percent(interval=None) always returns 0 regardless of interval value PYTHON

无论间隔值如何,代码始终返回0.0值。 import psutil p = psutil.Process() print p.cpu_percent(interval=1) print p.cpu_percent(interval=None) This behaviour is documented: When interval is 0.0 or None compares process times to system CPU times elapsed since last call, returning immediately. That means the first time this is called it will return a meaningless 0.0 value which you are supposed to ig

无论间隔值PYTHON如何,percent(interval = None)始终返回0

无论间隔值如何,代码始终返回0.0值。 import psutil p = psutil.Process() print p.cpu_percent(interval=1) print p.cpu_percent(interval=None) 记录此行为: 当间隔为0.0或None将处理时间与自上次调用后经过的系统CPU时间进行比较,并立即返回。 这意味着这是第一次被称为它将返回一个你应该忽略的毫无意义的0.0值。 在这种情况下,建议精确度是这个功能在呼叫间隔至少0.1秒后第二次被调用。 还有一个警告是针对单个呼

DeadlineExceededErrors with GAE/Google API refreshing access token

Over the last few days I have been encountering DeadlineExceededErrors in my GAE app that interacts with the Google Calendar API. As far as I know these errors have been sporadic; I was not given these errors last night, but was during yesterday during the day and now this morning. I am not getting these errors when I run on the local dev environment, which makes me wonder what is going on wit

GAE / Google API刷新访问令牌的DeadlineExceededErrors

在过去的几天里,我一直在遇到与Google Calendar API交互的GAE应用中的DeadlineExceededErrors。 据我所知,这些错误是零星的; 我昨天晚上没有得到这些错误,但昨天在白天和今天早上。 当我在本地开发环境中运行时,我没有收到这些错误,这让我想知道GAE服务器正在发生什么情况以导致此问题以及我如何解决此问题。 我尝试将我的urlFetch截止日期设置为45-60,但它没有任何区别。 我也尝试建立一个超时时间很长的HTTP对象,

How to limit the heap size?

I sometimes write Python programs which are very difficult to determine how much memory it will use before execution. As such, I sometimes invoke a Python program that tries to allocate massive amounts of RAM causing the kernel to heavily swap and degrade the performance of other running processes. Because of this, I wish to restrict how much memory a Python heap can grow. When the limit is r


我有时会编写Python程序,这些程序在执行之前很难确定它将使用多少内存。 因此,我有时会调用一个Python程序,试图分配大量的RAM,导致内核大量交换并降低其他正在运行的进程的性能。 因此,我希望限制一个Python堆可以增长的内存。 达到限制时,程序可能会崩溃。 什么是最好的方法来做到这一点? 如果它很重要,那么在Cython中编写很多代码,所以它应该考虑在那里分配的内存。 我没有嫁给一个纯粹的Python解决方案(它

Firefox Marketplace API: app icon stays default after successful upload

I try to update the Firefox Marketplace entry of an app programatically via the Python API . I am able to successfully upload screenshots using the client.create_screenshot(app_id, filename) method from the module marketplace against the development environment at Within the Python API there is no method to upload the Icon. In the Marketplace API document

Firefox Marketplace API:应用程序图标在成功上传后保持默认状态

我尝试通过Python API以编程方式更新应用程序的Firefox Marketplace条目。 我能够使用模块marketplace的client.create_screenshot(app_id, filename)方法成功上传截图client.create_screenshot(app_id, filename)并在 marketplace与开发环境进行对照。 在Python API中,没有方法可以上传图标。 尽管在Marketplace API文档中 ,有一个REST点来上传图标:更新应用程序图标 我使用文档编

YCM does not find my headers?

