usb.core.find方法来枚举连接的USB设备。 我的问题是,现在OpenC
Say I have a function that runs a SQL query and returns a dataframe: import pandas.io.sql as psql import sqlalchemy query_string = "select a from table;" def run_my_query(my_query): # username, host, port and database are hard-coded here engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql://{username}@{host}:{port}/{database}'.format(username=username, host=host, port=port, database=database
假设我有一个运行SQL查询并返回数据框的函数: import pandas.io.sql as psql import sqlalchemy query_string = "select a from table;" def run_my_query(my_query): # username, host, port and database are hard-coded here engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql://{username}@{host}:{port}/{database}'.format(username=username, host=host, port=port, database=database)) df = psql.read_sq
I've got a live concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor . I want to check its status. I want to know how many threads there are, how many are handling tasks and which tasks, how many are free, and which tasks are in the queue. How can I find out these things? There is some visibility into the Pool, and the pending workitem queue. To find out what's available, print poolx.__dict__ to s
我有一个live concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor 。 我想检查它的状态。 我想知道有多少线程,有多少处理任务和哪些任务,多少空闲以及哪些任务在队列中。 我怎样才能找到这些东西? 对池和待处理的工作项队列有一些可见性。 要找出可用的内容,请打印poolx.__dict__以查看结构。 阅读ThreadPool代码,它非常好:concurrent.futures.thread 下面用一个线程创建一个池。 然后它创建两个工作:一个睡3秒钟,另一个
I was wondering how to get the column names (seemingly stored in the hdf header) of an hdf file; for example, a file might have columns named [a,b,c,d] while another file has columns [a,b,c] and yet another has columns [b,e,r,z]; and I would like to find out which ones have which. Any help would be very much appreciated! To do this outside of python you can use h5dump via something like h5du
我想知道如何获得hdf文件的列名(看起来存储在hdf头文件中) 例如,一个文件可能具有名为[a,b,c,d]的列,而另一个文件具有列[a,b,c],而另一个文件具有列[b,e,r,z]; 我想找出哪些有哪些。 任何帮助将非常感谢! 为了在python之外执行此操作,可以通过h5dump --header my.hdf5东西使用h5dump --header my.hdf5 在python中,你可以使用h5py 作为一个例子,我可以访问我的HDF-EOS5文件的字段名称: >>> i
I've setup an XML-RPC server/client communication under Windows. What I've noticed is that if exchanged data volume become huge, there's a difference in starting the server listening on "localhost" vs. "". If "" is set, the communication speed is faster than using "localhost". Could somebody explain why? I thought it could
我在Windows下设置了XML-RPC服务器/客户端通信。 我注意到,如果交换的数据量变得很大,启动监听“本地主机”与“”的服务器是有区别的。 如果设置了“”,通信速度比使用“localhost”快。 有人能解释为什么吗? 我认为这可能是命名解决的问题,但是......本地呢? 每个域名正在解决。 没有例外incul本地网站。 当你向localhost主机发出请求时,localhost的ip每次都通过host文件解析。 在Windows host文件控
I tried to play around with this code many times but I can't create multiple squares. This is the problem: Write a function named drawSquares that calls drawSquare to draw a specified number of squares. The function drawSquares takes four parameters: a turtle t, an integer size, an integer num, the number of squares to draw, and an integer angle, the clockwise rotation between successive
我尝试过多次使用此代码,但无法创建多个方块。 这就是问题: 编写一个名为drawSquares的函数,它调用drawSquare绘制指定数量的正方形。 函数drawSquares需要四个参数:一个turtle t,一个整数大小,一个整数num,要绘制的正方形的数量以及一个整数角度,顺时针方向之间的顺时针旋转 例如,以下将是正确的输出。 进口乌龟 s = turtle.Screen() snapper = turtle.Turtle() drawSquares(笛鲷,100,4,20) impor
I'm trying to get my head around recursion and I thought it would be fun to try drawing recursive included squares with rotation. I can make it work iteratively, but when I call the recursive_square function from within itself, it doesn't work. Could someone explain why this is, and point out what I'm missing conceptually? from Tkinter import * import math WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 6
我试图让我的头在递归,我认为这将是有趣的尝试绘制递归包括正方形与旋转。 我可以使其迭代工作,但是当我从本身内部调用recursive_square函数时,它不起作用。 有人可以解释为什么这是,并指出我在概念上失踪? from Tkinter import * import math WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 600 CANVAS_MID_X = WIDTH/2 CANVAS_MID_Y = HEIGHT/2 CENTER = (CANVAS_MID_X, CANVAS_MID_Y) SIDE = WIDTH - 50 root = Tk() geometry = "%dx%d+500
I am trying to write a function to draw nested squares. The picture must consist of 10 squares. The outermost is 200 wide, each inner one is 20 smaller. They are on the left and top 5 apart. It needs to start with reset() and hideturtle() and use loops. I am having trouble with setting the positioning for the drawing of each square, since the turtle needs to move to the right 5 pixels and do
我想写一个函数来绘制嵌套正方形。 图片必须包含10个正方形。 最外面的是200宽,每个内部是20更小。 他们分别位于左侧和前5位。 它需要从reset()和hideturtle()开始并使用循环。 由于龟需要向右移动5个像素,每个移动5个像素,因此我无法为每个方形的绘图设置定位。 该函数应该返回一个如下所示的图像。 这是我到目前为止: def ForTheSquares(t, center, side): xPt =center[0]+(side-(side-5)) yPt = cent