GDB: Run until specific breakpoint

In GDB debugging C++ code: I have 15 breakpoints strategically set, but I don't want any of them to activate until I've hit breakpoint #2. Is there any run-until-breakpoint-n command in GDB? I find myself doing one of two things instead: Delete all other breakpoints so that #2 is all that exists, run, re-add all breakpoints; or Run and repeatedly continue past all breaks until I s


在GDB调试C ++代码:我有15个断点战略设置,但我不希望他们中的任何人激活,直到我打断点#2。 GDB中是否有run-until-breakpoint-n命令? 我发现自己做了以下两件事之一: 删除所有其他断点,以使#2完全存在,运行,重新添加所有断点; 要么 运行并反复continue过去,直到我在#2看到第一个休息。 我想要类似run-until 2 ,它会忽略除#2之外的所有其他断点,但不会删除它们。 这是否存在? 其他人是否有更好的方法

Getting gdb to save a list of breakpoints?

OK, info break lists the breakpoints, but not in a format that would work well with reusing them using the --command as in this question. Does gdb have a method for dumping them into a file acceptable for input again? Sometimes in a debugging session, it is necessary to restart gdb after building up a set of breakpoints for testing. Edit: the .gdbinit file has the same problem as --command.


好的,信息中断列出了断点,但不是以与此问题中的--command重用它们的格式。 gdb是否有一种方法将它们转储到可再次输入的文件中? 有时在调试会话中,有必要在建立一组测试断点后重新启动gdb。 编辑: .gdbinit文件与--command具有相同的问题。 info break命令不会列出命令,而是一张供人类使用的表格。 详细说明,这里是一个来自信息中断的示例: (gdb) info break Num Type Disp Enb Address What 1 br

Is there a C++ gdb GUI for Linux?

Briefly: Does anyone know of a GUI for gdb that brings it on par or close to the feature set you get in the more recent version of Visual C++? In detail: As someone who has spent a lot of time programming in Windows, one of the larger stumbling blocks I've found whenever I have to code C++ in Linux is that debugging anything using commandline gdb takes me several times longer than it does i

是否有Linux的C ++ gdb GUI?

简而言之:有没有人知道gdb的图形用户界面(GUI)可以让它与您在更新版本的Visual C ++中获得的功能相提并论吗? 详细地说:作为一个在Windows中花费大量时间进行编程的人,每当我必须在Linux中编写C ++程序时,我发现的一个更大的绊脚石就是使用命令行gdb调试任何东西所花费的时间比在Visual Studio,而且它在实践中似乎没有变得更好。 有些事情可以更容易或更快速地表达图形。 具体而言,我正在寻找一个GUI: 处理所有

Launch Failed. Binary not found. CDT on Eclipse Helios

I'm using Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu 10.04, and I'm trying to install CDT plugin on it. I download it from here here. And then I go to Install New Software and select the zip file (I don't extract it, just select the zip file). And its ok, it installs, everything works fine, it shows optional features, blah blah blah. And then I create a new HelloWorld project. And when I try to

启动失败。 找不到二进制文件。 Eclipse Helios上的CDT

我在Ubuntu 10.04上使用Eclipse Helios,并试图在其上安装CDT插件。 我从这里下载它。 然后我去安装新软件并选择压缩文件(我不提取它,只需选择压缩文件)。 它的好,它安装,一切工作正常,它显示可选功能,等等等等等等。 然后我创建一个新的HelloWorld项目。 当我尝试运行它时,它显示一个错误并说: 启动失败。 找不到二进制文件。 任何人都可以解释我如何解决它? 谢谢。 您必须先创建一个可执行文件,然

OpenCV: Letters and words detection from edge detection image

I am currently dealing with text recognition. Here is a part of binarized image with edge detection (using Canny): EDIT: I am posting a link to an image. I don't have 10 rep points so I cannot post an image. EDIT 2: And here's the same piece after thresholding. Honestly, I don't know which approach would be better. [ 2 The questions remain the same: How should I detect


我目前正在处理文字识别。 这里是边缘检测(使用Canny)的二值化图像的一部分: 编辑:我张贴链接到图像。 我没有10个代表点,所以我无法发布图片。 编辑2:这是阈值后的相同的一块。 老实说,我不知道哪种方法会更好。 [ 2 问题依然如此: 我应该如何检测某些字母? 我需要确定每个字母的位置,然后确定每个字。 一些字母是“打开”的问题吗? 我的意思是说他们不是封闭的地区。 如果我使用cv::matchtemplat

Isolating and tracking multiple objects in real time using OpenCV?

