Rewriting a for loop in pure NumPy to decrease execution time

I recently asked about trying to optimise a Python loop for a scientific application, and received an excellent, smart way of recoding it within NumPy which reduced execution time by a factor of around 100 for me! However, calculation of the B value is actually nested within a few other loops, because it is evaluated at a regular grid of positions. Is there a similarly smart NumPy rewrite to s


我最近询问了如何为一个科学应用程序优化一个Python循环,并且在NumPy中获得了一种优秀的,巧妙的重新编码方式,这为我减少了大约100倍的执行时间! 但是, B值的计算实际上是嵌套在其他几个循环中,因为它是在规则的网格位置进行评估的。 是否有类似智能的NumPy重写来缩短这个过程的时间? 我怀疑这部分的性能增益不会很明显,并且可能的缺点是,不可能向用户报告计算进度,直到结果不能写入输出文件,直到计算的结束,并

Getting readline to block on a FIFO

I create a fifo: mkfifo tofetch I run this python code: fetchlistfile = file("tofetch", "r") while 1: nextfetch = fetchlistfile.readline() print nextfetch It stalls on readline, as I would hope. I run: echo "test" > tofetch And my program doesn't stall anymore. It reads the line, and then continues looping forever. Why won't it stall again when there's no new data?


我创建了一个fifo: mkfifo tofetch 我运行这个python代码: fetchlistfile = file("tofetch", "r") while 1: nextfetch = fetchlistfile.readline() print nextfetch 正如我所希望的那样,它在readline上停滞不前。 我运行: echo "test" > tofetch 而且我的程序不再停滞。 它读取该行,然后继续循环。 当没有新数据时,为什么它不会再次失速? 我也试着寻找“不fetchlistfile.closed”,我不介意在每次写

PyCharm: how to properly attach to a local process for debugging purposes

Hi following the document available for PyCharm here: I would like to attach to a local process for debugging purposes. So I just wrote some dummy code in my file without any real-world purpose just for the sake of the demonstration: import time var_not_in_loop_below = 78 counter = 0 while True: count


您好,请遵循PyCharm提供的文档:我想附加到本地进程以进行调试。 所以我只是为了演示而在没有任何实际用途的情况下在我的running.py文件中编写了一些虚拟代码: import time var_not_in_loop_below = 78 counter = 0 while True: counter += 1 if counter <= 1: dummy_text = "Dummy" else: dummy_text = "Du

PyCharm docker debugging error

SEE EDITS I'm trying to get the latest version of PyCharm to successfully debug Django running inside Docker. However I'm having trouble setting up the remote python interpreter and I get an error as soon as I try to start the debugger. Can't run remote python interpreter: com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.InternalServerErrorException: {"message":"the working dir

PyCharm docker调试错误

看EDITS 我试图让最新版本的PyCharm成功调试在Docker中运行的Django。 但是,我在设置远程Python解释器时遇到了问题,并且只要尝试启动调试器,就会收到错误消息。 Can't run remote python interpreter: com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.InternalServerErrorException: {"message":"the working directory 'C:/Program Files (x86)/JetBrains/PyCharm 171.2613.10/jre64/jre/bin' is inval

Debugging Popen subprocesses with PyCharm

I'm trying to debug a Python application that uses psutil.Popen objects. When I start a subprocess, PyCharm replaces my command line with the following: python -m --multiproc --client --port 52581 --file <myapplication> which ends up in an error: python.exe: Import by filename is not supported. When I launch the same command without -m option, everything seems t


我试图调试一个使用psutil.Popen对象的Python应用程序。 当我启动一个子进程时,PyCharm将我的命令行替换为以下内容: python -m --multiproc --client --port 52581 --file <myapplication> 最终出现错误: python.exe: Import by filename is not supported. 当我使用-m选项启动相同的命令时,一切似乎都没有问题。 有没有办法改变PyCharm的调试器启动命令? 我已经更新到PyCharm Community

How to make pycharm break on My Exceptions

Possible Duplicate: break on unhandled exception in pycharm I'm new in Python and I'm trying to debug my first python program using PyCharm 1.5. I want debugger to break when exception occurs in my code (and only in mine). For now the situation is following: I use (Ctrl + Shift + F8 ) Dialog to configure debugger and If i set Suspend All = true and All exceptions = true then debugg


可能重复: 在pycharm中处理未处理的异常 我是Python新手,我正在尝试使用PyCharm 1.5来调试我的第一个python程序。 当我的代码发生异常(并且仅在我的代码中)时,我希望调试器中断。 现在情况如下:我使用(Ctrl + Shift + F8)对话框来配置调试器,如果我设置了Suspend All = true和All exceptions = true,那么调试器打破了太多的时间,例如,它在PyCharm 1.5内部的某处断开。 1 helpers pydev pydevd.py这是烦人

Which version of python opencv should I go for?

