I'm using Eclipse with CDT for C++ development. However, I'm forced to use ASCII-symbols in paths to my source files to succesfully debug my programs. When source files are located in folders with non-English characters in their names, Eclipse gives an error: Can't find a source file at "/home/321202320265321201321202/1.cpp" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path
我使用Eclipse和CDT进行C ++开发。 但是,我不得不在我的源文件的路径中使用ASCII符号来成功地调试我的程序。 当源文件位于名称中包含非英文字符的文件夹中时,Eclipse会提供一个错误: 在“/home/321202320265321201321202/1.cpp”中找不到源文件。找到该文件或编辑源查找路径以包含其位置。 是否有任何选项可以使Eclipse进行适当的Unicode处理? 也许把你的代码移动到一个位于根目录的工作空间,就像在/workspace/projec
I ask this question following the issue I raised here. The point is quite simple. Suppose you have two classes of this kind: template < class Derived > class Base { ... operator const Derived&() const { return static_cast< const Derived& >(*this); } ... }; class Specialization : public Base<Specialization> { ... }; Then suppose you have a type conversion like
我在这里提出的问题之后问这个问题。 这点很简单。 假设你有两类这种类型: template < class Derived > class Base { ... operator const Derived&() const { return static_cast< const Derived& >(*this); } ... }; class Specialization : public Base<Specialization> { ... }; 那么假设你有这样一个类型转换: template < class T > functionCall( const Base<T>&
In a C++ program, using std::ifstream, I'm attempting to open a user-specified file -- so far so good. However, I accidentally entered a filename that's actually a directory, and I was quite surprised to see that attempting to open() that directory didn't generate any errors. Here's a minimal example: std::ifstream f; f.open(".."); if(!f.is_open() || !f.good() || f.bad() || f.
在一个C ++程序中,使用std :: ifstream,我试图打开一个用户指定的文件 - 到目前为止非常好。 但是,我不小心输入了一个实际上是一个目录的文件名,我很惊讶地发现尝试打开()该目录没有产生任何错误。 这是一个最简单的例子: std::ifstream f; f.open(".."); if(!f.is_open() || !f.good() || f.bad() || f.fail()) { std::cout << "error bit set on open" << std::endl; return 1; } 这里没有错
I'm looking for a (working) example for externally serializing a class-structure in a DLL. Currently I'm not able to find any examples for that. The Boost documentation is just stating some macros, the forums and newsgroups are just discussing specific problems with their solutions. So I'm asking for an example for (externally) serializing a class-structure like the following. Al
我正在寻找一个(工作)示例,用于在DLL中外部序列化类结构。 目前我无法找到任何示例。 Boost文档只是陈述一些宏,论坛和新闻组只是在讨论他们的解决方案的具体问题。 所以我要求一个(外部)序列化类结构的例子,如下所示。 与类代码一起,我添加了一些我的序列化代码(这不起作用,请参阅底部的错误消息)。 class Foo { public: Foo() { number_ = 0; } virtual ~Foo() {} int getNumber() { return numbe
I'm trying to use the C++11 emplace() function of a map, but NetBeans says a map has no such function. Looking at the headers, it's "right" - there is no mention (on Fedora 16) of emplace(). Which is all well and good, you know... but I kinda wanna use emplace(). How do I go about enabling this functionality? I know for a fact that it's existed since March of last year,
我正在尝试使用地图的C ++ 11 emplace()函数,但NetBeans说地图没有这样的功能。 看看头文件,这是“正确的” - 没有提到(在Fedora 16上)emplace()。 这是一切都很好,你知道...但我有点想使用emplace()。 我如何去启用这个功能? 我知道自从去年3月以来它已经存在,可能更早。 彻底的搜索表明,emplace()基本上只存在于我的系统中的列表和向量的标题中。 由于近十年来对C ++的重大修改,我没有找到有关如果库“错
I am about to start some work on Axis/C. I have a fair idea of C and webservices separately. I am also fairly ok with *nix. Can someone tell me about the complexity related to creating a webservice with support for MIME/DIME and MTOM with Axis/C? The webservice will be invoked from Java as well as C++ clients. Does Axis/C have any known limitations in this regard? What are the best starti
我即将开始一些关于Axis / C的工作。 我对C和Web服务分别有一个公平的想法。 我对* nix也很满意。 有人可以告诉我有关创建web服务的复杂性,支持MIME / DIME和MTOM与Axis / C吗? web服务将从Java以及C ++客户端调用。 Axis / C在这方面是否有任何已知的限制? 一般学习Axis / C和MTOM等学习的最佳起点是什么? 特别是支持。 对于这个问题,我会建议针对Apache Axis / C或Axis2c。 这两个项目都缺乏积极的发展和会员
I'm trying to understand how C++03 emulation of unique_ptr is implemented. unique_ptr is quite like std::auto_ptr but safer. It spits out compiler errors in cases where auto_ptr would have transferred ownership implicitly (ie, silently). For example, a simple assignment. Function move is the key behind emulated unique_ptr's safety. Questions: Why are there three move functions?
