dimensional vector in class C++

I need to create a vector of vectors full of integers. However, I continuously get the errors: error: expected identifier before numeric constant error: expected ',' or '...' before numeric constant using namespace std; class Grid { public: Grid(); void display_grid(); void output_grid(); private: vector<int> row(5, 0); vector<vector<int> >

在C ++类中的三维向量

我需要创建一个向量充满整数的向量。 但是,我不断得到错误: 错误:数字常量之前的期望标识符错误:数字常量之前的期望','或'...' using namespace std; class Grid { public: Grid(); void display_grid(); void output_grid(); private: vector<int> row(5, 0); vector<vector<int> > puzzle(9, row); int rows_; int columns_; }; 您无法在声明它们的位置

fastest way to wake up a thread without using condition variable

I am trying to speed up a piece of code by having background threads already setup to solve one specific task. When it is time to solve my task I would like to wake up these threads, do the job and block them again waiting for the next task. The task is always the same. I tried using condition variables (and mutex that need to go with them), but I ended up slowing my code down instead of spee


我试图通过设置后台线程来解决某个特定任务来加速一段代码。 当是时候解决我的任务了,我想唤醒这些线程,做好工作并再次阻止他们等待下一个任务。 任务总是一样的。 我尝试使用条件变量(以及需要与它们互斥的互斥锁),但是最终我放慢了代码速度,而不是加快速度; 主要是因为对所有需要的函数的调用非常昂贵( pthread_cond_wait/pthread_cond_signal/pthread_mutex_lock/pthread_mutex_unlock )。 使用线程池(我没有

IPv6 at programming level in windows

What is the difference between IPv6 and IPv4 at programming level in windows? Can we just change IPv4 address to IPV6 and keep all other program same, will it work? It really depends on what your program does. An IPV6 address takes 16 bytes, rather than the four used by IPV4. The string representations are also different. To create a socket is almost the same: sock = socket(


在Windows中编程级别的IPv6和IPv4有什么区别? 我们可以将IPv4地址更改为IPV6并保持所有其他程序相同,是否可以使用? 这真的取决于你的程序的功能。 IPV6地址需要16个字节,而不是IPV4使用的四个字节。 字符串表示也是不同的。 创建一个套接字几乎是一样的: sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); 只需将PF_INET更改为PF_INET6即可。 连接有点不同: nRet = connect(sock,

Use the C++ STL in Enterprise Architect

How is it possible to use parts of the C++ STL in Enterprise Architect? It would be nice to be able to specify certain class attributes as std::string or use std::auto_ptr (or even std::tr1::shared_ptr ) as types. Another interesting thing would be how one is able to integrate container-types like std::vector and std::map into EA. I have taught how STL containers look like to EA, I guess it

在Enterprise Architect中使用C ++ STL

在Enterprise Architect中如何使用C ++ STL的一部分? 能够将某些类属性指定为std::string或使用std::auto_ptr (甚至是std::tr1::shared_ptr )作为类型会很好。 另一个有趣的事情是如何将容器类型(如std::vector和std::map整合到EA中。 我已经教过STL容器如何看起来像EA,我想它也可以扩展为stl指针: 正向工程: 您可以在语言设置全局定义的集合类不同的多重性,或对某一类项目(这将确定它是如何在其他类“载”)

12 Bit Input in C++

I'm trying to write a small application that enables 12-bit input and output. I have the output working, which by using 12 bits per word is able to write the numbers 4095 to 0 to a file. Essentially, the input is supposed to read that file (hence, read the numbers 4095 to 0). The input file has to have a 32-byte buffer (ie fill the buffer from the file, read in chunks of 12 bits, save the

C ++中的12位输入

我正在尝试编写一个支持12位输入和输出的小应用程序。 我有输出工作,通过使用每个字12位可以写入数字4095到0到一个文件。 基本上,输入应该读取该文件(因此,读取数字4095到0)。 输入文件必须有一个32字节的缓冲区(即从文件中填充缓冲区,以12位块的形式读取,保存多余的位,重新填充缓冲区并重复)。 为了测试这个,我有一个循环,将'i'从4095减少到0.在循环内部,我请求12Bit输入类给我下一个12位数字。 理

Is this the best way to do a "with" statement in C++?