Having successfully installed opencv 2.0 with python bindings I'm starting to run into trouble and before I go any further I wondered if I should change to another option. As ezod on this post says: "As a caveat, as of the 2.0 release, the new Python bindings are incomplete: many functions I would consider rather important missing. Meanwhile, the SWIG bindings are nothing short of ago

我应该选择哪种版本的python opencv?

使用python绑定成功安装opencv 2.0后,我开始遇到麻烦,在我进一步探讨之前,我想知道是否应该更改为其他选项。 正如这篇文章的ezod所说: “作为一个警告,从2.0版本开始,新的Python绑定是不完整的:我认为很多函数都是相当重要的,同时,SWIG绑定也没什么可用的,ctypes-opencv绑定(第三方项目),从版本0.8.0开始,不支持OpenCV 2.0。“ 那么,我应该用2.0还是士兵呢,还是应该去ctypes? 我在两种方式中错过了什么?

Broadcasting message to all clients using Pika + sockjs

I'm new to realtime apps based on WebSockets, and stucked at one point. My app has following components: Simple Python script which is fired when some generic event occurs. It receives data and sends it to the queue (RabbitMQ) using pika. Tornado app (with sockjs-tornado) receiving message from queue (pika asynchronous client), processing its content, saving new app state to database an

向使用Pika + sockjs的所有客户广播消息

我是基于WebSockets的实时应用程序的新手,并且一度陷入困境。 我的应用程序有以下组件: 简单的Python脚本,当某些通用事件发生时被触发。 它接收数据并使用pika将其发送到队列(RabbitMQ)。 龙卷风应用程序(sockjs-tornado)接收来自队列(pika异步客户端)的消息,处理其内容,将新的应用程序状态保存到数据库并向客户端(SockJS客户端)广播数据。 与客户的通信只是一个方向 - 他们只是连接到服务器并接收数据。

Tornado Web Framework Mysql connection handling

I have recently been exploring the Tornado web framework to serve a lot of consistent connections by lots of different clients. I have a request handler that basically takes an RSA encrypted string and decrypts it. The decrypted text is an XML string that gets parsed by a SAX document handler that I have written. Everything works perfectly fine and the execution time (per HTTP request) was ro

Tornado Web Framework Mysql连接处理

我最近一直在探索Tornado web框架,以便为许多不同的客户提供大量一致的连接。 我有一个基本上需要RSA加密字符串的请求处理程序并对其进行解密。 解密后的文本是一个XML字符串,由我编写的SAX文档处理程序解析。 一切正常,并且执行时间(每个HTTP请求)大约为100毫秒(通过解密和解析)。 XML包含用户的用户名和密码哈希。 我想连接到MySQL服务器以验证用户名是否与应用程序提供的密码哈希匹配。 当我基本上添加下面的

Changing contents of currently displayed listbox in urwid/python2.6

I'm writing a music player in python, with a cli using urwid. I intend to have the current playlist in a simpleListWalker, wrapped by a listbox, then columns, a pile, and finally a frame. How do I replace the entire contents of this listbox (or simpleListWalker) with something else? Relevant code: class mainDisplay(object): ... def renderList(self): songList = db.getListOfSon

更改urwid / python2.6中当前显示的列表框的内容

我正在用Python编写一个音乐播放器,并使用urwid作为cli。 我打算将当前播放列表放在一个simpleListWalker中,由列表框,列,一堆,最后一个框架包装。 如何用其他内容替换此列表框(或simpleListWalker)的全部内容? 相关代码: class mainDisplay(object): ... def renderList(self): songList = db.getListOfSongs() songDictList = [item for item in songList if item['location'] in comm