I'm currently making a program to track 4 paddles, with 3 different colors. I'm having trouble understanding how best to proceed, with the knowledge I have now, and how to reduce the computational costs of running the project. There are code examples of the steps listed at the end of this post. The program contains a class file called Controllers, that has simple get and set functions


我目前正在制作一个程序来跟踪4种不同颜色的桨。 我很难理解如何最好地继续,以及我现在拥有的知识,以及如何降低运行项目的计算成本。 这篇文章末尾列出了一些代码示例。 该程序包含一个名为Controllers的类文件,它具有简单的获取和设置函数,如X和Y位置,以及哪些HSV值用于阈值处理。 处于未优化状态的程序现在执行以下操作: 从网络摄像头读取图像 将图像转换为HSV色彩空间 使用OpenCV的inRange函数以及一些先前

taking over memory from std::vector

I use an external library which operates on large quantities of data. The data is passed in by a raw pointer, plus the length. The library does not claim ownership of the pointer, but invokes a provided callback function (with the same two arguments) when it is done with the data. The data gets prepared conveniently by using std::vector<T> , and I'd rather not give up this convenien

从std :: vector接管内存

我使用一个外部库,它可以处理大量的数据。 数据通过原始指针传递,并加上长度。 该库不声明指针的所有权,但在完成数据时调用提供的回调函数(具有相同的两个参数)。 通过使用std::vector<T>可以方便地准备数据,我宁愿不放弃这种便利。 复制数据完全没有问题。 因此,我需要一种方式来“接管” std::vector<T>所拥有的内存缓冲区,并且(稍后)在回调中释放它。 我目前的解决方案如下所示: std::vector<


I'm trying to switch between an explicit and an implicit conversion constructor via enable_if . My code currently looks like #include <type_traits> #include <cstdint> enum class enabled {}; template <bool B, typename T = void> using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type; template <bool B, typename T = void> using disable_if_t = typename std::enab

C ++

我试图通过enable_if在显式和隐式转换构造函数之间切换。 我的代码目前看起来像 #include <type_traits> #include <cstdint> enum class enabled {}; template <bool B, typename T = void> using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type; template <bool B, typename T = void> using disable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<!B, T>::type; template <std::intmax_t

Undefined behaviour when using iostream read and signed char

My question is similar to this but a bit more specific. I am writing a function to read a 32-bit unsigned integer from a istream represented using little endian. In C something like this would work: #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> uint_least32_t foo(FILE* file) { unsigned char buffer[4]; fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, file); uint_least32_t ret = buffer[0];


我的问题与此类似,但更具体一点。 我正在写一个函数来读取使用little endian表示的istream中的32位无符号整数。 在C这样的事情会工作: #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> uint_least32_t foo(FILE* file) { unsigned char buffer[4]; fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, file); uint_least32_t ret = buffer[0]; ret |= (uint_least32_t) buffer[1] << 8; ret |= (uint_leas

Accessing protected members in a derived class

I ran into an error yesterday and, while it's easy to get around, I wanted to make sure that I'm understanding C++ right. I have a base class with a protected member: class Base { protected: int b; public: void DoSomething(const Base& that) { b+=that.b; } }; This compiles and works just fine. Now I extend Base but still want to use b: class Derived : pu


我昨天遇到了一个错误,虽然很容易解决,但我想确保我正确理解C ++。 我有一个受保护成员的基类: class Base { protected: int b; public: void DoSomething(const Base& that) { b+=that.b; } }; 这编译和工作很好。 现在我扩展Base但仍想使用b: class Derived : public Base { protected: int d; public: void DoSomething(const Base& that) { b+=that.b;