I have a multithreaded application, with an loop waiting for user input as main thread. On the correct input, it is supposed to stop the loop and wait for all other threads, to end propperly. For this purpose I created an std::list in which I put the std::future objects created for thread creation std::list<std::future<int>> threads; threads.emplace_front(std::async(std::launch::a
我有一个多线程应用程序,有一个循环等待用户输入作为主线程。 在正确的输入上,它应该停止循环并等待所有其他线程,以便正常结束。 为此,我创建了一个std :: list,其中放置了为创建线程而创建的std :: future对象 std::list<std::future<int>> threads; threads.emplace_front(std::async(std::launch::async, ...)); 我觉得,让列表超出范围,应该阻塞,直到所有线程都返回它们的主函数,因为列表析构函数
I am trying to run a loop until the user chooses to break out of it. Whether the user wants to run the function all night or for just a few seconds the loop should repeat until the user decides to stop it. In researching solutions I came across using two threads to achieve this. The first thread would run the infinite loop while the second thread waited for user input. Upon receiving that in
我试图运行一个循环,直到用户选择摆脱它。 无论用户是想要整夜运行还是仅需几秒钟,循环都应该重复,直到用户决定停止。 在研究解决方案时,我遇到了使用两个线程来实现这一点。 第一个线程将运行无限循环,而第二个线程等待用户输入。 在收到该输入后,第二个线程将终止第一个线程,然后返回。 我如何使用第二个线程来终止第一个线程? #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> #in
Maybe I'm missing the correct usage of the new std::async in C++11, however this statement (over at cppreference.com): If the async flag is set (ie policy & std::launch::async != 0), then async executes the function f on a separate thread of execution as if spawned by std::thread(f, args...), except that if the function f returns a value or throws an exception, it is stored in the share
也许我错过了C ++ 11中新std::async的正确用法,但是这个语句(在cppreference.com上): 如果设置了异步标志(即policy&std :: launch :: async!= 0),那么异步在独立的执行线程上执行函数f,就好像由std :: thread(f,args ...) ,除了如果函数f返回一个值或抛出一个异常,它将被存储在通过std :: future访问的共享状态中,异步返回给调用者。 让我觉得我的线程应该立即开始这个声明: std::async(std::launch::async
I wonder how setevent is handled internally within Windows. I have the following situation Std::thread thread loop which executes while std::atomic == true Inside the loop is a waitforsingleObject which sleeps infinite in alertable state. A function stopThread() which does the following: - Clears the atomic bool - Calls Setevent on the event object - Calls thread.join This often hangs, I
我想知道在Windows内部如何处理setevent。 我有以下情况 Std :: thread线程循环,它执行时std :: atomic == true循环内部是一个waitforsingleObject,它以可警告状态休眠无限。 一个函数stopThread(),它执行以下操作: - 清除原子布尔值 - 在事件对象上调用Setevent - 调用thread.join 这经常会挂起,我得到的印象是setevent在当前线程中仍有一些工作要做,而加入阻止当前线程。 如果我在waitforsinlgleObject之后
I have a program starting an std::thread doing the following: sleep X, execute a function, terminate. create std::thread(Xms, &func) wait Xms then do func() end I was wondering if I could for example send a signal to my std::thread in order to instantly break the sleep and do func, then quit. Do I need to send the signal to std::thread::id in order to perform this? my thread is la
我有一个程序启动一个std ::线程执行以下操作:sleep X,执行一个函数,终止。 create std::thread(Xms, &func) wait Xms then do func() end 我想知道是否可以例如发送一个信号给我的std ::线程,以便立即打破睡眠并做func,然后退出。 我是否需要将信号发送到std :: thread :: id才能执行此操作? 我的线程以这种方式启动,并带有一个lambda函数: template<typename T, typename U> void
I'm using vc2011 and it turns out the std::async(std::launch::async, ... ) is a bit buggy (sometimes it does not spawn new threads and runs them in parallel, but instead reuses threads and runs task one after another). This is too slow when I'm doing expensive network calls. So I figured I'd write my own async function. I'm getting stuck though, where should std::promise live?
我使用的是vc2011,事实证明std :: async(std :: launch :: async,...)是有点bug的(有时它不会产生新的线程并且并行地运行它们,而是重用线程和一个接一个地运行任务)。 当我进行昂贵的网络通话时,这太慢了。 所以我想我会写我自己的异步功能。 我陷入困境,但应该在哪里::承诺住? 在1)线程函数中,2)异步函数或3)调用者函数。 码: #include <future> #include <thread> #include <iostream>
I have some question about behavior of std::async function with std::launch::async policy & std::future object returned from async. In following code, main thread waits for the completion of foo() on the thread created by async call. #include <thread> #include <future> #include <iostream> void foo() { std::cout << "foo:begin" << std::endl; std::this_threa
我有一些关于std::launch::async policy& std::future对象从异步返回的std::async函数的行为的问题。 在下面的代码中,主线程等待由async调用创建的线程完成foo() 。 #include <thread> #include <future> #include <iostream> void foo() { std::cout << "foo:begin" << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)); std::cout << "foo:done" << s
Updated, see below! I have heard and read that C++0x allows an compiler to print "Hello" for the following snippet #include <iostream> int main() { while(1) ; std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl; } It apparently has something to do with threads and optimization capabilities. It looks to me that this can surprise many people though. Does someone have a go
更新,见下文! 我听说过,C ++ 0x允许编译器在下面的代码片段中打印“Hello” #include <iostream> int main() { while(1) ; std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl; } 它显然与线程和优化功能有关。 在我看来,这可以让很多人感到惊讶。 有人能够很好的解释为什么这是必要的吗? 作为参考,最新的C ++ 0x草案在6.5/5 循环,在for语句的for-init语句之外, 没有调用库I / O函数,并且 不
My game engine consists of a range of loosely coupled modules, which can be loaded and unloaded. Some examples are: The base module, handling window management and responding to OS events, entity manager, Lua manager, physics manager. Right now, these modules are organized as namespaces, and their state is defined through local variables in the respective source files. Each of the namespaces
我的游戏引擎由一系列松散耦合的模块组成,可以加载和卸载。 一些示例是:基本模块,处理窗口管理和响应操作系统事件,实体管理器,Lua管理器,物理管理器。 现在,这些模块被组织为名称空间,它们的状态通过各自源文件中的局部变量来定义。 每个名称空间都有一个Open(),Close()和Update()函数。 现在,我不再喜欢使用命名空间的解决方案。 它不够灵活 即使实际上可能不需要它,但具有创建模块的多个实例的普
I have a height map for an image, which tells me the offset of each pixel in the Z direction. My goal is to flatten a distorted image using only it's height map. How would I go about doing this? I know the position of the camera, if that helps. To do this, I was thinking about assuming that each pixel was a point on a plane, and then to translate each of those points vertically accordin
我有一个图像的高度图,它告诉我每个像素在Z方向上的偏移量。 我的目标是只使用它的高度图平整扭曲的图像。 我会如何去做这件事? 如果有帮助,我知道相机的位置。 为此,我考虑假定每个像素都是平面上的一个点,然后根据我从高度图获得的Z值以及该翻译的垂直平移(假设您正在寻找在上面的点;转变将导致点从你的角度来回移动)。 从这个预测的转变中,我可以提取每个像素的X和Y偏移量,我可以将它提供给cv.Remap() 。