python2.6 import error

i am porting my python script written on 3 to 2.6 and i am getting below errors and i could not find out the equivalent imports. import win32com.client from Tkinter import FileDialog How to fix these issues ? Using Python 2.6.5 Python 2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for mo


我移植我的Python脚本写在3到2.6,我得到以下错误,我无法找到等价的进口。 import win32com.client from Tkinter import FileDialog 如何解决这些问题? 使用Python 2.6.5 Python 2.6.5(r265:79096,2010年3月19日,21:48:26)win32上的[MSC v.1500 32位(Intel)]输入“copyright”,“credits”或“license()”以获取更多信息。 **************************************************************** Personal firewall sof

What's wrong with my regular expression?

I'm expecting a string NOT to match a regular expression, but it is! >>> re.compile('^P|([LA]E?)$').match('PE').group() 'P' This seems like a bug, because I see no way for the $ to match. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that Python's re lib would not be able to handle this simple case. Am I missing something here? btw, Python prints this out when I start it: Python 2


我期待一个字符串不匹配正则表达式,但它是! >>> re.compile('^P|([LA]E?)$').match('PE').group() 'P' 这看起来像一个错误,因为我认为没有办法让$匹配。 另一方面,Python的re lib似乎不可能处理这个简单的情况。 我在这里错过了什么吗? 顺便说一句,Python启动时打印出来: 在Win32上使用Python 2.5.4(r254:67916,2008年12月23日,15:10:54)[MSC v.1310 32位(Intel)]输入“help”,“copyright”,“cr

python equivalent of java OutputStream?

Is there a Python equivalent / pseudo-equivalent to java's OutputStream or PrintWriter? I want to be able to have a handle that represents either a stream like stdout/sterr, or a file, or something else (a pipe or a socket or a dummy sink) and abstract away what kind of thing it is, so I can just send output to it. How can I do this? "Abstracting away what type it is" happens


是否有与Java的OutputStream或PrintWriter相当的Python等价物? 我希望能够有一个表示stdout / sterr,或文件或其他东西(管道或套接字或虚拟水槽)的流,并抽象出它是什么类型的东西,所以我可以只是发送输出到它。 我怎样才能做到这一点? “抽象出它是什么类型”在Python中自动发生 - 它被称为“鸭子打字”。 只需将任何类似文件的对象传递给函数,并使用类似文件的对象的接口。 FWIW,标准输入/输出/错误流由sys模块中

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework?

Is there a list somewhere of recommendations of different Python-based REST frameworks for use on the serverside to write your own RESTful APIs? Preferably with pros and cons. Please feel free to add recommendations here. :) Something to be careful about when designing a RESTful API is the conflation of GET and POST, as if they were the same thing. It's easy to make this mistake with D

Python REST(Web服务)框架的建议?

是否有列表中某处列出了不同基于Python的REST框架的建议,以供在服务器端用于编写您自己的RESTful API? 最好有优点和缺点。 请随时在这里添加建议。 :) 设计RESTful API时需要注意的一点是GET和POST的混合,就好像它们是一样的。 使用Django的基于函数的视图和CherryPy的默认分派器很容易犯这个错误,虽然现在两个框架都提供了解决这个问题的方法(分别基于类的视图和MethodDispatcher)。 HTTP动词在REST中非常重要,

Flask POSTs with Trailing Slash

The documentation states that the preferred way to define a route is to include a trailing slash: @app.route('/foo/', methods=['GET']) def get_foo(): pass This way, a client can GET /foo or GET /foo/ and receive the same result. However, POSTed methods do not have the same behavior. from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/foo/', methods=['POST']) def post_foo():

Flask POSTs with Trailing Slash

该文档指出,定义路线的首选方式是包含尾部斜线: @app.route('/foo/', methods=['GET']) def get_foo(): pass 这样,客户端可以获得GET /foo或GET /foo/并获得相同的结果。 但是,POST方法不具有相同的行为。 from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/foo/', methods=['POST']) def post_foo(): return "bar" 在这里,如果您使用POST /foo ,如果您未在调试模式下运行

like "as" keyword (for namespacing) in Ruby

I was just over looking at this question. The first thought that popped to my head was that ruby must have some sort of "as" type keyword like Python's import to help avoid namespace pollution. I've googled a bit but it seems that it's recommended to wrap your code in modules to avoid namespace problems with ruby. This seems problematic because what if two modules have co


我只是在看这个问题。 首先想到的是,ruby必须有某种“as”类型的关键字,比如Python的导入来帮助避免命名空间污染。 我已经google了一下,但似乎建议您将代码封装在模块中以避免使用ruby发生名称空间问题。 这似乎有问题,因为如果两个模块名称冲突。 那么,ruby需要的任何“as”类型关键字? 我一直在做的是用我公司的工作首字母缩写或我自己的个人项目首字母开头。 module JWG_TwitterTools . . . end 在Ruby 2.0中,会有

How to profile combined python and c code

I have an application that consists of multiple python scripts. Some of these scripts are calling C code. The application is now running much slower than it was, so I would like to profile it to see where the problem lies. Is there a tool, software package or just a way to profile such an application? A tool that will follow the python code into the C code and profile these calls as well? N


我有一个由多个python脚本组成的应用程序。 其中一些脚本正在调用C代码。 该应用程序现在运行速度比以前慢得多,所以我想对其进行配置以查看问题所在。 是否有工具,软件包或只是一种方法来分析这样的应用程序? 一个将Python代码放入C代码并分析这些调用的工具? 注1:我非常了解标准的Python分析工具。 我特意在这里寻找组合的Python / C分析。 注2:Python模块使用ctypes调用C代码(有关详细信息,请参阅http://docs

if statement session flask

This question already has an answer here: Cast Flask form value to int 1 answer How do I parse a string to a float or int in Python? 22 answers How to compare string and integer in python? 1 answer


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 将Flask表单值转换为int 1答案 如何在Python中将字符串解析为float或int? 22个答案 如何比较python中的字符串和整数? 1个答案

How do I add n number of input fields depending on a passed value?

This question already has an answer here: How do I parse a string to a float or int in Python? 22 answers You can use float() to parse your voc_count variable (which is a string) as a number, and then use int() to further convert it to an integer value. Once you've done that, you should be able to base a for loop around the value of voc_count . voc_count = int(float(request.form['count


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在Python中将字符串解析为float或int? 22个答案 您可以使用float()将您的voc_count变量(它是一个字符串)解析为数字,然后使用int()将其进一步转换为整数值。 一旦你这样做了,你应该能够围绕voc_count的值voc_count一个for循环。 voc_count = int(float(request.form['count']))

Python, how do I make these variables integers from string

This question already has an answer here: How do I parse a string to a float or int in Python? 22 answers You cannot declare types in Python because Python is a dynamically typed programming language like Ruby, Smalltalk, Javascript, and many others as well. Dynamic languages have their own pros and cons, try to learn them. int_number = int('99') # here you go as far as casting is concerne


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在Python中将字符串解析为float或int? 22个答案 你不能在Python中声明类型,因为Python是一种动态类型的编程语言,比如Ruby,Smalltalk,Javascript等等。 动态语言有自己的优点和缺点,试图学习它们。 int_number = int('99') # here you go as far as casting is concerned