I'm creating a win32 application and initialized my statusbar width variables in my WM_CREATE switch case. case WM_CREATE: { int statwidths[] = { 200, -1 }; } break; I would like to access statwidths[ 0 ] in my WM_SIZE switch case as that number will be used to determine the size of the rest of my windows in my program. case WM_SIZE: { int OpenDocumentWidth = statwidths[ 0
我创建了一个win32应用程序,并在WM_CREATE开关的情况下初始化了我的状态栏宽度变量。 case WM_CREATE: { int statwidths[] = { 200, -1 }; } break; 我想在我的WM_SIZE开关案例中访问statwidths [0],因为该编号将用于确定我的程序中其余窗口的大小。 case WM_SIZE: { int OpenDocumentWidth = statwidths[ 0 ]; } break; 有没有办法做到这一点? 它们在同一个文件中都在同一个switch语句中。 如果
Can someone please explain why pointers aren't initialized to NULL ? Example: void test(){ char *buf; if (!buf) // whatever } The program wouldn't step inside the if because buf is not null. I would like to know why, in what case do we need a variable with trash on, specially pointers addressing the trash on the memory? We all realize that pointer (and other
有人可以解释为什么指针没有初始化为NULL ? 例: void test(){ char *buf; if (!buf) // whatever } 如果因为buf不为null,程序将不会进入if。 我想知道为什么,在什么情况下我们需要一个带有垃圾的变量,特别是指向内存垃圾的指针? 我们都知道指针(和其他POD类型)应该被初始化。 那么问题就变成了“谁应该初始化它们”。 那么基本上有两种方法: 编译器初始化它们。 开发者初始化它们
In my mind, always, definition means storage allocation. In the following code, int i allocates a 4-byte (typically) storage on program stack and bind it to i , and i = 3 assigns 3 to that storage. But because of goto , definition is bypassed which means there is no storage allocated for i . I heard that local variables are allocated either at the entry of the function ( f() in this case) wh
在我看来,定义总是意味着存储分配。 在下面的代码中, int i在程序堆栈上分配一个4字节(通常)存储并将其绑定到i ,并且i = 3将该存储分配给3。 但由于goto ,定义被绕过,这意味着没有为i分配存储空间。 我听说局部变量被分配在函数的入口f()在这种情况下是f() ),或者在定义点。 但无论哪种方式,如何i可以当它尚未(无存储所有)定义的使用呢? 执行i = 3时分配给值3的值在哪里? void f() { goto label;
In the switch-case statements declaration-with-initialization is invalid but declaration-and-then-assignment is allowed. As shown in the following code snippet. What is difference between these two type of initializations from the compiler side? And why is the first type of initialization invalid and second type a valid one. switch(val) { case 0: int newVal = 42; //Invalid break;
在switch-case语句中,带初始化的 声明是无效的,但声明和然后赋值是允许的。 如以下代码片段所示。 这两种类型的编译器初始化有什么区别? 为什么第一种类型的初始化无效,第二种类型是有效的。 switch(val) { case 0: int newVal = 42; //Invalid break; case 1: int newVal2; //Valid newVal2 = 42; break; case 2: break; } 实际上,规则是您不能通过具有初始化的声明(或超过非POD类型变
I have a basic function I made in C++: int __cedcl add(int a, int b){ return a + b; } For practice, I did my best at reversing it in IDA. Here is my result: push ebp ; Store EBP Register mov ebp, esp ; Adjust EBP to be Stack Pointer (Becomes reference to paramaters and such) sub esp, 0C0h ; Allocate C0h Space on Stack push ebx ; Save E
我有一个我在C ++中创建的基本函数: int __cedcl add(int a, int b){ return a + b; } 为了实践,我尽我所能在IDA中扭转了它。 这是我的结果: push ebp ; Store EBP Register mov ebp, esp ; Adjust EBP to be Stack Pointer (Becomes reference to paramaters and such) sub esp, 0C0h ; Allocate C0h Space on Stack push ebx ; Save EBX register push es
