I want to use python to write code for another language which doesn't understand exponentially formatted floats. Is there an easy way to get python to, when converting floats to strings, use long-form notation (IE 0.000000009 instead of 9e-9)? I tried '%(foo)f', but it cuts the decimal short (0.00000). Try something like "%.16f" % f This will still use exponential format if the
我想用python编写另一种不懂指数格式浮点数的语言的代码。 有没有一种简单的方法来获取python,当将浮动转换为字符串时,使用长表示法(IE 0.000000009而不是9e-9)? 我尝试了'%(foo)f',但它削减了小数点(0.00000)。 尝试类似 "%.16f" % f 例如,如果数字太小,这将仍然使用指数格式,因此您必须分别处理这种情况 "%.16f" % f if f >= 1e-16 else "0.0" 使用特定的格式说明符,例如: >>> f=
How do I remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string in Python? For example: " Hello " --> "Hello" " Hello" --> "Hello" "Hello " --> "Hello" "Bob has a cat" --> "Bob has a cat" Just one space, or all such spaces? If the second, then strings already have a .strip() method: >>> ' Hello '.strip() 'Hello' >>> ' Hello'.strip() 'Hello' >>> 'Bob ha
如何从Python中的字符串中删除前导空格和尾部空格? 例如: " Hello " --> "Hello" " Hello" --> "Hello" "Hello " --> "Hello" "Bob has a cat" --> "Bob has a cat" 只有一个空间,或所有这些空间? 如果第二个,那么字符串已经有一个.strip()方法: >>> ' Hello '.strip() 'Hello' >>> ' Hello'.strip() 'Hello' >>> 'Bob has a cat'.strip() 'Bob has a cat' >>> '
I am trying to open an image with subprocess so it is visible to the user, then close the image so that it disapears. This question has been asked before, but the answers I found have not worked for me. Here is what I have checked: Killing a process created with Python's subprocess.Popen() How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True How can I close an image shown to
我试图用子流程打开一个图像,以便用户可见,然后关闭图像使其消失。 这个问题之前已经被问过了,但是我发现的答案并没有为我工作。 以下是我所检查的内容: 杀死用Python的subprocess.Popen()创建的进程 如何终止用shell = True启动的python子进程 如何使用Python Imaging Library关闭向用户显示的图像? 我需要代码来打开一个图像(预览(可选),我的Mac上是默认的),等待一秒钟,然后关闭图像。 openimg = sub
I've seen a ton of questions for the opposite of this which I find odd because I can't keep my subprocess from closing but is there a way to call subprocess.Popen and make sure that it's process stays running after the calling python script exits? My code is as follows: dname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) script = '{}/visualizerUI.py'.format(dname) self.proc = subpro
我看到很多与此相反的问题,我觉得很奇怪,因为我无法让子进程关闭,但有没有办法调用subprocess.Popen并确保进程在调用python脚本后仍然运行退出? 我的代码如下: dname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) script = '{}/visualizerUI.py'.format(dname) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['python', script, str(width), str(height), str(pixelSize)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) 这可以很好地打开这个过程,但是
I have a python script that works with threads, processes, and connections to a database. When I run my script, python crashes. I cannot explicitly detect the case in which this happens. Now I am looking for tools to get more information when python crashes, or a viewer to see all my created processes/connections. I created a module RemoteException.py that shows the full traceback of a exc
我有一个python脚本,可以与线程,进程和数据库连接一起工作。 当我运行我的脚本时,python崩溃。 我无法明确地检测到发生这种情况的情况。 现在我正在寻找工具在python崩溃时获取更多信息,或者查看器查看我创建的所有进程/连接。 我创建了一个RemoteException.py模块,该模块显示了进程中异常的完整回溯。 Python2。 下载并将其添加到您的代码中: import RemoteException @RemoteException.showError def go():
I'm using a combination of the Changes feed and changes.list to get push notifications of any file changes on a users Drive, then the details of that change. I can get details like the filename, if it was trashed or deleted etc. But I'm having difficulty determining a rename. I just get a notification that the file was updated. The 'title' is the new title, but without storing
我使用Changes feed和changes.list的组合来获取用户驱动器上任何文件更改的推送通知,然后获取该更改的详细信息。 我可以得到详细信息,如文件名,如果它被丢弃或删除等。但我很难确定重命名。 我刚刚收到一个通知,说明文件已更新。 '标题'是新的标题,但没有存储上次检查时所有文件名和ID的完整列表,有没有办法确定哪个文件被重命名(重命名为/从)? 在本地存储文件ID列表并比较每次有变化时效率不高......
I am currently working on an app that syncs one specific folder in a users Google Drive. I need to find when any of the files/folders in that specific folder have changed. The actual syncing process is easy, but I don't want to do a full sync every few seconds. I am condisering one of these methods: 1) Moniter the changes feed and look for any file changes This method is easy but it wi
我目前正在开发一款应用程序,用于同步用户Google云端硬盘中的一个特定文件夹。 我需要找到该特定文件夹中的任何文件/文件夹何时发生更改。 实际的同步过程很简单,但我不想每隔几秒就完成一次同步。 我正在考虑这些方法之一: 1)Moniter更改提要并查找任何文件更改 此方法很简单,但如果驱动器中的ANY文件发生更改,则会导致同步。 2)经常请求整个驱动器中的所有文件,例如。 service.files().list()。execute
I need to build in a analytics (reporting, charting & graphing) system into my Django application. In an ideal world I could just query my Postgres DB and get the data I want but when the amount of data in the DB goes through the roof, I'll hit performance bottlenecks and other issues like index hell. I'm wondering if you could point me in a right direction to implement this: Is
我需要在我的Django应用程序中构建一个分析(报告,制图和图形)系统。 在一个理想的世界中,我可以查询我的Postgres数据库并获取我想要的数据,但是当数据库中的数据量超过屋顶时,我会遇到性能瓶颈和其他问题,如索引地狱。 我想知道你是否可以指出我正确的方向来实现这一点: 这是使用像NoSQL数据库(CouchDB,MongoDB,Redis)并从中查询数据的好方案吗? 既然Postgres和Django没有OLAP / MDX支持,我应该在不同的数
OJ(Online Judge)s allow users to upload arbitrary code snippet to execute on the server, but it also has a sandbox to prevent malicious code from running. For instance, on leetcode, if I submit this code in python: import subprocess res = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "/"]) print res It returns: Line 36: OSError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable If I want to implement the OJ syst
OJ(Online Judge)允许用户上传任意代码片段以在服务器上执行,但它也有一个沙箱来防止恶意代码的运行。 例如,在leetcode上,如果我在python中提交这段代码: import subprocess res = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "/"]) print res 它返回: Line 36: OSError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable 如果我想在Python中实现OJ系统,有没有办法监视子进程的系统调用,并禁止某些调用? 我已经搜索过,大多数
This question already has an answer here: Correct way to define Python source code encoding 5 answers In source header you can declare: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .... It is described in the PEP 0263: Then you can use UTF-8 in strings: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- u = 'idzie wąż wąską dróżką' uu = u.decode('utf8') s = uu.encode('cp1250') print(s) Thi
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 正确的方式来定义Python源代码编码5答案 在源头中你可以声明: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .... 它在PEP 0263中有描述: 然后你可以在字符串中使用UTF-8: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- u = 'idzie wąż wąską dróżką' uu = u.decode('utf8') s = uu.encode('cp1250') print(s) Python 3中不需要此声明,因为UTF-8是默认的源编码(请参阅PEP 3120