Edit: So this question was misinterpreted to such a ludicrous degree that it has no point anymore. I don't know how, since the question that I actually asked was whether my specific implementation of this—yes, known to be pointless, yes, not remotely resembling idiomatic C++—macro was as good as it could be, and whether it necessarily had to use auto , or if there was a suitable workaround

这是在C ++中使用“with”语句的最佳方式吗?

编辑: 所以这个问题被误解为这样一个荒谬的程度,它已经没有意义了。 我不知道这是怎么回事,因为我实际上问的问题是,我的这个具体实现 - 是的,是否已知是毫无意义的,是的,并非与惯用的C ++宏非常类似,它是否可以是好的,以及它是否一定必须使用auto ,或者如果有适当的解决方法。 它不应该引起这么多的关注,当然不是对这种重要性的误解。 要求受访者编辑他们的答案是毫无意义的,我不希望任何人失去这方面的声誉,

Template of wrapper for variadic template functions

I am implementing a template for a wrapper, as in : C++ function call wrapper with function as template argument Wrap a function pointer in C++ with variadic template The wrapper taken from the links above is : template<typename Fn, Fn fn, typename... Args> typename std::result_of<Fn(Args...)>::type wrapper(Args&&... args) { return fn(std::forward<Args>(args)...);


我正在为包装器实现一个模板,如下所示: 用函数作为模板参数的C ++函数调用包装器 用可变参数模板在C ++中包装函数指针 从上面的链接中取得的包装是: template<typename Fn, Fn fn, typename... Args> typename std::result_of<Fn(Args...)>::type wrapper(Args&&... args) { return fn(std::forward<Args>(args)...); } #define WRAPPER(FUNC) wrapper<decltype(&FUNC), &FUNC>

Compilation error when passing variadic args to a template function

I have the following template method: template<typename T, typename... Args> void register_scene(const std::string& name, Args&&... args) { auto func = std::bind(&T::template create<Window*, Args&...>, std::placeholders::_1, std::forward<Args>(args)...); _store_scene_factory(name, [=](Window* window) -> SceneBasePtr { auto ret = func(wind


我有以下模板方法: template<typename T, typename... Args> void register_scene(const std::string& name, Args&&... args) { auto func = std::bind(&T::template create<Window*, Args&...>, std::placeholders::_1, std::forward<Args>(args)...); _store_scene_factory(name, [=](Window* window) -> SceneBasePtr { auto ret = func(window); ret-&g

Virtual method with variadic arguments

I am trying to implement a logging system abstracted behind a locator service (in the style of this guide) in such a way that the logging system can be subclassed for various different logging situations. I would prefer to be able to use printf style format strings instead of <<, but that means supporting variable number of arguments. Variadic templates can easily solve this, however, the


我试图在一个定位器服务(以本指南的形式)抽象后实现一个日志记录系统,以便日志记录系统可以分类为各种不同的日志记录情况。 我宁愿能够使用printf样式格式字符串而不是<<,但这意味着支持可变数量的参数。 变量模板可以很容易地解决这个问题,但是,它们不能是虚拟的,这意味着基础日志记录类不能是抽象的(作为接口)。 理想情况下,我需要的是让父方法不是模板化的方法,而是接受一个参数包,它将向右(模板化)

How to properly pass C strings to a lambda inside a variadic template function

Here is my complex situation: I have a function using variadic template and lambda: template<typename...Args> void foo(Args...args) { // the arguments are passed to the lambda _func = [args...](){ do_sth(args...); }; } On observing specific events, the lambda _func would be fired. My problem is, some of the arguments I passed are C strings, they could be pointing to temporary s


这是我的复杂情况: 我有一个函数使用variadic模板和lambda: template<typename...Args> void foo(Args...args) { // the arguments are passed to the lambda _func = [args...](){ do_sth(args...); }; } 在观察特定事件时,lambda _func将被解雇。 我的问题是,我传递的一些参数是C字符串,它们可能指向临时std字符串,如下所示: const char *pStr = __temp_std__string__.c_str(); 鉴于我称之为foo(p