I want to be able to use either a default bitmap resource or one provided by a separate assembly in a WPF window.I thought I could do this by defining the default bitmap in the Window.Resources section, and then search for and load if found the resources from the separate optional assembly: [xaml file for window] <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDicti
我希望能够使用默认位图资源或由WPF窗口中的单独程序集提供的资源。我认为我可以通过在Window.Resources部分中定义默认位图来完成此操作,然后搜索并加载(如果找到)独立可选装配中的资源: [窗口的xaml文件] <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary> <BitmapImage x:Key="J4JWizardImag
I have a working WPF .exe that currently pulls a .resource (.html) file into a web browser embedded control. My issue is pathing any image references within this HTML resource. All assets are local to this project and can be embedded within the project. I am curious as to HOW to do image and or .JS references and/or best practices. I am new to WPF, so I usually work from the code side as opp
我有一个工作WPF .exe,目前拉.resource(.html)文件到一个Web浏览器嵌入式控制。 我的问题是路径在这个HTML资源中的任何图像引用。 所有资产都是本地项目,可嵌入项目中。 我很好奇如何做图像和/或.JS参考和/或最佳做法。 我是WPF的新手,所以我通常从代码方面工作,而不是在XAML方面做事。 Uri HTMLuri = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/MYPROJECT;component/Resources/help.html", UriKind.Absolute);
All, I have the following start to a small application that checks .resx files for consistency of embedded brackets (so that runtime errors of non-matching "... {0}" strings don't happen). I have the following XAML for the MainWindow.xaml, and my particular problem relates to the image that is to be displayed on the button <Window x:Class="ResxChecker.MainWindow" xmlns=
所有的,我有以下开始到一个小的应用程序检查.resx文件的嵌入括号的一致性(以便不匹配的“... {0}”字符串的运行时错误不会发生)。 我对MainWindow.xaml有以下XAML,并且我的特殊问题与要在按钮上显示的图像有关 <Window x:Class="ResxChecker.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Main
I am currently building an application that consists of several components, each of which is essentially a WPF user control with a little C# code around it for the plugin system to work (using MEF). The problem I am having is that each component should include an icon and for niceness purposes I defined that as a System.Windows.Media.Brush so I can just use the DrawingBrush exported from Design
我目前正在构建一个由多个组件组成的应用程序,每个组件都基本上都是一个WPF用户控件,并且周围有一些C#代码供插件系统工作(使用MEF)。 我遇到的问题是,每个组件都应该包含一个图标,出于友好的目的,我将它定义为System.Windows.Media.Brush这样我就可以使用从Design中导出的DrawingBrush 。 现在我需要从非WPF C#中访问那片XAML,其中我现在有用于实例化用户控件并请求资源的可怕解决方法: private Brush CachedIcon
I have a situation where the wpf application is not able to pickup StaticResource and instead fails with XamlParseException . But if I used a DynamicResource instead, the resource is found and no exception occurs. I was trying to style and organize wpf resources as recommended at http://projekt202.com/blog/2010/xaml-organization/ I have 2 projects accordingly, a wpf control library that hous
我有一种情况,wpf应用程序无法拾取StaticResource,而使用XamlParseException失败。 但是,如果我使用DynamicResource,则会找到资源并且不会发生异常。 我试图按照http://projekt202.com/blog/2010/xaml-organization/中的建议来设计风格和组织wpf资源 我有2个相应的项目,一个容纳所有资源的wpf控制库和一个使用这些资源的主要wpf项目。 这是2个项目的结构 Projects Structure Wpf_Theme.ControlLibrary --Resource
Possible Duplicate: C#: Interfaces - Implicit and Explicit implementation Would someone explain the differences between these two beasts and how to use them. AFAIK, many pre.2.0 classes were implemented without generic types, thus causing latter version to implement both flavors of interfaces. Is the the only case why one would need to use them? Can you also explain in depth how to use th
可能重复: C#:接口 - 隐式和显式实现 有人会解释这两个野兽之间的差异以及如何使用它们。 AFAIK,很多pre.2.0类都是在没有泛型类型的情况下实现的,因此后一版本实现了两种接口类型。 是唯一需要使用它们的情况吗? 你能否深入解释如何使用它们? 谢谢 这里有一篇很好而且非常详细的博客文章。 基本上使用隐式接口实现,您可以像访问类的一部分一样访问接口方法和属性。 使用显式接口实现时,只能将它视为该接
So, what exactly is a good use case for implementing an interface explicitly? Is it only so that people using the class don't have to look at all those methods/properties in intellisense? 如果你实现了两个接口,都使用相同的方法和不同的实现,那么你必须明确地实现。 public interface IDoItFast { void Go(); } public interface IDoItSlow { void Go(); } public class JustDoIt : IDoItFast, ID
那么,明确实现接口的好用例究竟是什么? 仅仅是为了让使用该类的人不必在智能感知中查看所有这些方法/属性? 如果你实现了两个接口,都使用相同的方法和不同的实现,那么你必须明确地实现。 public interface IDoItFast { void Go(); } public interface IDoItSlow { void Go(); } public class JustDoIt : IDoItFast, IDoItSlow { void IDoItFast.Go() { } void IDoItSlow.Go() { } } 隐
I asked another question about generating high quality graphics in a service on Windows Server and SharpDX looks like a reasonable possibility. However I am finding it difficult to find current how-to style documentation. I am specifically interested in the WARP device context. My use-case is for generation of png format images, and steps of interest are initialisation, loading existing image
我问了另一个关于在Windows Server上的服务中生成高质量图形的问题,SharpDX看起来像是一个合理的可能性。 不过,我发现很难找到最新的how-to-style文档。 我特别对WARP设备上下文感兴趣。 我的用例是用于生成png格式的图像,感兴趣的步骤是初始化,加载现有图像,在其上绘制图形和文本,调整大小/缩放比例以及保存为png格式。 我提到这是SharpDX潜在用例的很大一部分,它与游戏相关并专注于缓冲区链和渲染到表单,我不需要
We want to use an Azure workerrole to render 3D images and combine those into a video. At the moment we're using a tool written with XNA to render the images and FFMpeg to combine it in a video. So the problem is that Azure's workerrole is headless and doesn't have any graphic adapters as seen in this exception: Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.NoSuitableGrap
我们希望使用Azure workerrole渲染3D图像并将其合并到视频中。 目前,我们正在使用一款使用XNA编写的工具来渲染图像和FFMpeg,将它们合并到一个视频中。 所以问题在于Azure的workerrole是无头的,并没有任何图形适配器,如下所示: 未处理的异常:Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException:找不到支持XNA Framework Reach配置文件的Direct3D设备。 验证是否安装了合适的图形设备。 当使用
I've been searching and testing different kinds of rendering libraries for C# days for many weeks now. So far I haven't found a single library that works well on multi-windowed rendering setups. The requirement is to be able to run the program on 12+ monitor setups (financial charting) without latencies on a fast computer. Each window needs to update multiple times every second. While
我一直在为C#日子搜索和测试不同类型的渲染库,现在已经有好几个星期了。 到目前为止,我还没有找到一个适用于多窗口渲染设置的单个库。 要求是能够在高速计算机上在没有延迟的情况下在12个监视器设置(金融图表)上运行该程序。 每个窗口需要每秒更新多次。 虽然做这个CPU需要做很多密集和时间关键的任务,所以一些负担必须转移到GPU上。 这就是硬件渲染的步骤,换句话说就是DirectX或OpenGL。 我尝试过使用Windows窗体