I can not capture image from my webcam using following OpenCV code. The code can show images from a local AVI file or a video device. It works fine on a "test.avi" file. When I make use my default webcam(CvCapture* capture =cvCreateCameraCapture(0)), the program can detected the size of the image from webcam,but just unable to display the image . /I forgot to mention that I can s
使用以下OpenCV代码无法从网络摄像头捕捉图像。 该代码可以显示来自本地AVI文件或视频设备的图像。 它在“test.avi”文件中工作正常。 当我使用我的默认网络摄像头(CvCapture * capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0))时,程序可以从网络摄像头检测到图像的大小,但无法显示图像 。 /我忘了提及我可以看到iSight正在工作,因为LED指示灯已打开/ 任何人都遇到同样的问题? cvNamedWindow( "Example2", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZ
I've installed OpenCV 2.2 and now I can't get webcam capture to work. It worked ok in 2.1. OpenCV detects a webcam, doesn't report any errors or warnings, but each frame is a gray image. I even tried a code sample from OpenCV wiki: VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera if(!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded return -1; Mat edges; namedWindow("edges",1); for(;;
我已经安装了OpenCV 2.2,现在我无法使用网络摄像头捕捉工作。 它在2.1中运行正常。 OpenCV检测到网络摄像头,不报告任何错误或警告,但每帧都是灰色图像。 我甚至尝试了OpenCV wiki的代码示例: VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera if(!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded return -1; Mat edges; namedWindow("edges",1); for(;;) { Mat frame; cap >> frame; // get a new frame
While answering another question, I ended up trying to justify casting the operand to the ~ operator, but I was unable to come up with a scenario where not casting it would yield wrong results. I am asking this clarification question in order to be able to clean up that other question, removing the red herrings and keeping only the most relevant information intact. The problem in question is
在回答另一个问题时,我最终试图将操作数转换为~运算符,但我无法想出一个不会导致错误结果的场景。 我问这个澄清问题,以便能够清理其他问题,删除红鲱鱼,并保持最相关的信息不变。 问题在于我们想要清除变量的两个最低位: offset = offset & ~3; 这看起来很危险,因为~3将是一个int无论什么offset是,所以我们最终可能会屏蔽不适合进位int的宽度。 例如,如果int是32个位宽, offset是64位宽的类型,可以想象,该
Sort of a style question here. Say I have a class A which has to do a sequence of reasonably complex things to its member variable B b class A { public: void DoStuffOnB(){ DoThing1(); DoThing2(); DoThing3(); } private: B b; void DoThing1(){ /* modify b */ } void DoThing2(){ /* modify b */ } void DoThing3(){ /* modify b */ } }; where the DoThings functions only depend on
这里排序样式问题。 假设我有一个A类A它必须对其成员变量B b做一系列相当复杂的事情 class A { public: void DoStuffOnB(){ DoThing1(); DoThing2(); DoThing3(); } private: B b; void DoThing1(){ /* modify b */ } void DoThing2(){ /* modify b */ } void DoThing3(){ /* modify b */ } }; DoThings函数仅依赖于b (或其他成员变量和一些传递的参数)。 如果我想让这些功能在该课程以外的将来重
I recently used the /FAsu Visual C++ compiler option to output the source + assembly of a particularly long member function definition. In the assembly output, after the stack frame is set up, there is a single call to a mysterious _chkstk() function. The MSDN page on _chkstk() does not explain the reason why this function is called. I have also seen the Stack Overflow question Allocating a b
我最近使用了/FAsu Visual C ++编译器选项来输出一个特别长的成员函数定义的source +程序集。 在汇编输出中,在设置堆栈帧之后,只需调用一个神秘的_chkstk()函数。 _chkstk()上的MSDN页面没有解释调用此函数的原因。 我也看到堆栈溢出的问题在堆栈上分配一个页面大小的缓冲区会损坏内存?但我不明白OP和接受的答案在说什么。 _chkstk() CRT函数的目的是什么? 它有什么作用? 使用时,为您的线程提供额外堆栈的Windows
