I have built GCC 4.7 on my x86 32-bit linux system. When I try to cross-compile with the -m64 flag I get sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in while the compiler provided by default by my Linux distribution can cross-compile with -m64. What do I have to pass to ./configure to enable the 64bit mode in GCC? These are the options I used to build GCC 4.7: $ /usr/local/bin/g++ -v
我在我的x86 32位Linux系统上构建了GCC 4.7。 当我尝试用我得到的-m64标志进行交叉编译时 抱歉,未实现:未编译的64位模式 而我的Linux发行版默认提供的编译器可以用-m64进行交叉编译。 我必须传递给./configure以在GCC中启用64位模式? 这些是我用来构建GCC 4.7的选项: $ /usr/local/bin/g++ -v Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=/usr/local/bin/g++ COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/local/libexec/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/
I had a function which looked like this (showing only the important part): double CompareShifted(const std::vector<uint16_t>& l, const std::vector<uint16_t> &curr, int shift, int shiftY) { ... for(std::size_t i=std::max(0,-shift);i<max;i++) { if ((curr[i] < 479) && (l[i + shift] < 479)) { nontopOverlap++; } ... } ... } Written like
我有一个看起来像这样的功能(仅显示重要部分): double CompareShifted(const std::vector<uint16_t>& l, const std::vector<uint16_t> &curr, int shift, int shiftY) { ... for(std::size_t i=std::max(0,-shift);i<max;i++) { if ((curr[i] < 479) && (l[i + shift] < 479)) { nontopOverlap++; } ... } ... } 这样写的,功能在我的机器上花了约34ms。
The following describes the issue and what I did to "correct" them. This runtime event required a few hours of time to resolve. As the site is one of my favorite sources of information, thought this might benefit someone. I am sure this exception was created by my misunderstanding of QObjectCleanupHandler. Any constructive comments on a practical implementation of QObjectCleanupHan
以下描述了这个问题以及我做了什么来“纠正”它们。 此运行时事件需要几个小时的时间来解决。 由于该网站是我最喜欢的信息来源之一,因此认为这可能会使某人受益。 我确信这个异常是由于我对QObjectCleanupHandler的误解而产生的。 对于QObjectCleanupHandler实际实现的任何建设性意见将不胜感激。 - 将QObjectCleanupHandler与QPointer <>添加到MDI子窗口和一个工人类。 运行DEBUG应用程序。 在运行结束时:
So I've been following a tutorial for making a stack in C++ (here), and I believe I copied his code line for line, but I keep getting this unhandled exception error. I was thinking it had something to do with a pointer, but after scouring my program I can't identify any pointer that is being accessed inappropriately. The exact error message is: "Unhandled exception at 0x00D45446 in
所以我一直在关注在C ++中创建堆栈的教程(这里),并且我相信我复制了他的代码行以用于行,但是我一直得到这个未处理的异常错误。 我认为这与指针有关,但是在完成我的程序后,我无法识别任何不适当地访问的指针。 确切的错误消息是:“Project50.exe中0x00D45446未处理的异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突读取位置0x00000014。” 程序输出是第4次推送,但前三次都没有(屏幕上出现的内容除了空格应该是虚线,但是这会导致文章格式变
I've got a kind of curious problem here, and to be quite honest I have no idea what's causing it. For whatever reason, when I debug my application from Qt Creator my application runs just fine without any exceptions, but when I only run the application, I get a write access violation exception (as follows) (1f68.1ea8): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) Exception at 0x77
我在这里遇到了一个奇怪的问题,说实话,我不知道是什么原因造成的。 无论出于何种原因,当我从Qt Creator调试我的应用程序时,我的应用程序运行良好,没有任何异常,但是当我仅运行应用程序时,出现写访问冲突异常(如下所示) (1f68.1ea8):访问冲突 - 代码c0000005(第一次机会) 0x77da2073处的异常,代码:0xc0000005:在ntdll!中写入访问冲突:0x1,flags = 0x0!RtlpLowFragHeapFree 在任何异常处理之前报告第
