Solution for capture from webcam with several options

I'm developing a project using C++ and the QT library. On it I need to capture video and audio from one (or two) webcams and record it to a file upon user request. The program needs a number of options and that is the reason I've been struggling with this: The display of video has to be separate from the record, that is, I need to be able to start a video and then, when the user wants


我正在开发一个使用C ++和QT库的项目。 在此我需要从一个(或两个)网络摄像机捕捉视频和音频,并根据用户请求将其记录到文件中。 该计划需要一些选项,这就是我一直在努力的原因: 视频的显示必须与记录分开,也就是说,我需要能够开始播放视频,然后在用户需要时按下录制按钮并从该时刻开始录制。 我需要能够延迟视频,也就是说,显示视频(例如)5秒的延迟。 我需要对视频的每一帧或每次更改都进行回调。 这是因为用

OpenCV capturing desktop screen live

I'm using OpenCV for a c++ coding project. I'm having some difficulty with some of the limitations in OpenCV, I want to analyse a video file and detect certain objects. This works perfectly, but now I want it to analyse a section of my desktop screen. (live) Does anybody have a clue how to accomplish this? I thought of making a webcam simulator that captures my desktop screen but I


我正在使用OpenCV进行c ++编码项目。 我在OpenCV中遇到了一些限制,我想分析视频文件并检测某些对象。 这工作完美,但现在我希望它分析我的桌面屏幕的一部分。 (生活) 有谁有线索如何做到这一点? 我想制作捕捉我的桌面屏幕的网络摄像头模拟器,但我认为这种方式很复杂,它应该更容易。 如果您的目标是Windows操作系统,那么引擎推荐的选项看起来很理想。 对于Linux,我最终使用RTSP服务器(FFSERVER)作为VideoCapt

Fastest method of screen capturing

I want to write a screencasting program for the Windows platform, but am unsure of how to capture the screen. The only method I'm aware of is to use GDI, but I'm curious whether there are other ways to go about this, and, if there are, which incurs the least overhead? Speed is a priority. The screencasting program will be for recording game footage, although, if this does narrow down


我想为Windows平台编写一个截屏方案,但我不确定如何捕获屏幕。 我知道的唯一方法是使用GDI,但我很好奇是否还有其他方法可以解决这个问题,并且如果有的话,哪些方法的开销最小? 速度是重中之重。 该屏幕录制计划将用于录制游戏画面,但如果这样做缩小了选项范围,我仍然乐意接受其他任何超出此范围的建议。 毕竟,知识并不坏。 编辑 :我遇到了这篇文章:捕获屏幕的各种方法。 它向我介绍了Windows Media API的实现方

C++ DirectShow Video and Audio capture

I have finally managed to drop working with VFW after several problems I have encountered during the application development. Thanks to StackOverflow, I am now aware that VFW is obsolete and wish to switch to DShow, to let my application work with Vista/W7. Unfortunately, the work has been made and application has been shipped to the client, but as soon as we realized we have troubles with fr

C ++ DirectShow视频和音频捕获

在应用程序开发过程中遇到了几个问题后,我终于成功地与VFW合作了。 感谢StackOverflow,我现在意识到VFW已经过时了,并希望切换到DShow,让我的应用程序能够使用Vista / W7。 不幸的是,这项工作已经完成,应用程序已经交付给客户,但是一旦我们意识到我们在Vista / W7上有帧速率的问题 - 我们决定重写视频课程并使用DirectShow来建立一个良好的音频/视频为webcameras捕获引擎。 这将是棘手的,因为我们从来没有用DShow编

Opensource Webcam Library

Is there any opensource library which can be used to decrease frame rate or resolution of webcam on windows platform? I need to limit bandwidth utilized by high resolution webcam connected to USB port. Thanks. I think OpenCV fullfills your requirements. See the thread here about decreasing the resolution and read the OpenCV documentation.


