This operation needs to be applied as fast as possible as the actual arrays which contain millions of elements. This is a simple version of the problem. So, I have a random array of unique integers (normally millions of elements). totalIDs = [5,4,3,1,2,9,7,6,8 ...] I have another array (normally a tens of thousands) of unique integers which I can create a mask. subsampleIDs1 = [5,1,9] sub
该操作需要尽可能快地应用于包含数百万个元素的实际数组。 这是该问题的简单版本。 所以,我有一个随机数组(通常是数百万个元素)。 totalIDs = [5,4,3,1,2,9,7,6,8 ...] 我有另一个数组(通常是数以万计)的独特整数,我可以创建一个掩码。 subsampleIDs1 = [5,1,9] subsampleIDs2 = [3,7,8] subsampleIDs3 = [2,6,9] ... 我可以用numpy做 mask = np.in1d(totalIDs,subsampleIDs,assume_unique = True) 然后
I am connecting to a MS SQL server using pyodbc . Furthermore, I am trying to write to an Excel 2007/10 .xlsx file using openpyxl . This is my code (Python 2.7): import pyodbc from openpyxl import Workbook cnxn = pyodbc.connect(host = 'xxx',database='yyy',user='zzz',password='ppp') cursor = cnxn.cursor() sql = "SELECT TOP 10 [customer clientcode] AS Customer, [customer dc
我使用pyodbc连接到MS SQL服务器。 此外,我正尝试使用openpyxl写入Excel 2007/10 .xlsx文件。 这是我的代码(Python 2.7): import pyodbc from openpyxl import Workbook cnxn = pyodbc.connect(host = 'xxx',database='yyy',user='zzz',password='ppp') cursor = cnxn.cursor() sql = "SELECT TOP 10 [customer clientcode] AS Customer, [customer dchl] AS DChl, [customer name
I want to take the following restructured text snippet that contains a substitution definition: text = """ |python| .. |python| image:: python.jpg """ And resolve the definitions so the substitution text is displayed: resolved_text = """ .. image:: python.jpg """ Is there a function or utility in docutils or another module that can do this? docutils provides publisher functions to use do
我想采用下面包含替代定义的重组文本片段: text = """ |python| .. |python| image:: python.jpg """ 并解决定义,以便显示替换文本: resolved_text = """ .. image:: python.jpg """ 在docutils或其他模块中是否有一个函数或实用程序可以执行此操作? docutils提供发布者函数来使用docutils作为库。 因此,使用docutils.core.publish_string可能是您的用例的一个选项。 In [90]: from docutils import core In [9
Python provides the NLTK library which is a vast resource of text and corpus, along with a slew of text mining and processing methods. Is there any way we can compare sentences based on the meaning they convey for a possible match? That is, an intelligent sentence matcher? For example, a sentence like giggling at bad jokes and I like to laugh myself silly at poor jokes . Both convey the same
Python提供了NLTK库,这是一个庞大的文本和语料库资源,以及大量的文本挖掘和处理方法。 有什么方法可以根据它们为可能的匹配传达的含义来比较句子吗? 那就是智能句子匹配器? 例如,一个像giggling at bad jokes这样的句子, I like to laugh myself silly at poor jokes 。 两者都表达了相同的含义,但句子不具有远程匹配性(词语不同, Levenstein Distance将会失败!)。 现在想象我们有一个暴露功能的API,例如这里
I'm trying to install scrapy for python2.6, but it seems not going well. Here is the packages installed: G:Python26Scripts>pip freeze Scrapy==0.16.4 Twisted==12.3.0 libxml2-python==2.7.7 lxml==2.3.6 pyopenssl==0.13 w3lib==1.2 zope.interface==3.8.0 I also got iconv and zlib. And this is the log when installing scrapy with pip. I don't know what I should do next, am I missing sth?