I have the following folder structure: . ├── include │   └── ctset │   ├── hashtable.h │   └── set.h └── src └── hashtable └── hashtable.c And in hashtable.c the include #include "ctset/hashtable.h" , but YCM keeps telling me that it doesn't know the types I defined in the header and use in the source. My is almost the default one with some


我有以下文件夹结构: . ├── include │   └── ctset │   ├── hashtable.h │   └── set.h └── src └── hashtable └── hashtable.c 在hashtable.c中include #include "ctset/hashtable.h" ,但YCM一直告诉我它不知道我在头文件中定义的类型并在源文件中使用。 我的.ycm_extra_conf.py几乎是一些调整的默认值: # This file is NOT licensed under the GPLv3, which is the license for the rest

ImportError: No Module Named <parent dir>

I am trying to learn programming through Python, so I apologize in advance if this is an absurdly simple question. I am attempting to simplify my convoluted directory structure and utilize some of Python's code-reuse features, I have encountered what is for me an inexplicable ImportError error. For the past several hours I've been reading about Python's import , module , and packag

ImportError:没有模块命名为<parent dir>

我试图通过Python学习编程,所以如果这是一个荒谬的简单问题,我提前道歉。 我试图简化我复杂的目录结构并利用一些Python的代码重用功能,我遇到了对我来说无法解释的ImportError错误。 在过去的几个小时里,我一直在阅读关于Python的import , module和package功能(这里,这里,这里以及其他),但我仍然无法解决这个(看似)简单的错误。 这是问题。 我有一个目录( dir ),其中驻留一个子目录( subdir )。 每个目

How to improve detection of Probalistic Hough

I'm trying to detect a clock hand in a video of an analogue display and extract the value it points to. I'm using Python with OpenCV for this. What I essentially do is: I'm using a Gaussian Blur to lower the noise in the current image. I use Canny Edge Detection to filter the edges I apply the probalistic Hough Line Transform The Code for it: def detect_clock_hand(img, cen


我试图在模拟显示器的视频中检测时钟,并提取它指向​​的值。 我为此使用Python与OpenCV。 我基本上做的是: 我正在使用高斯模糊降低当前图像中的噪点。 我使用Canny边缘检测来过滤边缘 我运用了Hough Line Transform 它的代码: def detect_clock_hand(img, center): # Convert to gray gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # Apply gaussian blur blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (11, 11

What is the best way of recognizing handwritten symbols and texts?

I am new to the image processing subject. I'm using opencv library for image processing with python. I need to extract symbols and texts related to those symbols for further work. I saw some of developers have done handwritten text recognitions with Neural network, KNN and other techniques. My question is what is the best way to extract these symbols and handwritten texts related to them


我对图像处理主题很陌生。 我正在使用opencv库进行python图像处理。 我需要提取与这些符号相关的符号和文本才能继续工作。 我看到一些开发人员用神经网络,KNN和其他技术完成了手写文本识别。 我的问题是提取这些符号和与之相关的手写文本的最佳方式是什么? 示例图: 我需要提取的细节: 图中没有圈子。 他们里面的文字是什么。 方括号内的字是什么? 他们用箭头连接吗? 当然,有一种称为SWT - Stokes Wi

Finding square centers from a picture

After an Image Processing, from fft's, filters, and thresholding, I obtained the following image: So, I'm wondering how to extract those centers. Does exist any function from OpenCV? (such as HoughCircles for detecting circles?) or Do I need to use clustering methods? Maybe it is useful for you to know the code I used: import cv2 import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage as ndimage


在图像处理之后,从fft,滤镜和阈值处理中,我获得了以下图像: 所以,我想知道如何提取这些中心。 OpenCV中是否存在任何函数? (如HoughCircles用于检测圆圈?)还是我需要使用聚类方法? 也许这对你知道我使用的代码很有用: import cv2 import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage as ndimage from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter img = cv2.imread("pic.tif",0) s = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(img)) inten

Solving a maze using recursion in python

So, I have an assignment which asks me to solve a maze using recursion. I will post the assignment guidelines so you can see what I am talking about. The professor didn't explain recursion that much, he gave us examples of recursion, which I will post, but I was hoping someone might be able to give me a more in depth explanation of the recursion, and how I would apply this to solving a maze


所以,我有一项任务,要求我使用递归解决迷宫问题。 我将发布作业指南,以便您可以看到我在说什么。 教授没有多少解释递归,他给了我递归的例子,我会发布,但我希望有人能够给我一个更深入的递归解释,以及我将如何应用它来解决一个迷宫。 我没有要求任何人写代码,我只是希望有一些解释能让我走上正确的道路。 感谢任何回答的人。 这里是我有的例子: def foo(): print("Before") bar() pri