是否有任何开源库可用于降低Windows平台上的网络摄像头的帧率或分辨率? 我需要限制连接到USB端口的高分辨率网络摄像头所使用的带宽。 谢谢。 我认为OpenCV满足您的要求。 请参阅此处的关于降低分辨率的主题并阅读OpenCV文档。

Fastest method for screen capturing on Linux

This question is similar to this one Fastest method of screen capturing but for linux/X11. To be more specific, i need a method to capture the pixel images of one window (the programmatic equivalent of alt-print screen in windows) running on a X11 diplay. Notes and requirements: 1) Even if a new window is placed on top of the window that is being captured, the pixel image should still p


这个问题与此相似 最快的屏幕捕获方法 但对于Linux / X11。 更具体地说,我需要一种方法来捕捉在X11显示屏上运行的一个窗口的像素图像(窗口中alt-print屏幕的程序化等价物)。 注释和要求: 1)即使一个新的窗口被放置在被捕捉的窗口的顶部,像素图像仍然应该指向原始的应用程序窗口而没有任何遮挡 2)用户不需要看到应用程序窗口,我只需将像素缓冲区/图像存储为视频目的 我探索的其他选择是: 1)xvfb - 它

Writing an AI: screen capture and input

I'm considering a pet project to write an AI for a simple game on Windows (C++/python preferred). Can you instruct me on what is the way to go for grabbing simple screen captures, so that I can do some very simple object recognition/find out what is such and such pixel color basically. And also I'd need to manage input (moving mouse, click etc)? I'm mostly a linux guy, so I bet he


我正在考虑一个在Windows上编写AI简单游戏的宠物项目(首选C ++ / python)。 你能告诉我怎样才能抓住简单的屏幕截图,以便我可以做一些非常简单的对象识别/基本上找出这样和那样的像素颜色。 还需要管理输入(移动鼠标,点击等)? 我主要是一个Linux人,所以我敢打赌,我需要使用一些DirectX API来注入事件? 谢谢 我曾经这样做是为了打破Bejeweled Blitz的纪录。 结果显示电脑比所有不使用作弊的人快得多。 由于我

Linux: Capturing the mouse ala VirtualBox

How can a person "capture the mouse" ( in the same sense that vbox captures the mouse [1] ) in Linux using either C++ or C? [1] In VBox ( essentially ) when you click on a vbox window, it captures the mouse in the sense that the mouse is constrained to the window. When pressing a key ( or some other event ) the mouse is free to return to the rest. Edit: I was thinking in terms of

Linux:捕获鼠标ala VirtualBox

一个人如何“捕捉鼠标”(就像vbox捕捉鼠标[1]一样) 在Linux中使用C ++还是C? [1]在VBox(本质上),当你点击一个vbox窗口时,它捕捉鼠标,这意味着鼠标被限制在窗口上。 当按下一个键(或其他事件)时,鼠标可以自由地返回到其他事件。 编辑:当我写这个,你可能会或可能不会使用的时候,我在考虑使用Qt。 不管你使用的是什么GUI框架,这样的东西都可以工作。 它看起来没有可以设置的单个QWidget属性,这会影响到这一

opencv write webcam output to avi file

I am trying to create an avi video from my webcam output using opencv. No exceptions are thrown, however the avi file it creates is 414 bytes in size and does not grow. Also it will not play with any media player. I suspect there is something wrong with the writing to file part. Here is the code: CvCapture *capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( 0 ); int width = ( int )cvGetCaptureProperty( capt


我正尝试使用opencv从我的摄像头输出创建一个avi视频。 不会抛出任何异常,但是它创建的avi文件大小为414字节,不会增长。 它也不会与任何媒体播放器一起玩。 我怀疑写入文件部分有问题。 代码如下: CvCapture *capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( 0 ); int width = ( int )cvGetCaptureProperty( capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH ); int height = ( int )cvGetCaptureProperty( capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEI

webcam "still pin" capture

I am trying to replicate the image quality that is achieved when using the Logitech webcam driver to capture a still image. The Logitech forum has several threads about the subject unfortunately they all point to a website which is down. such as here. I am currently able to use DirectShow and a frame grabber to capture images, but they are nowhere near the quality of the snapshot button. Co


我试图复制使用Logitech网络摄像头驱动程序捕获静止图像时获得的图像质量。 罗技论坛有不少关于这个主题的话题,不幸的是他们都指向一个网站停滞不前。 如这里。 我目前能够使用DirectShow和图像采集卡捕获图像,但它们远不及快照按钮的质量。 任何人都可以指向一个快照按钮的工作c + + / c的例子吗? 经过一番研究后,我发现了静止图像引脚的这一点,这是实现像按钮一样的快照的正确方法吗? 摄像头我使用的是C910,