I trying to get started with Google Perf Tools to profile some CPU intensive applications. It's a statistical calculation that dumps each step to a file using `ofstream'. I'm not a C++ expert so I'm having troubling finding the bottleneck. My first pass gives results: Total: 857 samples 357 41.7% 41.7% 357 41.7% _write$UNIX2003 134 15.6% 57.3% 134 15
我试图开始使用Google Perf Tools来分析一些CPU密集型应用程序。 这是一个统计计算,使用`ofstream'将每个步骤转储到一个文件。 我不是C ++专家,所以我很难找到瓶颈。 我的第一回合给出了结果: Total: 857 samples 357 41.7% 41.7% 357 41.7% _write$UNIX2003 134 15.6% 57.3% 134 15.6% _exp$fenv_access_off 109 12.7% 70.0% 276 32.2% scythe::dnorm 103 12.0% 82.0
I am trying to compile simple PjSIP program under ubuntu. I am getting error as /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpjsua-i686-pc-linux-gnu What does it mean? Here is the ouput:- root@mypc-desktop:/home/mypc/pjsip# make gcc -o myapp myapp.cpp -DPJ_AUTOCONF=1 -O2 -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjlib/include -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjlib-util/include -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjnath/include -
我想在ubuntu下编译简单的PjSIP程序。 我遇到了错误 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpjsua-i686-pc-linux-gnu 这是什么意思? 这里是输出: - root @ mypc-desktop:/ home / mypc / pjsip#make gcc -o myapp myapp.cpp -DPJ_AUTOCONF=1 -O2 -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjlib/include -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjlib-util/include -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjnath/include -I/home/mypc/pjproject-1.4.5/pjm
So I'm trying to come up with a simple data structure that would have shop chains, their shop locations and the products & their prices. The solution I wanted to try for it was following, but because I forgot that C++ does not support dynamic naming it did not work. Can I somehow alter this logic into something that C++ can handle? Example vector containing the data I want to save to
所以我试图想出一个简单的数据结构,它将有连锁店,他们的商店位置和产品及其价格。 我想尝试的解决方案如下,但因为我忘记了C ++不支持动态命名,它不起作用。 我能以某种方式将这个逻辑变成C ++可以处理的东西吗? 包含我想要保存到我的数据结构中的数据的示例向量就像这样 {"chain_nameX", "location_nameX", "product_nameX", product_priceX} 前3个条目将是字符串,最后一个将是一个int或一个字符串(如果产品缺货,
I'm developing some programs with c/c++ in Linux. my question is: I have an upper-level class called Vault, inside of which there are an OrderMap which uses unordered_map as data structure and a OrderBook, which has 2 std::list in side. Both the OrderMap and OrderBook stores Order* as the element, they share an Order object which is allocated on heap. So either the OrderBook or the Orde
我正在Linux中用c / c ++开发一些程序。 我的问题是: 我有一个名为Vault的上层类,里面有一个OrderMap,它使用unordered_map作为数据结构,一个OrderBook,其中有两个std :: list。 OrderMap和OrderBook都存储Order *作为元素,它们共享一个Order对象,该对象在堆上分配。 所以无论是OrderBook还是OrderMap都会修改其中的顺序。 我有两个线程会对它们执行读写操作。 2个线程可以插入/修改/检索(读取)/删除元素。
This question already has an answer here: Where are static variables stored (in C/C++)? 16 answers a static array (declared at a global scope or in a namespace) will be placed in the data segment. A local array declared inside a function scope will be placed on the stack. int g_global_array[2] = {4,5,6}; //Data Segment int main() { int local_array[3] = {1,2,3}; //Stack static i