I am having trouble understanding how the push and pop works with stacks. I understand how they work as in they push a number let's say onto the stack and the last number pushed on would be popped off. I also understand the logic behind pointers and how they work. What I do not understand is how the code is supposed to be written. My program is supposed to let the user create a stack (de
我无法理解push和pop如何与栈一起工作。 我明白他们是如何工作的,因为他们推动一个号码让我们说到堆栈上,并且推出的最后一个号码将被弹出。 我也理解指针背后的逻辑以及它们如何工作。 我不明白的是代码应该如何编写。 我的程序应该让用户创建一个堆栈(确定它的大小),然后选择将堆栈上的内存(数字)推出或弹出。 这是我到目前为止,我卡住了。 我已经通过cplusplus.com进行了研究,并阅读了关于这些东西的几乎所有
The problem I have is that I want to create a generic command line application that can be used to load a library DLL and then call a function in the library DLL. The function name is specified on the command line with the arguments also provided on the utility command line. I can access the external function from a DLL dynamically loaded using the LoadLibrary() function. Once the library is
我遇到的问题是我想要创建一个通用的命令行应用程序,可用于加载库DLL,然后调用库DLL中的函数。 函数名称在命令行中指定,参数也在实用程序命令行中提供。 我可以从使用LoadLibrary()函数动态加载的DLL访问外部函数。 一旦库被加载,我可以使用GetProcAddress()获得指向函数的指针,我想用命令行中指定的参数调用该函数。 我可以通过类似于下面的例子的LoadLibrary()函数返回一个void-pointer-list到函数指针吗? 为了
/* // this is the trigger definition CREATE TEMPORARY TRIGGER 'insertTrigger' INSTEAD OF INSERT ON 'foo' BEGIN SELECT bar(NEW.id, NEW.timestamp); " END; //*/ void insert(sqlite3 *db, char *id, char *timestamp, void *context){ exec_query(db, "INSERT INTO foo(id,timestamp) VALUES(?,?)", id, timestamp); } void bar(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){ char *id =
/* // this is the trigger definition CREATE TEMPORARY TRIGGER 'insertTrigger' INSTEAD OF INSERT ON 'foo' BEGIN SELECT bar(NEW.id, NEW.timestamp); " END; //*/ void insert(sqlite3 *db, char *id, char *timestamp, void *context){ exec_query(db, "INSERT INTO foo(id,timestamp) VALUES(?,?)", id, timestamp); } void bar(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){ char *id =
So I am writing a wrapper for main and still provide a main like functionality, so user can define int main() or int main(argc, argv) and both works fine. I am able to do that for some compilers with inline assembly with pushing argc & argv onto stack before calling the user's main. However for x64 VC++, there is no inline assembly, so any suggestions on how I can achieve this? Thanks
所以我正在为main编写一个包装,并且仍然提供一个主要的类似功能,所以用户可以定义int main()或int main(argc,argv),并且两者都可以正常工作。 我可以为一些带内联汇编的编译器在调用用户的main之前将argc和argv推入堆栈。 但是,对于x64 VC ++,没有内联汇编,所以关于如何实现这一点的任何建议? 谢谢! 我看到了两个明显的选择:用汇编语言编写代码,包含在汇编语言文件中,或者不用任何内联汇编在C ++中编写代码
I was reading [1) about stack pointers and the need of knowing both ebp (start of the stack for the function) and esp (end). The article said that you need to know both because the stack can grow, but I don't see how this can be possible in c/c++. (Im not talking about another function call because to my mind this would make the stack grow, do some stuff, then recursively be popped and back
我正在读[1]关于堆栈指针和需要知道ebp(函数堆栈的开始)和esp(结束)的知识。 文章说,你需要知道这两者,因为堆栈可以增长,但我不明白在c / c ++中这是如何实现的。 (我不是在谈论另一个函数调用,因为在我看来,这会使堆栈增长,做一些事情,然后在调用之前递归地弹出并返回到状态) 我做了一些研究,只看到有人说new分配在堆上。 但指针将是一个局部变量,对吗? 这在编译时是已知的,并在函数被调用时保留在堆栈