I have code that, simplified down, looks like this: run = functools.partial(run, grep=options.grep, print_only=options.print_only, force=options.force) if not options.single and not options.print_only and options.n > 0: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.n) Map = pool.map else: Map = map for f in args: with open(f) as fh: Map(run, fh) try: pool.close() pool.join() exce
我有代码,简化了下来,看起来像这样: run = functools.partial(run, grep=options.grep, print_only=options.print_only, force=options.force) if not options.single and not options.print_only and options.n > 0: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.n) Map = pool.map else: Map = map for f in args: with open(f) as fh: Map(run, fh) try: pool.close() pool.join() except NameError: p
I am using Emacs 23.1.1 on GNU/Linux with autocomplete.el 1.3 and Ropemacs 0.6. In Lisp programming, autocomplete.el shows the documentation (known as 'QuickHelp' in autocomplete.el) of the suggested completions. Python completion with ropemacs works, but does not show quick help for the Python completion. Is it possible to enable it and did somebody make it work? Ropemacs does the
我在GNU / Linux上使用Emacs 23.1.1和autocomplete.el 1.3和Ropemacs 0.6。 在Lisp编程中,autocomplete.el显示建议完成的文档(在autocomplete.el中称为“QuickHelp”)。 使用ropemacs完成Python的工作,但不能显示Python完成的快速帮助。 是否有可能启用它并让某人使其工作? Ropemacs完成这项工作:在符号上使用函数rope-show-doc或使用密钥绑定Cc d 。 简单:) 我停止在我所有的开发环境中使用所有自动完成的东西。
By default when I run a freshen scenario, which contains an undefined given/when/then clause, that test is simply marked as undefined. No further helpful message as to what actually isn't defined is given. Is there a way to change this behavior to get more information what exactly was undefined? 在https://github.com/rlisagor/freshen/issues/16上有一个请求这个请求的公开门票。我还附上了一个链
默认情况下,当我运行一个包含未定义的given / when / then子句的清新场景时,该测试简单地标记为未定义。 没有进一步有用的消息,关于什么实际上没有定义给出。 有没有办法改变这种行为,以获得更多的信息什么是未定义? 在https://github.com/rlisagor/freshen/issues/16上有一个请求这个请求的公开门票。我还附上了一个链接到一个执行此操作的github分支。 像这样的东西给了更多的信息: ./manage.py test -- -v 在gith
Windows如何更改显示器电源状态? It seems that, when Windows wants to start the screen saver or turn the monitor off, it will send a WM_SYSCOMMAND to the topmost window with a wParam of SC_SCREENSAVE (to start the screen saver) or a wParam of SC_MONITORPOWER and a lParam of 1 or 2 (to turn the monitor off). This message will then be passed to DefWindowProc , which will actually do the action. S
Windows如何更改显示器电源状态? 看来,当Windows想要启动屏幕保护程序或关闭显示器时,它会发送一个WM_SYSCOMMAND到最上面的窗口,并带有一个wParam的SC_SCREENSAVE (启动屏幕保护程序)或一个wParam的SC_MONITORPOWER和一个lParam为1或2(关闭显示器)。 这条消息将被传递给DefWindowProc ,它将实际执行该操作。 所以,如果你的窗口恰好是最顶层的窗口,你可以拦截这些事件并忽略它们(或者在将它们传递给DefWindowProc
I have come across this: item = someSortOfSelection() if item in myList: doMySpecialFunction(item) but sometimes it does not work with all my items, as if they weren't recognized in the list (when it's a list of string). is it the most 'pythonic' way of finding an item in a list: if x in l: ? As for your first question: that code is perfectly fine and should work if item
我碰到过这个: item = someSortOfSelection() if item in myList: doMySpecialFunction(item) 但有时它不适用于我的所有项目,就好像它们在列表中未被识别(当它是一个字符串列表)。 它是在列表中找到一个项目的最“pythonic”方法: if x in l: :? 至于你的第一个问题:该代码是完全正常的,并应该工作,如果item等于myList中的元素myList 。 也许你试图找到一个不完全匹配其中一个项目的字符串,或者你正在使用一
Is there an easy way to count the lines of code you have written for your django project? Edit: The shell stuff is cool, but how about on Windows? Yep: shell]$ find /my/source -name "*.py" -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l Job's a good 'un. You might want to look at CLOC -- it's not Django specific but it supports Python. It can show you lines counts for actual code, comments, b
有没有简单的方法来计算你为django项目编写的代码行? 编辑:壳的东西很酷,但在Windows上怎么样? 是的: shell]$ find /my/source -name "*.py" -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l 乔布斯是一个好的'联合国'。 你可能想看看CLOC--它不是Django特有的,但它支持Python。 它可以显示实际代码,评论,空白行等的行数。 从艾登的回答开始,并在我自己的问题中提供了一些帮助,结果我得到了这个神奇糟糕的混乱: #
{ "id": "0001", "type": "donut", "name": "Cake", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": [ { "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" }, { "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" }, { "id": "1003", "type": "Blueberry" }, { "id": "1004", "type": "Devil's Food" } ] }, "topping": [ { "id": "5001", "type":
{ "id": "0001", "type": "donut", "name": "Cake", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": [ { "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" }, { "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" }, { "id": "1003", "type": "Blueberry" }, { "id": "1004", "type": "Devil's Food" } ] }, "topping": [ { "id": "5001", "type":
I have a python server-side application that generates a simple HTML page with a big blurb of client-side javascript that generates client-side the DOM tree displayed to the user based on a big blob of JSON data assigned to a js variable. Some of that JSON data contains strings, some of which contain HTML tags. It all boils down to something like this: <html> ... var tmp = "<p>some
我有一个python服务器端应用程序,它生成一个简单的HTML页面,其中包含大量的客户端JavaScript,根据分配给js变量的大量的JSON数据生成客户端向用户显示的DOM树。 一些JSON数据包含字符串,其中一些包含HTML标签。 这一切都归结为这样的事情: <html> ... var tmp = "<p>some text</p>"; ... </html> 不出所料,上述内容不起作用,因为它应该看起来像下面这样使浏览器的HTML解析器很高兴: <html
I have the following JSON string (from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON) { "name":"Product", "properties": { "id": { "type":"number", "description":"Product identifier", "required":true }, "name": {
我有以下JSON字符串(来自维基百科http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON) { "name":"Product", "properties": { "id": { "type":"number", "description":"Product identifier", "required":true }, "name": { "typ
I am writing a program that generates JSON and outputs it to the file. The first content that I output to the file is the following JSON string: var jsonStyle = {'color': '#004070', 'weight': 2, 'opacity': 0.9} Then I use the Python JSON library to generate JSON output. This is the Python object that I pass into json.dumps : js = {'type': 'Feature', 'properties': {'st
我正在编写一个生成JSON并将其输出到文件的程序。 我输出到文件的第一个内容是以下JSON字符串: var jsonStyle = {'color': '#004070', 'weight': 2, 'opacity': 0.9} 然后我使用Python JSON库生成JSON输出。 这是我传入json.dumps的Python对象: js = {'type': 'Feature', 'properties': {'style': 'jsonStyle'}, 'geometry': geomJSON} 我想要的文本输出是: js = {'type': 'Feature',