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态变量存储在哪里(在C / C ++中)? 16个答案 静态数组(在全局范围或名称空间中声明)将被放置在数据段中。 在函数范围内声明的本地数组将被放置在堆栈上。 int g_global_array[2] = {4,5,6}; //Data Segment int main() { int local_array[3] = {1,2,3}; //Stack static int s_static = 10; //Also in the Data Segment (static) return 0; } (和普通老C一样) h
To give a little background i have three main classes Customer, Tours, Hires. Customer will have basic customer data in its constructor such as customer name, customer ID. Tour which is a base class for GuidedTours has similar data. Hires is a class which has details for equipment which can be hired by customer Main question We are required to read data for all these classes from large
为了给我一点背景,我有三个主要类别客户,旅游,雇用。 客户将在其构造函数中包含基本客户数据,例如客户名称,客户ID。 作为GuidedTours基础教学之旅具有类似的数据。 招聘是一个具有可供客户雇用的设备的细节的类 主要问题 我们需要从大型文本文件中读取所有这些类的数据,并基本上将它们存储在不同的数据结构Map,List,Vector中,以对所有这些数据结构进行性能界限检查。 所以我可以看到它的工作,但最让我困惑
I'm having a situation in C++ (on Windows) where I need to keep a set of pair of int: pair where start values are unique (we need not be concerned with this). The operations required are: insert pair retrieve pair X: this should return the pair Y where Y's start < X's start < X's end < Y's end. If Y doesn't exist, return false. The basic solution is to sim
我在C ++(在Windows)中遇到了一些情况,我需要保留一组int:pair对,其中起始值是唯一的(我们不需要担心这一点)。 所需的操作是: 插入对 检索对X:这应该返回Y对,其中Y的开始<X的开始<X的结束<Y的结束。 如果Y不存在,则返回false。 基本的解决方案是简单地保留一组配对。 为了检索,我们将依次遍历该集来检查。 这是O(n)。 我正在寻找更好的解决方案。 我目前看到2个候选数据结构: 排序的矢量
How do I do that? Like you know in Java, you can use an ArrayList and it will take any object as long as you cast it down to whatever it is when you're retrieving the object. Even better, you can specify what class of objects that ArrayList would store by doing... new ArrayList()< whateverObject > I've implemented a linked list data structure in C++ and I'd like to know h
我怎么做? 就像你在Java中所知道的那样,你可以使用一个ArrayList,并且只要你把它转换成任何对象就可以了。 更好的是,你可以指定ArrayList将要存储的对象类别...... 新的ArrayList()<whateverObject> 我已经在C ++中实现了一个链表数据结构,我想知道如何允许它执行此操作。 目前,我只是使用... typedef whateverObject ItemType 在我的链表的头文件开始处,然后在整个链表的实现中操作“ItemType”。
I have this simple code: struct Base { Base(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy){} bool operator<(const Base& b) const {return (x < b.x) || (x==b.x && y < b.y);} int x; int y; }; struct D1 : Base { D1(int x, int y) : Base(x, y){} }; struct D2 : Base { D2(int x = 0, int y = 0) : Base(x, y){} }; void test() { std::set<D1> s1; std::set<D2&
我有这个简单的代码: struct Base { Base(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy){} bool operator<(const Base& b) const {return (x < b.x) || (x==b.x && y < b.y);} int x; int y; }; struct D1 : Base { D1(int x, int y) : Base(x, y){} }; struct D2 : Base { D2(int x = 0, int y = 0) : Base(x, y){} }; void test() { std::set<D1> s1; std::set<D2>
In response to discussion in Cross-platform strings (and Unicode) in C++ How to deal with Unicode strings in C/C++ in a cross-platform friendly way? I'm trying to assign a UTF-8 string to a std::string variable in Visual Studio 2010 environment std::string msg = "महसुस"; However, when I view the string view debugger, I only see "?????" I have the file saved as U
回应中的讨论 C ++中的跨平台字符串(和Unicode) 如何以跨平台友好的方式处理C / C ++中的Unicode字符串? 我试图在Visual Studio 2010环境中将UTF-8字符串分配给std::string变量 std::string msg = "महसुस"; 但是,当我查看字符串视图调试器时,我只看到“?????” 我将文件保存为Unicode(带有签名的UTF-8),并且我使用字符集“use unicode character set” “महसुस”是一种尼泊尔语言,它包含5个字符,将占