Thanks to C++11 we received the std::function family of functor wrappers. Unfortunately, I keep hearing only bad things about these new additions. The most popular is that they are horribly slow. I tested it and they truly suck in comparison with templates. #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <string> #include <chrono> template <typename F> float
感谢C ++ 11,我们收到了函数包装器的std::function系列。 不幸的是,我一直听到这些新增加的坏消息。 最流行的是它们非常缓慢。 我测试了它,他们真的很喜欢与模板比较。 #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <string> #include <chrono> template <typename F> float calc1(F f) { return -1.0f * f(3.3f) + 666.0f; } float calc2(std::function<float(float)> f)
I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> template <typename T, typename std::enable_if <std::is_convertible<int, T>::value, T>::type> void func(T a) { std::cout << a << std::endl; } template <typename T, typename std::enable_if <!std::is_convertible
我有以下代码: #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> template <typename T, typename std::enable_if <std::is_convertible<int, T>::value, T>::type> void func(T a) { std::cout << a << std::endl; } template <typename T, typename std::enable_if <!std::is_convertible<int, T&g
I'm trying to implement a DependencyInjectable behavior, and classes that derive from this behavior are able to be injected with the appropriate dependencies upon instantiation. Below I've tried to extract and condense a sample of code from a much larger project to illustrate the problem I am having. It's a little lengthy, and I apologize for that. #include <tuple> #include
我试图实现一个DependencyInjectable行为,从这种行为派生的类能够在实例化时注入适当的依赖关系。 下面我试图从一个更大的项目中提取和压缩代码样本来说明我遇到的问题。 这有点冗长,我为此道歉。 #include <tuple> #include <type_traits> template <typename, typename> struct tuple_has_type; template <typename T> struct tuple_has_type<T, std::tuple<>> : std::false_type {
For some reason the getter methods doesn't work. They are public, so I have no idea what's wrong. for (std::vector<Document>:: const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { cout << it->getName() << endl; counter += it->getLength(); } error: passing 'const Document' as 'this' argument of 'void Document::getName()' discards
由于某些原因,getter方法不起作用。 他们是公开的,所以我不知道什么是错的。 for (std::vector<Document>:: const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { cout << it->getName() << endl; counter += it->getLength(); } 错误:将'const Document'作为'void'的参数传递给'void Document :: getName()'放弃限定符[-fpermissive] cout << it->
I'm trying to change aa tuple of vectors into a vector of tuples (and vice-versa). In having trouble calling the tuple_transpose function. When I call it with one argument I get a no matching function call error: prog.cpp: In function 'int main()': prog.cpp:44:24: error: no matching function for call to 'tuple_transpose(std::tuple >, std::vector > >&)' pro
我试图将一个元组的向量变成一个元组向量(反之亦然)。 无法调用tuple_transpose函数。 当我用一个参数调用它时,我得到一个没有匹配的函数调用错误: prog.cpp:在函数'int main()'中: prog.cpp:44:24:错误:没有匹配函数调用'tuple_transpose(std :: tuple>,std :: vector>>&)' prog.cpp:44:24:注意:候选人是: prog.cpp:30:6:note:template typename transpose :: typ
I want to resize my image the code below works when the image is an IplImage but when i change it into Mat i get these errors: -Cannot convert 'cv::Mat::depth' from type 'int (cv::Mat::)() const' to type 'int'. -Cannot convert 'cv::Mat' to 'const CvArr* {aka const void*}' for argument '1' to 'void cvResize(const CvArr*, CvArr*, int)'. Mat
我想调整我的图像下面的代码工作时,图像是一个IplImage,但当我将它更改为马特我得到这些错误: - 不能转换类型'int(cv :: Mat:深度''cv :: Mat :: depth' :)()const'键入'int'。 - 无法将'cv :: Mat'转换为'const CvArr * {aka const void *}'作为参数'1'到'void cvResize(const CvArr *,CvArr *,int)'。 Mat image=imread("21.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE
I want to know the values in a Vec3b pixel in a Mat image. I'm not really an OpenCV expert.My Vec3b is, and if I print the Vec3b : Vec3b centralIntensity; cx=70; cy=700; centralIntensity = (Vec3b)imgTemp->at<Vec3b>(cx, cy); cout<<"I:["<<cx<<","<<cy<<"]="<<centralIntensity<<endl; I get: I:[70,700]=[150, 162, 160] If i print the single v
我想知道Mat图像中Vec3b像素的值。 我不是一个真正的OpenCV专家。我的Vec3b是,如果我打印Vec3b: Vec3b centralIntensity; cx=70; cy=700; centralIntensity = (Vec3b)imgTemp->at<Vec3b>(cx, cy); cout<<"I:["<<cx<<","<<cy<<"]="<<centralIntensity<<endl; 我得到: I:[70,700] = [150,162,160] 如果我打印单个值: cout<<"***Uchar:["<<cx<<
I have some images that they have dead pixels (or pixels that has bad result) I have raw data (bayered data). How can I detect and fix them using OpenCV? I tried to fix them using a filter on bayer data. In my algorithm, I detect the color of each pixel and if it was green used an X pattern to find neighboring green pixels and if the value of current pixel is more than say 40 of the neighbor
我有一些图像,他们有坏点(或像素结果不好)我有原始数据(bayered数据)。 我如何使用OpenCV检测并修复它们? 我试图用bayer数据上的过滤器修复它们。 在我的算法中,我检测每个像素的颜色,如果它是绿色,则使用X模式来查找相邻的绿色像素,并且如果当前像素的值大于相邻像素的40个像素,则像素值将按相邻像素的平均值像素。 使用+模式对红色和蓝色做同样的事情。 但它没有解决这个问题。 任何可以修复这些坏点的
I have a tif image that has transparent pixels (I can see them in as transparent pixels). I am trying to read them into a Mat in openCV and I am using this code: Mat image=imread(imagePathname,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); auto x=image.channels(); based on I my understanding, since the input image has transparency, channels() should return 4, but it return 3. How can I read a tif imag
我有一个具有透明像素的tif图像(我可以在paint.net中将它们看作透明像素)。 我正在尝试将它们读入openCV中的Mat中,并使用此代码: Mat image=imread(imagePathname,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); auto x=image.channels(); 基于我的理解,由于输入图像具有透明度,所以channels()应返回4,但返回3。 如何读取具有透明像素的tif图像并检查opencv中的像素是否透明? EDIT1 运行imagemagick的结果: Image: layer0003.t
I just want to get my concept clear that - is accessing all the matrix elements of cv::Mat means I am actually accessing all the pixel values of an image (grayscale - 1 channel and for colour - 3 channels)? Like suppose my code for printing the values of matrix of gray scale that is 1 channel image loaded and type CV_32FC1, is as shown below, then does that mean that I am accessing only the memb
我只是想让我的概念清楚 - 访问cv :: Mat的所有矩阵元素意味着我实际上访问图像的所有像素值(灰度 - 1通道和颜色 - 3通道)? 就像我的代码打印加载的1通道图像的灰度矩阵的值和类型CV_32FC1,如下所示,那么这是否意味着我只访问cv :: mat的成员,或者我正在访问图像的像素值(1通道 - 灰度和类型CV_32FC1)也? cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lenna.png"); for(int j=0;j<img.rows;j++) { for (int i=0;i