I have Agent installed on remote machine, this agent behave like process works in background, the process open socket connection with port number. The problem: this agent was exploited by security company, I am as QA want to find the problem for fix it. I have Perl script that able to connect to the agent by socket connection and send some data to let the agent be : (db8.dc4): Access violat
我在远程机器上安装了代理,此代理的行为类似于后台的进程,此进程通过端口号打开套接字连接。 问题: 这个代理被安全公司利用,我正在作为QA想找到修复它的问题。 我有Perl脚本,它能够通过套接字连接连接到代理并发送一些数据以使代理成为:(db8.dc4):访问冲突 - 代码c0000005(第一次机会)。 如何在使用脚本发送数据时调试流程以查找访问冲突的此消息。 也许使用:windbg或Immunity Debugger? 异常详情:
I'm having a debate with a co-worker about throwing exceptions from constructors, and thought I would like some feedback. Is it ok to throw exceptions from constructors, from a design point of view? Lets say I'm wrapping a posix mutex in a class, it would look something like this: class Mutex { public: Mutex() { if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, 0) != 0) { throw MutexIn
我正在与同事讨论有关从构造函数中抛出异常的问题,并认为我希望得到一些反馈。 从设计的角度来看,可以从构造函数中抛出异常吗? 假设我在课堂上包装了一个posix互斥体,它看起来像这样: class Mutex { public: Mutex() { if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, 0) != 0) { throw MutexInitException(); } } ~Mutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_); } void lock() { if (pthrea
Strange program hang, what does this mean in debug? After attaching windbg I found the following: (1714.258): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. This exception may be expected and handled. eax=015b5c74 ebx=178a13e0 ecx=dddddddd edx=009a8ca0 esi=09fbf698 edi=09fbf594 eip=005ae2f7 esp=09fbf4a4 ebp=09fbf594 iopl=0
奇怪的程序挂起,这在调试中意味着什么? 附上windbg后,我发现以下内容: (1714.258): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. This exception may be expected and handled. eax=015b5c74 ebx=178a13e0 ecx=dddddddd edx=009a8ca0 esi=09fbf698 edi=09fbf594 eip=005ae2f7 esp=09fbf4a4 ebp=09fbf594 iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na pe
Most people say never throw an exception out of a destructor - doing so results in undefined behavior. Stroustrup makes the point that "the vector destructor explicitly invokes the destructor for every element. This implies that if an element destructor throws, the vector destruction fails... There is really no good way to protect against exceptions thrown from destructors, so the library m
大多数人说永远不会从析构函数中抛出异常 - 这样做会导致未定义的行为。 Stroustrup指出:“向量析构函数明确地为每个元素调用析构函数,这意味着如果一个元素析构函数抛出,向量销毁失败......真的没有什么好办法来防止从析构函数中抛出异常,所以库如果元素析构函数抛出不作任何保证“(来自附录E3.2)。 这篇文章似乎另有说法 - 抛出析构函数或多或少都可以。 所以我的问题是 - 如果从析构函数中抛出导致未定义的行为,那
I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <complex> using namespace std; int main() { complex<int> delta; complex<int> mc[4] = {0}; for(int di = 0; di < 4; di++, delta = mc[di]) { cout << di << endl; } return 0; } I expect it to output "0, 1, 2, 3" and stop, but it outputs an endless series of "0,
我有以下代码: #include <iostream> #include <complex> using namespace std; int main() { complex<int> delta; complex<int> mc[4] = {0}; for(int di = 0; di < 4; di++, delta = mc[di]) { cout << di << endl; } return 0; } 我期望它输出“0,1,2,3”并停止,但它会输出一系列无限的“0,1,2,3,4,5 ......” 看起来比较di<4不能很好地工作,并