Convert UTC datetime string to local datetime with Python

I've never had to convert time to and from UTC. Recently had a request to have my app be timezone aware, and I've been running myself in circles. Lots of information on converting local time to UTC, which I found fairly elementary (maybe I'm doing that wrong as well), but I can not find any information on easily converting the UTC time to the end-users timezone. In a nutshell, and

使用Python将UTC datetime字符串转换为本地日期时间

我从来没有必要将时间转换为UTC。 最近有请求让我的应用程序具有时区意识,并且我一直在圈选自己。 很多关于将本地时间转换为UTC的信息,我发现它相当基本(也许我做错了),但我无法找到有关将UTC时间轻松转换为最终用户时区的任何信息。 简而言之,android应用程序发送给我(appengine应用程序)数据,并且在该数据中是时间戳。 要将该时间戳存储为utc我正在使用的时间: datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) 这似乎

Comparison of the multiprocessing module and pyro?

I use pyro for basic management of parallel jobs on a compute cluster. I just moved to a cluster where I will be responsible for using all the cores on each compute node. (On previous clusters, each core has been a separate node.) The python multiprocessing module seems like a good fit for this. I notice it can also be used for remote-process communication. If anyone has used both frameworks


我使用pyro进行计算群集上并行作业的基本管理。 我刚搬到集群,我将负责使用每个计算节点上的所有核心。 (在之前的集群中,每个核心都是一个单独的节点。)python多处理模块似乎非常适合这一点。 我注意到它也可以用于远程过程通信。 如果有人使用这两个框架进行远程过程通信,我会很高兴听到他们如何相互对抗。 多处理模块的显着优势在于它内置了2.6。 除此之外,我很难分辨哪个更好。 编辑:我改变我的答案,所以你避

Sharing a complex object between Python processes?

I have a fairly complex Python object that I need to share between multiple processes. I launch these processes using multiprocessing.Process . When I share an object with multiprocessing.Queue and multiprocessing.Pipe in it, they are shared just fine. But when I try to share an object with other non-multiprocessing-module objects, it seems like Python forks these objects. Is that true? I t


我有一个相当复杂的Python对象,我需要在多个进程之间共享。 我使用multiprocessing.Process启动这些进程。 当我使用multiprocessing.Queue和multiprocessing.Pipe共享一个对象时,它们可以很好地共享。 但是,当我尝试与其他非多处理模块对象共享一个对象时,似乎Python会分叉这些对象。 真的吗? 我尝试使用multiprocessing.Value。 但我不确定这种类型应该是什么? 我的对象类叫做MyClass。 但是,当我尝试multiproc

make #!/usr/bin/env python

This question already has an answer here: Cannot pass an argument to python with “#!/usr/bin/env python” 9 answers I'd use the following: #!/bin/sh """true" exec python -u "$0" "$@" """ # python code goes here The line """true" will be parsed by sh as true , because it consists of an empty "" string followed by "true" . Since true is a no-op comm

make#!/ usr / bin / env python

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 用“#!/ usr / bin / env python”9个答案不能传递参数给python 我会使用以下内容: #!/bin/sh """true" exec python -u "$0" "$@" """ # python code goes here 行"""true"将被sh解析为true ,因为它由一个空的""字符串和后面的"true" 。 由于true是无操作命令,因此它将被有效忽略,并且以下行将执行Python解释器。 另一方面,Python将非常不

shebang env preferred python version

I have some python-2.x scripts which I copy between different systems, Debian and Arch linux. Debian install python as '/usr/bin/python' while Arch installs it as '/usr/bin/python2'. A problem is that on Arch linux '/usr/bin/python' also exists which refers to python-3.x. So every time I copy a file I have to correct the shebang line, which is a bit annoying. On Arch

shebang env首选python版本

我有一些python-2.x脚本,我在不同的系统,Debian和Arch linux之间复制。 Debian将python安装为'/ usr / bin / python',而Arch将其安装为'/ usr / bin / python2'。 一个问题是在Arch linux的'/ usr / bin / python'中也存在引用python-3.x的东西。 所以每次我复制一个文件时,我必须纠正shebang行,这有点烦人。 在我使用的拱门上 #!/usr/bin/env python2 而在debian上我有 #!/usr/bin/env pyt

#!/usr/bin/python and #!/usr/bin/env python, which support?

