Possible Duplicates: .NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number Add comma to numbers every three digits using C# I want to create a logic in c# too put the comma after each 3 digit int the any 9 digit number, could any body tel me how can i achieve this? Like i have the following number 123456789 then i want to form it like 123,456,789. 调用ToString并指定“N”作为格
可能重复: .NET String.Format()在数字中为千位添加逗号 使用C#将逗号添加到每三位数字的数字中 我想在c#中创建一个逻辑,也就是在每个3位数字后面加上逗号,然后在任何9位数字中加上逗号,任何人都可以打电话给我,我该如何实现这一点? 就像我有下面的数字123456789那么我想形成它像123,456,789。 调用ToString并指定“N”作为格式字符串var formattedString = string.Format("{0:0,0}", 123456789); double value
Possible Duplicate: .NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number How to format a number 1234567 into 1,234,567 in C#? For format options for Int32.ToString(), see here or here. For example: string s = myIntValue.ToString("#,##0"); The same format options can be use in a String.Format, as in string s = String.Format("the number {0:#,##0}!", myIntValue); var decimal
可能重复: .NET String.Format()在数字中为千位添加逗号 如何在C#中将数字1234567格式化为1,234,567? 对于Int32.ToString()的格式选项,请参阅此处或此处。 例如: string s = myIntValue.ToString("#,##0"); 可以在String.Format中使用相同的格式选项,如下所示 string s = String.Format("the number {0:#,##0}!", myIntValue); var decimalValue = 1234567m; var value = String.Format("{0:N}", decimalV
Using String.Format how can i ensure all numbers have commas after every 3 digits eg 23000 = "23,000" and that 0 returns "0". String.Format("{0:n}", 0); //gives 0.00 which i dont want. I dont want any decimal places, all numbers will be integers. You can do this, which I find a bit cleaner to read the intent of: String.Format("{0:#,###0}", 0); Example: strin
使用String.Format如何确保所有数字在每3个数字后都有逗号,例如23000 =“23,000”,并且0返回“0”。 String.Format(“{0:n}”,0); //给出0.00我不想要的。 我不想要任何小数位,所有数字都将是整数。 你可以做到这一点,我发现它有点清洁,可以阅读以下内容: String.Format("{0:#,###0}", 0); 例: string.Format("{0:#,###0}", 123456789); // 123,456,789 string.Format("{0:#,###0}", 0); // 0 如果您当前的文化编
To better protect your users, GMail and others mail providers recommends to upgrade all of our applications to OAuth 2.0. Am I right that this means that System.Net.Mail don't work anymore and we need to use another library like MailKit ? In general I'm trying to understand how to send an email without allowing "Access for less secure apps"? Because I have System.Net.Mail.
为了更好地保护用户,GMail和其他邮件提供商建议将我们的所有应用程序升级到OAuth 2.0。 我是对的,这意味着System.Net.Mail不再工作,我们需要使用MailKit类的其他库吗? 一般来说,我试图了解如何发送电子邮件而不允许“访问不太安全的应用程序”? 因为我有System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentic
For some reason neither the accepted answer nor any others work for me for "Sending email in .NET through Gmail". Why would they not work? UPDATE: I have tried all the answers (accepted and otherwise) in the other question, but none of them work. I would just like to know if it works for anyone else, otherwise Google may have changed something (which has happened before). When I
出于某种原因,接受的答案和其他任何人都不适合我“通过Gmail以.NET发送电子邮件”。 他们为什么不工作? 更新:我已经尝试所有的答案(接受和否则)在另一个问题,但没有一个工作。 我只想知道它是否适用于其他人,否则Google可能会改变某些事情(之前已经发生过)。 当我尝试使用SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network的代码SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network ,我很快收到SmtpException发送(消息)。 消息是 SMTP服务器需要安全连接
I just want to parse html tags like those making text bolded etc. But no real webpages would be displayed in my control. Moreover no editing would be supported, just displaying. For example for the text content: abc <b>bold</b> def I would like to display at my control like this: abc bold def What is the best way to parse such an input text and display it ? Should I use f
我只是想解析HTML标签,如使粗体文字粗体等。 但是我的控制中不会显示真实的网页。 此外,不支持编辑,只是显示。 例如对于文本内容: abc <b>bold</b> def 我想显示在我的控制像这样: abc bold def 解析这种输入文本并显示它的最好方法是什么? 我应该使用这个WebBrowser控件还是RichText或TextBlock也足够了? 我是否必须使用HtmlDocument或HTMLDocument或FlowDocument或另一个? 请给我任何建
I'm new to WPF so please bear with me if you find my question too primary. I want to get text from database and display this rich formatted document on my WPF app So far as I know I should use RICHTEXTBOX. So, my question is should I store rich formatted text to database and just display it to window(which ideally the displaying will keep its format) or should I just store lines of words wi
我是WPF的新手,所以如果你发现我的问题太主要,请耐心等待。 我想从数据库中获取文本并在我的WPF应用程序中显示这个丰富的格式化文档据我所知,我应该使用RICHTEXTBOX。 所以,我的问题是应该将丰富的格式化文本存储到数据库,并将其显示到窗口(理想情况下,显示将保持其格式),或者当我在窗口上显示时,我应该只存储没有格式的文本行并对其进行格式化。 我应该怎样做以及如何做到这一点。 代码如何存储或如何显示的具体
I have a TextBox and a Label. After clicking a button, I execute the following code: label1.Content = textbox1.Text; My question is, how do I enable text wrapping of the label? There may be too much text to display on one line, and I want it to automatically wrap to multiple lines if that is the case. The Label control doesn't directly support text wrapping in WPF. You should use a T
我有一个TextBox和一个标签。 点击一个按钮后,我执行下面的代码: label1.Content = textbox1.Text; 我的问题是,如何启用标签的文字包装? 在一行中可能会显示太多的文本,并且如果是这种情况,我希望它自动换行到多行。 Label控件不直接支持WPF中的文本换行。 您应该改用TextBlock 。 (当然,如果您愿意,您可以将TextBlock放置在Label控件中。) 示例代码: <TextBlock TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow">
I have a WPF application that connects via a socket to a device and gets streaming text data (approx 1 message per second). This data is then displayed on the UI. The user can create rules like "If the data contains 'abc' highlight the line" or "…make it bold", so plain text output will not do, it needs to be "rich" text. My current solution to this is to
我有一个WPF应用程序,通过套接字连接到设备,并获取流文本数据(每秒约1条消息)。 这些数据然后显示在用户界面上。 用户可以创建像“如果数据包含'abc'突出显示行”或“...使其变为粗体”这样的规则,那么纯文本输出将不会执行,它需要是“丰富”文本。 我目前的解决方案是在我的ViewModel中包含格式化输出的FlowDocument。 该视图具有绑定到ViewModel中的FlowDocument的FlowDocumentScrollViewer。 这是有效的,但是
连接字符串的最有效方法是什么? The StringBuilder.Append() method is much better than using the + operator. But I've found that, when executing 1000 concatenations or less, String.Join() is even more efficient than StringBuilder . StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(someString); The only problem with String.Join is that you have to concatenate the strings with a common delimit
连接字符串的最有效方法是什么? StringBuilder.Append()方法比使用+运算符要好得多。 但是我发现,当执行1000个或更少的连接时, String.Join()比StringBuilder更有效率。 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(someString); String.Join的唯一问题是您必须使用公共分隔符连接字符串。 (编辑:)如@ryanversaw指出的,你可以使分隔字符串.Empty。 string key = String.Join("_", new String[] { "Customers_C