I want to process camera stream in opencv (that works fine), but then output the resulting processed frames over the network so I can see them as it's an embedded system without a monitor. I've spent days looking, but cannot work out how to push the frames to gstreamer in python. It looks like I should create an appsrc->udp pipeline in gstreamer (that's no problem), but I cannot
我想在opencv中处理相机流(工作正常),但是通过网络输出结果处理后的帧,这样我就可以看到它们,因为它是一个没有监视器的嵌入式系统。 我花了几天的时间寻找,但无法解决如何在python中将帧推送到gstreamer。 看起来我应该在gstreamer中创建一个appsrc-> udp管道(这没有问题),但是我找不到任何地方如何使用python在opencv中将框架推送到appsrc。 我在C ++中看到过一些例子,但我不知道如何将它们翻译成python。 似
I have these related models and one has a custom manager class Device(Model): name = CharField() class DeviceSettingManager(Manager): use_for_related_fields = True class Setting(Model): name = CharField() value = CharField() device = ForeignKey(Device, related_name='settings') objects = DeviceSettingManager but when I run Django shell, I see the "RelatedManager&
我有这些相关的模型,并且有一个自定义管理器 class Device(Model): name = CharField() class DeviceSettingManager(Manager): use_for_related_fields = True class Setting(Model): name = CharField() value = CharField() device = ForeignKey(Device, related_name='settings') objects = DeviceSettingManager 但是当我运行Django shell时,我看到正在使用“RelatedManager”管理器 >>> d =
I need to implement a fairly standard entity-attribute-value hierarchy. There are devices of multiple types, each type has a bunch of settings it can have, each individual device has a set of particular values for each setting. It seems that both django-eav and eav-django packages are no longer maintained, so I guess I need to roll my own. But how do I architect this? So far, I am thinking so
我需要实现一个相当标准的实体属性值层次结构。 有多种类型的设备,每种类型都有一系列的设置,每个设备都有一组特定的值。 似乎django-eav和eav-django包都不再维护,所以我想我需要自己推出。 但我如何设计这个? 到目前为止,我在想这样的事情(跳过很多细节) class DeviceType(Model): name = CharField() class Device(Model): name = CharField() type = ForeignKey(DeviceType) class Setting(Model)
Do you know if there is any financial technical analysis module available for python ? I know Numpy has a little but I'm looking for classic technical indicators like RSI , Macd, EMA and so on. Was wondering if they existed as part of a module. Here are a few thoughts... I have only used Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib for financial calculations. py-fi - very basic financial functions fi
你知道是否有任何金融技术分析模块可用于Python? 我知道Numpy有一点点但我正在寻找像RSI,Macd,EMA等经典技术指标。 想知道他们是否作为模块的一部分存在。 以下是一些想法......我只用Numpy,Scipy和Matplotlib进行财务计算。 py-fi - 非常基本的财务功能 fin2py - 金融工具 Numpy / Scipy - 涵盖了所有的统计基础知识 Matplotlib - 绘制财务功能 RPy - 允许使用R库的R接口 ystockquote - 用于Yahoo!的
I am messing around with Bitcoins a bit. When I want to get some info about the local bitcoin install, I simply run bitcoin getinfo and I get something like this: { "version" : 90100, "protocolversion" : 70002, "walletversion" : 60000, "balance" : 0.00767000, "blocks" : 306984, "timeoffset" : 0, "connections" : 61, "proxy" : "", "difficulty" : 13462580114.525
我用比特币搞乱了一下。 当我想获得关于本地比特币安装的一些信息时,我只需运行bitcoin getinfo然后获得如下所示的信息: { "version" : 90100, "protocolversion" : 70002, "walletversion" : 60000, "balance" : 0.00767000, "blocks" : 306984, "timeoffset" : 0, "connections" : 61, "proxy" : "", "difficulty" : 13462580114.52533913, "testnet" : false, "keypoololdest