How should the shebang for a Python script look like? Some people support #!/usr/bin/env python because it can find the Python interpreter intelligently. Others support #!/usr/bin/python , because now in most GNU/Linux distributions python is the default program. What are the benefits of the two variants? The Debian Python Policy states: The preferred specification for the Python interpr

#!/ usr / bin / python和#!/ usr / bin / env python,哪些支持?

Python脚本的shebang应该怎么样? 有些人支持#!/usr/bin/env python因为它可以智能地找到Python解释器。 其他人支持#!/usr/bin/python ,因为现在在大多数GNU / Linux发行版中, python是默认程序。 两种变体有什么好处? Debian Python政策指出: Python解释器的首选规范是/usr/bin/python或/usr/bin/pythonX.Y 。 这确保了使用Python的Debian安装,并且满足了对附加python模块的所有依赖。 维护者不应该使用/usr/b

Cannot pass an argument to python with "#!/usr/bin/env python"

I needed to have a directly executable python script, so i started the file with #!/usr/bin/env python . However, I also need unbuffered output, so i tried #!/usr/bin/env python -u , but that fails with python -u: no such file or directory . I found out that #/usr/bin/python -u works, but I need it to get the python in PATH to support virtual env environments. What are my options? It is be

“#!/ usr / bin / env python”无法将参数传递给python

我需要一个直接可执行的python脚本,所以我用#!/usr/bin/env python启动了这个文件。 但是,我也需要无缓冲的输出,所以我试过#!/usr/bin/env python -u ,但是失败时使用python -u: no such file or directory 。 我发现#/usr/bin/python -u可以工作,但我需要它来获取PATH的python以支持虚拟env环境。 我有什么选择? 最好使用环境变量来启用它。 请参阅python文档: 为

Python deployment and /usr/bin/env portability

At the beginning of all my executable Python scripts I put the shebang line: #!/usr/bin/env python I'm running these scripts on a system where env python yields a Python 2.2 environment. My scripts quickly fail because I have a manual check for a compatible Python version: if sys.version_info < (2, 4): raise ImportError("Cannot run with Python version < 2.4") I don't want t

Python部署和/ usr / bin / env可移植性

在我所有的可执行Python脚本的开始处,我放置了shebang行: #!/usr/bin/env python 我在env python产生Python 2.2环境的系统上运行这些脚本。 我的脚本很快失败,因为我对兼容的Python版本进行了手动检查: if sys.version_info < (2, 4): raise ImportError("Cannot run with Python version < 2.4") 如果可能的话,我不想在每个可执行文件上更改shebang行; 但是,我没有对机器的管理访问权限来更改env python

Is there a way to change effective process name in Python?

Can I change effective process name of a Python script? I want to show a different name instead of the real name of the process when I get the system process list. In CI can set strcpy(argv[0],"othername"); But in Python argv[0] = "othername" doesn't seem to work. When i get process list (with ps ax in my linux box) the real name doesn't change. I prefer a portable solution (or el


我可以更改Python脚本的有效进程名称吗? 当我得到系统进程列表时,我想显示一个不同的名称而不是进程的真实名称。 在CI中可以设置 strcpy(argv[0],"othername"); 但在Python中 argv[0] = "othername" 似乎没有工作。 当我得到进程列表(在我的linux系统中使用ps ax )时,真实姓名不会改变。 如果存在的话,我更喜欢便携式解决方案(或者其他解决方案用于posix,另一种解决方案适用于Windows环境)。 提前致谢 简而

Why is '#!/usr/bin/env python' supposedly more correct than just '#!/usr/bin/python'?

Anyone know this? I've never been able to find an answer. If you're prone to installing python in various and interesting places on your PATH (as in $PATH in typical Unix shells, %PATH on typical Windows ones), using /usr/bin/env will accomodate your whim (well, in Unix-like environments at least) while going directly to /usr/bin/python won't. But losing control of what version of

为什么'#!/ usr / bin / env python'比'#!/ usr / bin / python'更正确?

任何人都知道吗? 我从来没有找到答案。 如果你很容易在你PATH上各种有趣的地方安装python(比如典型的Unix shell中的$PATH ,典型的Windows中的%PATH ),使用/usr/bin/env将容纳你的奇思妙想(在Unix中至少)直接进入/usr/bin/python不会。 但是失去对脚本运行的Python版本的控制并不是非合作的讨价还价......如果你看看我的代码,你更有可能看到它开始,例如#!/usr/local/bin/python2.5而不是开放并接受#!/usr/bin/env py