How do we read a file (non-blocking) and print it to the standard output (still non-blocking)? This is the esiest way I can think of but it leaves you with a feeling there must be a better way. Something exposing some LineReceiver - like line by line modification - functionality would be even more preferred. from twisted.internet import stdio, protocol from twisted.protocols.basic import FileS
我们如何读取文件(非阻塞)并将其打印到标准输出(仍为非阻塞)? 这是我能想到的最为神秘的方式,但它让你感觉必须有更好的方式。 暴露某些LineReceiver的东西 - 比如逐行修改 - 功能将更受欢迎。 from twisted.internet import stdio, protocol from twisted.protocols.basic import FileSender from twisted.internet import reactor class FileReader(protocol.Protocol): def connectionMade(self): fl = o
I have a model which stores a users location: [ { "url": "", "id": 1, "owner": 1, "test_info": "", "created_at": "2015-05-02T07:09:16.535689Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-02T07:09:16.535746Z", "geolocation": null, "jukebox_mode_enabled": false }, { "url": "", "id": 2, "owner": 2, "test
我有一个存储用户位置的模型: [ { "url": "", "id": 1, "owner": 1, "test_info": "", "created_at": "2015-05-02T07:09:16.535689Z", "updated_at": "2015-05-02T07:09:16.535746Z", "geolocation": null, "jukebox_mode_enabled": false }, { "url": "", "id": 2, "owner": 2, "test_info": "", "
I'm aware that questions like this have been asked before. But I'm not finding a solution. I want to use a unicode literal, defined in my python file, with the subprocess module. But I'm not getting the results that I need. For example the following code # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import codecs import subprocess cmd = ['echo', u'你好'] new_cmd = [] for c in cmd: if i
我知道这样的问题之前已经被问到过。 但我没有找到解决方案。 我想在子进程模块中使用我的python文件中定义的unicode文字。 但是我没有得到我需要的结果。 例如下面的代码 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import codecs import subprocess cmd = ['echo', u'你好'] new_cmd = [] for c in cmd: if isinstance(c,unicode): c = c.encode('utf-8') new_cmd.append(c) 打印出
I'm writing a Python-based parser that can understand some configuration files that we use. The files will basically consist of (name, type) and (name, value) pairs: Parameter file: # defines a field called some_bool of type boolean some_bool : bool Config file: # assigns True to some_bool some_bool = bool I'm not sure what to do when I encounter a syntax error inside a file I am p
我正在编写一个基于Python的解析器,它可以理解我们使用的一些配置文件。 这些文件基本上由(名称,类型)和(名称,值)对组成: 参数文件: # defines a field called some_bool of type boolean some_bool : bool 配置文件: # assigns True to some_bool some_bool = bool 我不确定当我在解析文件时遇到语法错误时该怎么办: # bol instead of bool some_bool : bol 在这种情况下引发SyntaxError异常是不是很糟糕,
This question already has an answer here: How to properly ignore Exceptions? 10 answers except: pass The standard "nop" in Python is the pass statement: try: do_something() except Exception: pass Because of the last thrown exception being remembered in Python, some of the objects involved in the exception-throwing statement are being kept live indefinitely (actually,
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何正确地忽略异常? 10个答案 except: pass Python中的标准“nop”是pass语句: try: do_something() except Exception: pass 由于Python中会记住最后抛出的异常,因此抛出异常的语句中涉及的一些对象将无限期地保持活动状态(实际上,直到下一个异常为止)。 如果这对你很重要,并且(通常)不需要记住上次抛出的异常,则可能需要执行以下操作而不是pass : try: do_some
What's the proper way to declare custom exception classes in modern Python? My primary goal is to follow whatever standard other exception classes have, so that (for instance) any extra string I include in the exception is printed out by whatever tool caught the exception. By "modern Python" I mean something that will run in Python 2.5 but be 'correct' for the Python 2.6
在现代Python中声明自定义异常类的正确方法是什么? 我的主要目标是遵循其他任何标准的异常类,以便(例如)我包含在异常中的任何额外字符串通过任何工具捕获异常来打印出来。 对于“现代Python”,我的意思是可以在Python 2.5中运行的东西,但是对于Python 2.6和Python 3. *做法是“正确的”。 而通过“自定义”,我的意思是一个Exception对象,它可以包含有关错误原因的额外数据:一个字符串,也许还有一些其他与该异常相关的任
I have a .txt file that looks like the s string. The s string is conformed by word_1 followed by word_2 an id and a number : word_1 word_2 id number I would like to create a regex that catch in a list all the ocurrences of the word "nunca" followed by the id VM_ _ _ _ . The constrait to extract the "nunca" and VM_ _ _ _ pattern is that the ocurrences must appear one after
我有一个看起来像s字符串的.txt文件。 s字符串由word_1后跟word_2一个id和一个number符合: word_1 word_2 id number 我想创建一个正则表达式,列出所有"nunca"后面跟着VM_ _ _ _ 。 该constrait提取"nunca"和VM_ _ _ _模式是,ocurrences 必须接连出现 ,其中_是免费的人物id字符串如: nunca nunca RG 0.293030 first_word second_word VM223FDS 0.902333 error errpr RG 0.345355667 nunca nunca RG
What's the most pythonic way to scp a file in Python? The only route I'm aware of is os.system('scp "%s" "%s:%s"' % (localfile, remotehost, remotefile) ) which is a hack, and which doesn't work outside linux-like systems, and which needs help from the Pexpect module to avoid password prompts unless you already have passwordless SSH set up to the remote host. I'm aware of Twis
Python中scp文件最Python的方式是什么? 我知道的唯一路线是 os.system('scp "%s" "%s:%s"' % (localfile, remotehost, remotefile) ) 这是一种黑客攻击,在类似Linux的系统之外无法运行,并且需要Pexpect模块的帮助才能避免密码提示,除非您已将无密码SSH设置为远程主机。 我知道Twisted的conch ,但我宁愿避免通过低级别的ssh模块来实施scp。 我知道paramiko ,一个支持ssh和sftp的Python模块; 但它不支持scp。 背景
I'm trying to solve this problem and I'm not sure what to do next. Link to the problem Problem statement: Suppose that some preliminary image preprocessing was already done and you have data in form of coordinates of stars on two pictures. These pictures are about 100x100 millimeters, and coordinates are also given in millimeters relative to their center. Look at the schematic rep
我试图解决这个问题,我不知道下一步该怎么做。 链接到问题 问题陈述: 假设已经完成了一些初步的图像预处理,并且您在两张图片上以星号坐标的形式存在数据。 这些图片大约为100x100毫米,坐标也以毫米为单位给出。 看看下面的原理图代表: 你会发现在这两张照片中,星星都显示为大致圆形的区域(将其视为我们望远镜的光圈),并且可以发现它们代表了同一片天空 - 稍微旋转并轻微移动。 您还可以看到其中一颗星星(
I'm new to using OpenCV, and I'm trying to write a program to access a video stream on a UDP port. However, the code keeps giving a segmentation fault when I run it. The program is just intended to display each frame as it is read in by OpenCV, and it works on files on my computer. If you could point out what I'm doing wrong, I would appreciate it. import cv2 import numpy as np c
我是使用OpenCV的新手,我试图编写一个程序来访问UDP端口上的视频流。 但是,当我运行代码时,代码不断给出分段错误。 该程序仅用于显示OpenCV读取的每一帧,并且可用于计算机上的文件。 如果你能指出我做错了什么,我将不胜感激。 import cv2 import numpy as np cap = cv2.VideoCapture("udpsrc port=5600 caps="application/x-rtp, format=(string)I420, width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction