Use ostream with bases other than 8, 10 and 16

I have a polynomial class, and its natural representation is its coefficients. If a coefficient is set, then its a 1 for binomial basis, 1 or 2 for trinomial basis, etc. For example, in a binomial basis, X2 + 1 is represented as 101; and in a trinomial basis, 2X2 + 1 is represented as 201. The class provides an operator<< overload. Internally, the class represents the coefficients usin


我有一个多项式类,它的自然表示就是它的系数。 如果设置了一个系数,那么它的a 1为二项基础,1或2为三项基础等。例如,在二项基础上,X2 + 1表示为101; 并且在三项基础上,2X2 + 1被表示为201。 该类提供了一个operator<< overload。 在内部,类使用整数阵列表示系数。 所以我应该能够执行: ostringstream oss; for (size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++) oss << v[i]; 我遇到的问题是我不知道如何为8,10和

Making templatized optimization more maintainable

Sometimes a piece of code can be better-optimized by the compiler by using a templatized internal implementation for an invariant. For example, if you have a known number of channels in an image, instead of doing something like: Image::doOperation() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; i j mChannels; j++) { // ... } } }


有时,编译器可以通过对不变量使用模板化内部实现来更好地优化一段代码。 例如,如果您在图片中拥有已知数量的频道,而不是执行如下操作: Image::doOperation() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; i j mChannels; j++) { // ... } } } 你可以这样做: template<unsigned int c> Image::doOperationInternal() { for (unsigned i

C++ TerminateProcess function

I've been searching examples for the Win32 API C++ function TerminateProcess() but couldn't find any. I'm not that familiar with the Win32 API in general and so I wanted to ask if someone here who is better in it than me could show me an example for, Retrieving a process handle by its PID required to terminate it and then call TerminateProcess with it. If you aren't familiar

C ++ TerminateProcess函数

我一直在搜索Win32 API C ++函数TerminateProcess()的示例,但找不到任何示例。 我对Win32 API并不熟悉,所以我想问问在这里比谁更好的人能否给我一个例子, 通过它的PID检索进程句柄来终止它,然后用它调用TerminateProcess。 如果你不熟悉C ++,C#等价物也会有所帮助。 要回答原始问题,为了通过PID检索进程句柄并调用TerminateProcess,需要如下所示的代码: BOOL TerminateProcessEx(DWORD dwProcessId, UINT uEx

Why some Boost functions don't need prefixing with namespace

Consider this code (or the live example): #include <iostream> #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp> #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp> using std::cout; int main() { boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> g; add_edge(0, 1, g); add_edge(1, 2, g); for(auto v : make_iterator_range(vertices(g))) { cout << v <<


考虑这个代码(或现场示例): #include <iostream> #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp> #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp> using std::cout; int main() { boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> g; add_edge(0, 1, g); add_edge(1, 2, g); for(auto v : make_iterator_range(vertices(g))) { cout << v << " has " <

how to erase a row / column?

A novice question as I learn the Rcpp classes / data structures: Is there a member function to erase a row / column for an object of class Rcpp::NumericMatrix ? (Or other types of type **Matrix -- I'm assuming it's a template class)? library(Rcpp) cppFunction(' NumericMatrix sub1 {NumericMatrix x, int& rowID, int& colID) { // let's assume separate functions for rowID or co


作为我学习Rcpp类/数据结构的新手问题:是否有成员函数来擦除类Rcpp::NumericMatrix的对象的行/列? (或其他类型的type **Matrix - 我假设它是一个模板类)? library(Rcpp) cppFunction(' NumericMatrix sub1 {NumericMatrix x, int& rowID, int& colID) { // let's assume separate functions for rowID or colID // but for the example case here x.row(rowID).erase(); // ??? does this type of m

How to easily override multiple overloaded methods?

