I have spent a week searching and trying different solutions with no luck. I've seen several others having the same problems going back over a year. The issue: Windows 10 Pro build 15063.674 I'm using the latest Anaconda 5 build with Python 3.6.2 and all the packages are updated to most recent. Running Jupyter Notebook, after some time, python will crash with a dialog "pytho
我花了一个星期的时间寻找并尝试不同的解决方案,但没有运气 我已经看到其他几个人在一年内遇到同样的问题。 问题: Windows 10 Pro版本15063.674 我正在使用Python 3.6.2中的最新Anaconda 5版本,并且所有软件包都已更新到最新版本。 运行Jupyter Notebook后,一段时间后,python会崩溃,并显示一个对话框“python has stopped working”。 这似乎发生在笔记本已经打开一段时间之后,但我一直无法精确定位确切的时间。
What exactly is the difference between Python and IPython? If I write code in Python, will it run in IPython as is or does it need to be modified? I know IPython is supposed to be an interactive shell for Python, but is that all? Or is there a language called IPython? If I write something under IPython, will it run in Python, and vice-versa? If there are differences, how do I know what the
Python和IPython究竟有什么区别? 如果我用Python编写代码,它是否会按原样运行在IPython中,还是需要修改? 我知道IPython应该是一个Python的交互式shell,但是这一切吗? 还是有一种叫做IPython的语言? 如果我在IPython下编写某些东西,它是否会以Python运行,反之亦然? 如果有差异,我怎么知道它们是什么? Python使用的所有软件包是否像在IPython中一样工作? ipython是一个用python构建的交互式shell。 从项
Currently I am working on a python project that contains sub modules and uses numpy/scipy. Ipython is used as interactive console. Unfortunately I am not very happy with workflow that I am using right now, I would appreciate some advice. In IPython, the framework is loaded by a simple import command. However, it is often necessary to change code in one of the submodules of the framework. At
目前我正在研究一个包含子模块并使用numpy / scipy的python项目。 Ipython用作交互式控制台。 不幸的是,我对现在使用的工作流程并不满意,我希望能提供一些建议。 在IPython中,框架由一个简单的import命令加载。 但是,通常需要更改框架的某个子模块中的代码。 此时模型已经加载,我使用IPython与它进行交互。 现在,框架包含许多相互依赖的模块,即,当框架最初加载时,主模块正在导入和配置子模块。 只有在使用relo
Is this the cleanest way to write a list to a file, since writelines() doesn't insert newline characters? file.writelines(["%sn" % item for item in list]) It seems like there would be a standard way... EDIT Adding info from Thomas' comment Don't forget to open the file first thefile = open('test.txt', 'w') I'd use a loop: for item in thelist: thefile.
这是将一个列表写入文件的最writelines() ,因为writelines()不会插入换行符? file.writelines(["%sn" % item for item in list]) 似乎会有一个标准的方式... 编辑添加托马斯评论的信息 不要忘记先打开文件 thefile = open('test.txt', 'w') 我会使用一个循环: for item in thelist: thefile.write("%sn" % item) 要么: for item in thelist: print>>thefile, item 如果你热衷于一
I am trying to write a script in Python using OpenCV that will find, track, and output the positions of multiple markers on a person performing an exercise in a video. However, the markers were not properly lit up at the time of video capture, and so as a result they appear the same color as much of the background - an unspectacular, non-reflective grey. This is a problem when it comes to pulli
我正在尝试使用OpenCV在Python中编写脚本,该脚本可以在视频中执行练习的人员中查找,跟踪和输出多个标记的位置。 但是,在拍摄视频时标记没有正确亮起,因此它们显示的颜色与背景颜色相同 - 这是一种不引人注意的非反射性灰色。 当把它们拉出来时,这是一个问题。 即使将图像转换为单纯疱疹病毒,似乎也无法过滤掉周围环境(对象的衣服,墙壁,天花板等),而标记也不会消失。 就发现轮廓而言,在任何特定的框架中发生的事
This question follows up The way to make namespace packages in Python and How do I create a namespace package in Python?. Note PEP 420, and the distribute docs, which state: You must NOT include any other code and data in a namespace package's __init__.py . Even though it may appear to work during development, or when projects are installed as .egg files, it will not work when the projec
这个问题随之而来在Python中制作命名空间包的方式以及如何在Python中创建一个名称空间包? 请注意PEP 420和分发文档,其中声明: 您不得在命名空间包的__init__.py包含任何其他代码和数据。 即使它在开发过程中似乎可以工作,或者当项目以.egg文件的形式安装时,在使用“系统”打包工具安装项目时也不会工作 - 在这种情况下, __init__.py文件将不会安装,请独自执行。 这似乎使得拥有独立分布的扩展子包的“主库”包是不可能
Ok so i've seen dozen of threads like that , but none of them gives a complete answer and everything i tried so far foes not work for me. 1) Script that constantly outputs some data and flusheshs it: import time import sys if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(5): print i, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) 2) Script that calls first script with Popen and sh
好的,所以我见过这么多的线索,但没有一个给出了完整的答案,我试过的所有东西都不适合我。 1)不断输出一些数据并刷新它的脚本: import time import sys if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(5): print i, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) 2)用Popen调用第一个脚本的脚本,应该逐个打印数字,但由于某种原因不打印,并且一次打印出来: import sys import subprocess if __name_
I am trying to let django-compressor working with mezzanine. For first attempt I simply installed django compressor (as should be done for Mezzanine) and changed DEBUG = False but nothing changed in HTML generated from Django. So I followed the docs of django compressor and I modified my settings.py: STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder", #"django.contri
我正试图让django-compressor与夹层一起工作。 对于第一次尝试,我只是安装了django压缩器(应该为Mezzanine完成)并更改了DEBUG = False,但是从Django生成的HTML中没有任何更改。 所以我遵循django压缩机的文档,并修改了我的settings.py: STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder", #"django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder", #'django.contrib.staticfiles.fin
I am trying to run an external application in Python with subprocess.call. From what I've read it subprocess.call isn't supposed to block unless you call Popen.wait, but for me it is blocking until the external application exits. How do I fix this? The code in subprocess is actually pretty simple and readable. Just see the 3.3 or 2.7 version (as appropriate) and you can tell what it&
我正在尝试使用subprocess.call在Python中运行外部应用程序。 从我读过的内容来看,subprocess.call不应该被阻塞,除非你调用Popen.wait,但是对于我来说它会阻塞,直到外部应用程序退出。 我该如何解决? subprocess的代码实际上非常简单易读。 只要看看3.3或2.7版本(如适用),你就可以知道它在做什么。 例如, call如下所示: def call(*popenargs, timeout=None, **kwargs): """Run command with arguments. Wa
I would like to detect overlapping communities in small networks/graphs. By overlapping, I mean that a node can be included within more than one communities/clusters in the output of the detection algorithm. I have looked at various community detection algorithms curretly provided by igraph , but I think none of them handles overlapping communities. Ideally, I would like to be able to progra
我想在小型网络/图表中检测重叠的社区。 通过重叠,我的意思是一个节点可以包含在检测算法输出中的多个社区/群集中。 我查看了许多由igraph提供的社区检测算法,但我认为它们都不处理重叠的社区。 理想情况下,我希望能够以编程方式在Python中使用此类算法的一些实现。 但是,其他语言的实现也可以。 我之前使用igraph的Python接口实现了Ahn等人的层次链接聚类算法; 在这里看到它的源代码。 另外,使用igraph在Python