Need to read specific range of text file in Python

I need to read a text file after specific line let say line # 100. This line has specific number such as '255'. Then i want to read next 500 lines using for loop. in those 500 line i have some numbers to extract. Such as in P[3] position. Then I need to pass those value into an array. At the end I should have few sets like below. I used following code to do that. But i failed. Can


我需要在特定行之后读取文本文件,让行号为#100。此行具有特定的编号,例如'255'。 然后我想读取下500行使用for循环。 在这500行中,我有一些数字要提取。 如在P [3]的位置。 然后我需要将这些值传递给一个数组。 最后,我应该有几组像下面。 我用下面的代码来做到这一点。 但我失败了。 谁能帮我。 文件如下所示 Generated by trjconv : a bunch of waters t= 0.00000 500 1SOL OW 1 1.5040

regex greedy match ends with character or end of string

This question already has an answer here: My regex is matching too much. How do I make it stop? 4 answers You could do: ^(?P<action>S+) (?P<target_object_label>.+)s (?P<object_type>Owner Sharing Rule)s (?P<object_label>[^:n]+) # stop before : or newline See a demo on (mind the different modifiers!).


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我的正则表达式匹配得太多了。 我如何让它停止? 4个答案 你可以这样做: ^(?P<action>S+) (?P<target_object_label>.+)s (?P<object_type>Owner Sharing Rule)s (?P<object_label>[^:n]+) # stop before : or newline 在regex101.com上看到一个演示 (介意不同的修饰符!)。

Alternative to possessive quantifier in python

I am trying to match all occurences of the String Article followed by a number (single or more digits) which are not followed by an opening parentheses. In Sublime Text, I am using the following regex: Articles[0-9]++(?!() to search the following String: Article 29 Article 30(1) which does not match Article 30(1) (as I expect it to) but Article 29 and Article 1 . When attempting to do the


我试图匹配所有出现的字符串Article后跟一个数字(单个或多个数字),这些数字后面没有开头的括号。 在Sublime Text中,我使用了以下正则表达式: Articles[0-9]++(?!() 搜索以下字符串: Article 29 Article 30(1) 这与Article 30(1)不符(正如我预期的那样),但Article 29 Article 1和Article 1 Article 29不符。 当尝试在Python(3)中使用相同的方法时 import re article_list = re.findall(r'Articles[0-9]++(?!()'

Greedy vs. non

I am making several regex substitutions in Python along the lines of ws+w over many large documents. Obviously if I make the regex non-greedy (with a ? ) it won't change what it matches (as w != s ) but will it make the code run any faster? In other words, with non-greedy regexes does Python work its way from the first character matched onwards rather than from the end of the document


我正在Python中进行几个正则表达式替换 ws+w 在许多大文件上。 显然,如果我使正则表达式非贪婪(用? )它不会改变它匹配的东西(如w != s ),但它会使代码运行得更快吗? 换句话说,使用非贪婪的正则表达式,Python是否会从匹配的第一个字符开始,而不是从文档末尾回到该字符,还是这是一个天真的视图? 这是你暗示的模式吗? In [15]: s = 'some text with tspaces between' In [16]: timeit re.sub(r'(w)(s+)

Understanding python regex greedy qualifiers

This question already has an answer here: Greedy vs. Reluctant vs. Possessive Quantifiers 7 answers What is a word boundary in regexes? 9 answers


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 贪婪与不愿意与拥有量词7答案 正则表达式中的单词边界是什么? 9个答案

Parsing HTML using Python

I'm looking for an HTML Parser module for Python that can help me get the tags in the form of Python lists/dictionaries/objects. If I have a document of the form: <html> <head>Heading</head> <body attr1='val1'> <div class='container'> <div id='class'>Something here</div> <div>Something else</div> </div> <


我正在寻找一个Python的HTML解析器模块,它可以帮助我以Python列表/字典/对象的形式获取标签。 如果我有一份表格的文件: <html> <head>Heading</head> <body attr1='val1'> <div class='container'> <div id='class'>Something here</div> <div>Something else</div> </div> </body> </html> 那么它应该给我一种方法来通

Python RegEx Matching Newline

I have the following regular expression: [0-9]{8}.*n.*n.*n.*n.* Which I have tested in Expresso against the file I am working and the match is sucessfull. I want to match the following: Reference number 8 numbers long Any character, any number of times New Line Any character, any number of times New Line Any character, any number of times New Line Any character, any number of

Python RegEx匹配换行符

我有以下正则表达式: [0-9]{8}.*n.*n.*n.*n.* 我已经在Expresso中测试了我正在使用的文件并且匹配成功。 我想匹配以下内容: 参考号码8个数字 任何角色,任何次数 新队 任何角色,任何次数 新队 任何角色,任何次数 新队 任何角色,任何次数 新队 任何角色,任何次数 我的Python代码是: for m in re.findall('[0-9]{8}.*n.*n.*n.*n.*', l, re.DOTALL): print m 但是没有比赛产生,正如Expr

Extracting text from HTML file using Python

I'd like to extract the text from an HTML file using Python. I want essentially the same output I would get if I copied the text from a browser and pasted it into notepad. I'd like something more robust than using regular expressions that may fail on poorly formed HTML. I've seen many people recommend Beautiful Soup, but I've had a few problems using it. For one, it picked up


我想使用Python从HTML文件中提取文本。 如果我从浏览器复制文本并将其粘贴到记事本中,我基本上需要获得相同的输出。 我想要一些比使用正则表达式更强大的东西,而这些正则表达式可能会导致HTML格式不正确。 我见过很多人推荐美丽的汤,但我使用它有一些问题。 首先,它收集了不需要的文本,例如JavaScript源代码。 另外,它没有解释HTML实体。 例如,我会期待&#39; 在HTML源文件中被转换为撇号,就像我将浏览器内容粘

Parsing XML in Python with regex

This question already has an answer here: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags 35 answers You normally don't want to use re.match . Quoting from the docs: If you want to locate a match anywhere in string, use search() instead (see also search() vs. match()). Note: >>> print re.match('>.*<', line) None >>> print'>.*<', line)


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: RegEx匹配除XHTML自包含标签之外的开放标签35个答案 你通常不想使用re.match 。 从文档引用: 如果您想在字符串中的任何位置找到匹配项,请改用search()(另请参阅search()与match())。 注意: >>> print re.match('>.*<', line) None >>> print'>.*<', line) <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x10f666238> >>> print re.sear

How do I check whether an arbitrary object is 'None' or not?

This question already has an answer here: Comparing None with built-in types using arithmetic operators? 2 answers 试试这个检查对象是否为None if obj is None: print 'Object is none'


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 使用算术运算符将None与内置类型进行比较? 2个答案 试试这个检查对象是否为None if obj is None: print 'Object is none'