我试图了解C ++ 03仿真unique_ptr是如何实现的。 unique_ptr很像std :: auto_ptr,但更安全。 它会在auto_ptr隐式转移所有权的情况下(即,无提示)抛出编译器错误。 例如,一个简单的分配。 功能move是仿真unique_ptr安全性的关键。 问题: 为什么有三个移动功能? 接受引用并将其转换为右值的第三个移动函数按以下方式实现(简化)。 T move(T &t) { return T(detail_unique_ptr::rv<T>(t)); } 在上
While working on my own type erasure iterator, I ran into an issue where the compiler (MSVC10) crashed with a stack overflow on this code: struct base {}; //In actual code, this is a template struct that holds data template<class category, class valuetype> struct any; //In actual code, this is abstract base struct template<class basetype, class category, class valuetype>
在处理我自己的类型擦除迭代器时,遇到了编译器(MSVC10)在此代码上发生堆栈溢出的问题: struct base {}; //In actual code, this is a template struct that holds data template<class category, class valuetype> struct any; //In actual code, this is abstract base struct template<class basetype, class category, class valuetype> struct from; //In actual code, this is function defin
Do I have to compile GStreamer on my own? Can I do it using Visual Studio 2010? I'm struggling to find a good step-by-step guide with instructions on how to do this. Is there a good one? My objective is to build applications using QtGstreamer on VS2010. 这个链接提供了一个使用Visual Studio编译GStreamer的完整方法,这个是编译QtGstreamer。 Download the GStreamer libraries and headers for
我是否必须自己编译GStreamer ? 我可以使用Visual Studio 2010吗? 我正在努力寻找一个好的分步指南,并指导如何做到这一点。 有好的吗? 我的目标是在VS2010上使用QtGstreamer构建应用程序。 这个链接提供了一个使用Visual Studio编译GStreamer的完整方法,这个是编译QtGstreamer。 下载GStreamer库和Windows头文件。 把它们放在一个文件夹中。 将文件夹的路径添加到您的Include Directories和Library Directories
In the following code, which I found here: http://bloglitb.blogspot.com/2010/07/access-to-private-members-thats-easy.html it appears to step right across C++'s private access specifier. It allows me to call private functions and read/write private data members. Searching SO found this related issue which was a confirmed GCC compiler bug c++ template seems to break access specifiers
在下面的代码中,我在这里找到: http://bloglitb.blogspot.com/2010/07/access-to-private-members-thats-easy.html 它似乎跨越了C ++的私有访问说明符。 它允许我调用私有函数并读取/写入私有数据成员。 搜索发现这个相关的问题,这是一个确认的GCC编译器错误 c ++模板似乎打破了访问说明符 所以我很自然地尝试使用那个人的测试代码。 有趣的是我的gcc 4.5编译器确实有这个bug(它接受代码并打印私人信息),尽管