As per my answer in Write a recursive function that reverses the input string, I've tried seeing whether clang++ -O3 or g++ -O3 would make a tail-recursion optimisation, using some of the suggestions from How do I check if gcc is performing tail-recursion optimization?, but it doesn't look like any tail recursion optimisation is taking place. Any idea why? Does this have to do with the
根据我的回答编写一个反向输入字符串的递归函数,我试着看看clang++ -O3或g++ -O3是否会进行尾递归优化,使用一些来自我如何检查gcc是否正在执行的建议尾递归优化?,但它看起来不像是任何尾递归优化发生。 任何想法为什么? 这是否与C ++对象的创建和销毁方式有关? 有什么办法可以使它工作吗? 该计划: % cat t2.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> std::string rerev1(std::string s) {
I'm was messing around with tail-recursive functions in C++, and I've run into a bit of a snag with the g++ compiler. The following code results in a stack overflow when numbers[] is over a couple hundred integers in size. Examining the assembly code generated by g++ for the following reveals that twoSum_Helper is executing a recursive call instruction to itself. The question is whic
我正在用C ++中的尾递归函数搞乱,而且我碰到了g ++编译器的一些问题。 当numbers[]超过几百个整数时,以下代码会导致堆栈溢出。 检查由g ++生成的汇编代码如下所示,显示twoSum_Helper正在对其自身执行递归call指令。 问题是以下哪一项导致了这个问题? 以下是我忽略的一个错误,它阻止了尾递归。 我使用g ++的错误。 g ++编译器中检测尾递归函数的一个缺陷。 我使用g ++ 4.5.0通过MinGW在Windows Vista x64上使用
According to answers to that question: Which, if any, C++ compilers do tail-recursion optimization? it seems, that compiler should do tail-recursion optimization. But I've tried proposed options and it seems that compiler can't do this optimization in case of template functions. Could it be fixed somehow? I don't use the MS compilers, but GCC can certainly do tail-recursion opti
根据这个问题的答案:如果有的话,哪些C ++编译器做尾递归优化? 看来,编译器应该做尾递归优化。 但我已经尝试过提出的选项,似乎编译器不能在模板函数的情况下做这种优化。 它可以以某种方式修复吗? 我不使用MS编译器,但GCC当然可以对模板进行尾递归优化。 鉴于此功能: template <typename T> T f( T t ) { cout << t << endl; if ( t == 0 ) { return t; } return f( t - 1 );
I just asked a question related to how the compiler optimizes certain C++ code, and I was looking around SO for any questions about how to verify that the compiler has performed certain optimizations. I was trying to look at the assembly listing generated with g++ ( g++ -c -g -O2 -Wa,-ahl=file.s file.c ) to possibly see what is going on under the hood, but the output is too cryptic to me. What
我刚刚问了一个与编译器如何优化某些C ++代码有关的问题,并且我正在四处寻找有关如何验证编译器是否执行了某些优化的任何问题。 我试图看看使用g ++生成的汇编列表( g++ -c -g -O2 -Wa,-ahl=file.s file.c ),以便看到底下发生了什么,但输出太神秘了对我来说。 人们用什么技术来解决这个问题,并且有没有关于如何解释优化代码或特定于讨论这个问题的GCC工具链的文章的汇编清单的很好的参考? GCC的优化以GIMPLE格式传递
I was searching the whole web for an answer but didn't find the solution for my problem. Or maybe I did but because I am a beginner to C++/programming/Qt I didn't understand them. The closest thing was a question here Using a Qt-based DLL in a non-Qt application. I tried to use this method but so far unsuccessfully. I try to create a DLL, it's the API for our USB device. The lib
我正在搜索整个网络的答案,但没有找到我的问题的解决方案。 或者,也许我做了,但因为我是C ++ / programming / Qt的初学者,所以我不理解他们。 在这里最接近的问题是在非Qt应用程序中使用基于Qt的DLL。 我试图使用这种方法,但迄今未成功。 我尝试创建一个DLL,它是我们USB设备的API。 该库也应该在非Qt应用程序上工作。 我有PIMPL的所有Qt的东西和私人类,所以下面的代码是公共类下的一层。 我使用QSerialPort和很多