I have 5 processes p1,p2,...,p5 where I want to write some data to stdin of p1, pipe p1 output to p2 stdin and finally read the final result from output of p5. What I have tried so far: p1 = Popen(['p1'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(['p2'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) ... p5 = Popen(['p5'], stdin=p4.stdout, stdout=PIPE) # write data to stdin p1.stdin.write(indata) p1.stdin.close()
我有5个进程p1,p2,...,p5 ,我想写一些数据到p1的stdin,管道p1输出到p2 stdin,最后从p5的输出读取最终结果。 我到目前为止所尝试的: p1 = Popen(['p1'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(['p2'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) ... p5 = Popen(['p5'], stdin=p4.stdout, stdout=PIPE) # write data to stdin p1.stdin.write(indata) p1.stdin.close() # not sure in what order to close the pipes here, if at all
I'd like a good method that matches the interface of subprocess.check_call -- ie, it throws CalledProcessError when it fails, is synchronous, &c -- but instead of returning the return code of the command (if it even does that) returns the program's output, either only stdout, or a tuple of (stdout, stderr). Does somebody have a method that does this? Python 2.7+ from subprocess i
我想是的接口相匹配的好方法subprocess.check_call -也就是说,它会抛出CalledProcessError失败时,是同步的,&C -但不是返回命令的返回码(如果它甚至不认为)的回报程序的输出,只有stdout或(stdout,stderr)的元组。 有人有这样做的方法吗? Python 2.7+ from subprocess import check_output as qx Python <2.7 来自subprocess.py: import subprocess def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): if 'stdou
My question might be rather simple: Where should I put python script files that I made, to run on a rails on that rails server? And how do I call the script? ( I am looking for what is the path directory ) I have tried to run it on my local machine in which I can store the files anywhere but I really want to follow some type of good convention for doing this on an enterprise server. :/
我的问题可能很简单: 我应该在哪里放置我制作的python脚本文件 ,以便在rails服务器上的rails上运行? 我该如何调用脚本? ( 我正在寻找什么是路径目录 ) 我试图在我的本地机器上运行它,我可以在其中存储文件,但我真的想在企业服务器上遵循某种类型的良好惯例。 :/ 现在我把它放在脚本根目录下的脚本文件夹中。 脚本会打印到标准输出,因为这是Ruby在运行时看到的。 所以打印输出将被存储到一个变量中,然后
For example, I can use Python scripts in PHP like there: exec("python script.py params",$result); where "script.py" - script name and variable $result save output data. How I can make it with Ruby? I mean, call Python scripts from Ruby. 一种方法是执行。 result = exec("python script.py params") 您可以对任何shell二进制文件执行shell命令并使用反引号捕获响应: result = `python script.p
例如,我可以像PHP那样在PHP中使用Python脚本: exec("python script.py params",$result); 其中“script.py” - 脚本名称和变量$result保存输出数据。 我如何用Ruby做到这一点? 我的意思是,从Ruby调用Python脚本。 一种方法是执行。 result = exec("python script.py params") 您可以对任何shell二进制文件执行shell命令并使用反引号捕获响应: result = `python script.py params` 另一种做同样事情的方法是, system 'py
I've got a program that has a small file structure going on and is then ran using python do_work.py foo bar I want my Rails users to press a button and have this happen for them, with the result either uploaded somewhere or just thrown to them as a download link or something of the sort - the output of do_work.py (say, it's result.txt ) I also want to clarify that the script results i
我有一个程序,它有一个小文件结构,然后运行 python do_work.py foo bar 我想让我的Rails用户按下一个按钮,让他们发生这种情况,结果要么上传到某个地方,要么作为下载链接或类似的东西 - do_work.py的输出(比如result.txt ) 我还想澄清一下,脚本导致在文件系统上创建3个单独的文件,这些文件不是文本文件(这不应该有问题,这里也不是真正的问题) 什么是最好的方式去做呢? 可以耙运行exec Python吗? 更重要的是