我试图为python2.6安装scrapy,但它似乎不太好。 这里是安装的软件包: G:Python26Scripts>pip freeze Scrapy==0.16.4 Twisted==12.3.0 libxml2-python==2.7.7 lxml==2.3.6 pyopenssl==0.13 w3lib==1.2 zope.interface==3.8.0 我也有iconv和zlib。 这是用pip安装scrapy时的日志。 我不知道接下来该做什么,我错过了什么? 需要说明,谢谢。 win 7 64位,安装了Visual C ++ C:Usersd>pip install scrapy Downloadin
I have a Python application running in a framework that drives a network protocol to control remote devices. Now I want to add a browser-based monitoring and control and I am looking at the Pyramid framework to build it. Normally you start a Pyramid application using pserve from a command line, but I can't find any documentation or examples for how to invoke it inside a host application fr
我有一个Python应用程序运行在一个驱动网络协议来控制远程设备的框架中。 现在我想添加一个基于浏览器的监视和控制,我正在寻找金字塔框架来构建它。 通常你使用pserve从命令行启动Pyramid应用程序,但是我找不到任何文档或例子来说明如何在宿主应用程序框架中调用它。 这需要以Pyramid代码可以访问主机应用程序中的对象的方式完成。 这是金字塔的实际用例还是我应该寻找其他一些基于WSGI的框架来执行此操作? 一个WSGI
In my pyramid application I am trying to implement authorization by decorating the view function. When I use the config.scan() function none of the views are added, however if I explicitly add them using config.add_view() everything works fine. I have two file one which defines all the view functions ( from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.response import Response from
在我的金字塔应用程序中,我试图通过装饰视图函数来实现授权。 当我使用config.scan()函数时,没有任何视图被添加,但是如果我使用config.add_view()明确地添加它们,那么一切正常。 我有两个文件定义了所有的视图函数( from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.response import Response from functools import wraps def authorized(func): #decorator difnition @wraps(func) def new
I am writing an API using Django REST Framework and I am wondering if can specify permissions per method when using class based views. Reading the documentation I see that is quite easy to do if you are writing function based views, just using the @permission_classes decorator over the function of the views you want to protect with permissions. However, I don't see a way to do the same whe
我正在使用Django REST框架编写一个API,我想知道是否可以在使用基于类的视图时为每个方法指定权限。 如果您正在编写基于功能的视图,阅读我所看到的文档非常容易,只需使用@permission_classes修饰器来覆盖要使用权限保护的视图的功能。 但是,在使用CBV和APIView类时,我没有看到相同的方法,因为那时我使用permission_classes属性指定了完整类的permission_classes ,但是这将应用于所有类方法( get , post , put ...)
I'm currently using the Pyramid web framework and I have it configured with Mako templates. I know that I can render a template as a string from within a view method (Pyramid - Is it possible to render my mako template as a string within my view callable?), however, I was wondering if it is possible to get the actual template object from within a view and not just a function to render the te
我目前正在使用金字塔网页框架,并使用Mako模板进行配置。 我知道我可以在一个视图方法内渲染一个模板作为字符串(金字塔 - 是否可以呈现我的mako模板作为我的视图中的字符串可调用?),但是,我想知道是否有可能得到实际模板对象在视图中,而不只是一个函数来呈现模板。 查看Pyramid源代码,在mako_templating.py中,我看到默认的TemplateLookup类被Pyramid的查找方法覆盖。 无论如何访问这个查找对象主要是因为我可以使用
My goal: In Pyramid, to call another view-callable, and to get a Response object back without knowing any details about that view-callable. In my Pyramid application, say I have a view "foo" which is defined using a view_config decorator: @view_config(route_name="foo", renderer="foo.jinja2") def foo_view(request): return {"whereami" : "foo!"} Now say that I want to
我的目标:在金字塔中,调用另一个视图 - 可调用,并获取Response对象,但不知道该视图的任何细节 - 可调用。 在我的Pyramid应用程序中,假设我有一个使用view_config装饰器定义的视图“foo”: @view_config(route_name="foo", renderer="foo.jinja2") def foo_view(request): return {"whereami" : "foo!"} 现在说我想将“bar”路由到一个视图,该视图暂时执行相同的操作,所以它在内部调用foo_view并返回它