Let's say I have an interface and a class implementing it, like this: class IPrinter { public: virtual void print(int i, int base = 10) = 0; virtual void print(char c) = 0; virtual void print(char *s) = 0; virtual void print(float f) = 0; virtual void print(double d) = 0; virtual ~IPrinter() = default; private: ... } class Printer : public IPrinter { public:


假设我有一个接口和一个实现它的类,如下所示: class IPrinter { public: virtual void print(int i, int base = 10) = 0; virtual void print(char c) = 0; virtual void print(char *s) = 0; virtual void print(float f) = 0; virtual void print(double d) = 0; virtual ~IPrinter() = default; private: ... } class Printer : public IPrinter { public: void print(int i, int base =

How to "make" c++ code into a library for xcode

To clarify the clarification: I know how to create libraries in Xcode using either obj-c or swift. I know how to use these in projects. I know how to compile these projects so everything works. What I do not know is how to take open source C source code (hehe) and build/make/compile it into a library. Just to clarify everything below: I am looking for a way to use c libraries in a Swift appl

如何将c ++代码制作成xcode库

澄清澄清:我知道如何使用obj-c或swift在Xcode中创建库。 我知道如何在项目中使用它们。 我知道如何编译这些项目,所以一切正常。 我不知道的是如何获取开源C源代码(hehe)并将其编译/编译/编译到库中。 只是澄清下面的所有内容:我正在寻找一种在Swift应用程序中使用c库的方法,这意味着使用Xcode。 C库不一定要用/在Xcode中编译,我很好用其他工具。 我通常编写我自己使用的所有代码,不幸的是我只在Xcode中编写Swift

Write a simple Bootloader HelloWorld

I try to create a simple bootloader which print "hello world". I can do it when I call a function which only print "hello world", but when I call a function to print a specific string, nothing is happening. For it, I use two files. The first one is boot.ld and the second is boot.cpp (it also work in C with boot.c). Firstly, I create the floppy disk from my terminal: d


我尝试创建一个打印“hello world”的简单引导程序。 当我调用一个只打印“hello world”的函数时,我可以这样做,但是当我调用一个函数来打印特定的字符串时,什么也没有发生。 为此,我使用两个文件。 第一个是boot.ld,第二个是boot.cpp(它也可以在C中使用boot.c)。 首先,我从终端上创建软盘: dd if = / dev / zero of = floppy.img bs = 512 count = 2880 其次,我编译代码(boot.cpp和boot.ld): gcc -c -g -

storage duration of underlying character data with user

Quick setup: I want to pass strings around in my program as a pointer and a size. I have a String class and a user-defined literal for constructing literal Strings: struct String { const char *ptr; size_t sz; }; inline constexpr String operator "" _string(const char *s, size_t sz) { return {s, sz}; } int main() { auto s = "hello"_string; s.ptr[0]; //<-- is this access guaranteed to w


快速设置:我想在程序中传递字符串作为指针和大小。 我有一个String类和一个用户定义的文字来构造文字字符串: struct String { const char *ptr; size_t sz; }; inline constexpr String operator "" _string(const char *s, size_t sz) { return {s, sz}; } int main() { auto s = "hello"_string; s.ptr[0]; //<-- is this access guaranteed to work? } 该标准是否指定传递给我的用户定义的文字运算符的参数具

Profiling timer expired when using gperftools with sort

I spent the whole day trying to make gperftools working :/ I tired different libunwind versions but when I successed in installing it I got the following error "Profiling timer expired" whenever I used std::system. main.cpp: #include <cstdlib> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::system("cut -f1 anyExistingFile | sort > newSortedFile"); return 0; } I tired to pe


我花了整整一天的时间试图让Gperftools发挥作用:/ 我厌倦了不同的libunwind版本,但是当我成功安装它时,每当我使用std :: system时,都会收到以下错误“性能分析计时器已过期”。 main.cpp中: #include <cstdlib> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::system("cut -f1 anyExistingFile | sort > newSortedFile"); return 0; } 我厌倦了执行分析如下: $ g++ main.cpp -o myApp -std=c++11 $ env CPU