What's the "Bad magic number" ImportError in python, and how do I fix it? The only thing I can find online suggests this is caused by compiling a .py -> .pyc file and then trying to use it with the wrong version of python. In my case, however, the file seems to import fine some times but not others, and I'm not sure why. The information python's providing in the trac
python中的“坏幻数”ImportError是什么,我该如何解决它? 我能在网上找到的唯一的东西表明这是由编译一个.py - > .pyc文件,然后尝试将它与错误版本的python一起使用引起的。 然而,在我的情况下,该文件似乎有时会导入罚款,但不是其他人,我不知道为什么。 python在回溯中提供的信息并不是特别有用(这就是为什么我在这里要求...),但是在这里它有助于: Traceback (most recent call last): File "run.py", line
I'm using the following command to run a shell command (creating a subprocess): cmd = "ls" process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) Then, I want to get its return code when it's finished. I should use wait() or poll() ? It seems to me wait() is equal to a poll() enclosed in a busy wait. Something like: whi
我正在使用以下命令来运行一个shell命令(创建一个子进程): cmd = "ls" process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) 然后,我想在完成时获取它的返回码。 我应该使用wait()或poll() ? 在我看来, wait()等于在繁忙的等待中包含的poll() 。 就像是: while process.poll() == None: time.sleep(0.5) 如果stdout/stderr缓冲区被填充
I am developing an application which processes cheques for banks. But when the bank's image of a cheque can be skewed or rotated slightly by an angle of maximum value 20 degrees. Before the cheque can be processed, I need to properly align this skewed image. I am stuck here. My initial idea was that I will first try to get the straight horizontal lines using Hough Line Transform in an &q
我正在开发一个处理银行支票的应用程序。 但是,当银行的支票图像可以倾斜或旋转一个最大值20度的角度。 在检查可以处理之前,我需要正确对齐这个倾斜的图像。 我被困在这里。 我最初的想法是,我将首先尝试使用Hough Line Transform在“理想检查图像”中获得直线水平线。 一旦我得到了直线的数量,我将使用相同的技术来检测偏斜图像中的直线。 如果行数小于某个阈值,我会检测到图像偏斜。 以下是我的尝试: gray = cv2.c
I am getting the following error: Failed to add documents to Solr: Failed to connect to server at 'http://example.com/:8983/solr/update/?commit=true', are you sure that URL is correct? Checking it in a browser might help: HTTPConnectionPool(host='example.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /:8983/solr/update/?commit=true (Caused by : [Errno 111] Connection refused)
我收到以下错误: 无法将文档添加到Solr:无法通过'http://example.com/:8983/solr/update/?commit=true'连接到服务器,您确定该URL是否正确? 在浏览器中检查它可能会有所帮助:HTTPConnectionPool(host ='example.com',port = 80):最大重试次数超过url:/:8983 / solr / update /?commit = true(导致:[Errno 111]连接拒绝) 我可以击中提交这个XML的提交=真正的地址: 我可以打solr管理员没有
I'm trying to use python and python ptrace to read the memory of an external process. I need to work entirely in python, and I've been trying to read and print out the memory of a process in linux. So for example I've tried the following code, which keeps giving me IO errors: proc_mem = open("/proc/%i/mem" % process.pid, "r") print proc_mem.read() proc_mem.close() Mostly I just w
我试图用python和python ptrace来读取外部进程的内存。 我需要完全用python工作,并且我一直试图在Linux中读取和打印一个进程的内存。 所以举例来说,我已经尝试了下面的代码,它不断给我IO错误: proc_mem = open("/proc/%i/mem" % process.pid, "r") print proc_mem.read() proc_mem.close() 大多数情况下,我只是想反复抛弃一个流程的内存并随着时间的推移寻找变化。 如果这是做到这一点的正确方法,那么我的问题是什么
Original title: Memory leak opening files < 128KB in Python? Original question I see what I think is a memory leak when running my Python script. Here is my script: import sys import time class MyObj(object): def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: self.att = f.read() def myfunc(filename): mylist = [MyObj(filename) for x in xrange(100)]
原标题:内存泄漏打开文件<128KB在Python中? 原始问题 在运行我的Python脚本时,我发现我认为是内存泄漏。 这是我的脚本: import sys import time class MyObj(object): def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: self.att = f.read() def myfunc(filename): mylist = [MyObj(filename) for x in xrange(100)] len(mylist) return [] def main(): file
When initializing serial connection using python pyserial without any baud-rate, It goes to the default 9600 baud configuration ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') Does this pyserial have any option that it read / write to the serial port with the already configured settings that which configured through another application or stty linux command ? I've investigated pySerial'
当使用python pyserial初始化串行连接而没有任何波特率时,它转到默认的9600波特配置 ser = serial.Serial('/ dev / ttyUSB0') 这个pyserial有任何选项可以通过已配置的设置(通过其他应用程序或stty linux命令配置)读取/写入串行端口吗? 我调查过pySerial的源代码。 看来这是不可能的。 PySerial有一组默认值。 如果我没有弄错,当你调用open()方法时,它总是将端口配置为这些默认值,或者将其改变为任何
What would be the easiest way to move the mouse around (and possibly click) using Python on OS X? This is just for rapid prototyping, it doesn't have to be elegant. Try the code at this page. It defines a couple of functions, mousemove and mouseclick , which hook into Apple's integration between Python and the platform's Quartz libraries. This code works on 10.6, and I'm us
在OS X上使用Python移动鼠标(并可能点击)最简单的方法是什么? 这仅仅用于快速原型设计,它不一定非常优雅。 尝试在此页面的代码。 它定义了一些函数, mousemove和mouseclick ,它们与苹果在Python和平台的Quartz库之间的集成挂钩。 此代码适用于10.6,我在10.7上使用它。 这段代码的好处在于它产生了鼠标事件,而某些解决方案却没有。 我使用它来控制BBC iPlayer,将鼠标事件发送到Flash播放器中已知的按钮位置(我
I completed my first proper project in Python and now my task is to write tests for it. Since this is the first time I did a project, this is the first time I would be writing tests for it. The question is, how do I start? I have absolutely no idea. Can anyone point me to some documentation/ tutorial/ link/ book that I can use to start with writing tests (and I guess unit testing in particu
我用Python完成了我的第一个正确的项目,现在我的任务是为它编写测试。 由于这是我第一次做项目,这是我第一次为它编写测试。 问题是,我该如何开始? 我完全不知道。 任何人都可以点我一些文档/教程/链接/书籍,我可以用它来开始编写测试(特别是我猜测单元测试) 任何建议都会受到欢迎。 这是Python中测试驱动开发的教程。 现在,就像Justin说的那样,最好在编码之前或编写过程中编写测试,这就是本教程假定你正在
I have this contour obtained with MatplotLib: Now, I want to use it as a normal Python image (PIL or array), because I want to apply it a mask (obtained with OpenCV). The problem is that with MatplotLib, the image with the contour is resized, and a margin is added (for the axis, even if I don't draw the axis), so the image that I obtain from the figure of MatplotLib doesn't fit with t
我用MatplotLib获得这个轮廓: 现在,我想用它作为一个普通的Python图像(PIL或数组),因为我想将它应用于一个掩模(通过OpenCV获得)。 问题在于,使用MatplotLib时,带轮廓的图像被调整大小,并且添加了边距(对于轴,即使我没有绘制轴),所以从MatplotLib的图形中获得的图像没有适合用OpenCV获得的面具。 我试图得到与OpenCV相同的轮廓,但我没有获得任何与cv2.FindContours和cv2.DrawContours函数的结果(如果您知道