Problems with calling unoconv from a django app, running in an virtualenv

I have a django app that calls unoconv using subprocess. It works fine when I run in my development environment, but errors out when run in the production environment. It gives this error "unoconv: Cannot find a suitable pyuno library and python binary combination in /usr/lib/libreoffice ERROR: No module named uno unoconv: Cannot find a suitable office installation on your system. ER


我有一个django应用程序使用子进程调用unoconv。 在我的开发环境中运行时,它工作正常,但在生产环境中运行时出错。 它给出了这个错误 “unoconv:在/ usr / lib / libreoffice中找不到合适的pyuno库和python二进制组合错误:没有名为uno的模块 unoconv:无法在您的系统上找到合适的办公室安装。 错误:请找到您的办公室安装并将您的反馈发送到:“ 但unoconv从命令行运行得

How can I identify a video format in Python3?

I'd like to be able to open a given file, and see that "This is a MP4 file", or "This is a webm" file, or even "This does not appear to be a valid video" I saw the FFmpeg wrapper, at, but I didn't see any sort of get_codec function inside of it. Thoughts? Take a look at Hachoir. It 'extracts metadata from multime


我希望能够打开给定的文件,并看到“这是一个MP4文件”,或“这是一个webm”文件,甚至“这似乎不是一个有效的视频” 我在看到了FFmpeg包装器,但我没有在其中看到任何类型的get_codec函数。 思考? 看看Hachoir。 它'从多媒体文件中提取元数据'。 以下是他们从AVI文件中提取元数据的示例: $ hachoir-metadata pacte_des_gnous.avi Common: - Duration: 4 min 25 sec - Comment:

Uploaded file type validation

I need to validate the file type of the uploaded file and should allow only pdf, plain test and MS word files. Here is my model and and the form with validation function. But, I'm able to upload files even without the extension. class Section(models.Model): content = models.FileField(upload_to="documents") class SectionForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Section


我需要验证上传文件的文件类型,并且应该只允许pdf,普通测试和MS文件。 这里是我的模型和具有验证功能的表单。 但是,即使没有扩展名,我也可以上传文件。 class Section(models.Model): content = models.FileField(upload_to="documents") class SectionForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Section FILE_EXT_WHITELIST = ['pdf','text','msword'] def clean_content(self): con

Detecting if a file is an image in Python

This question already has an answer here: How to check if a file is a valid image file? 7 answers Assuming: >>> files = {"a_movie.mkv", "an_image.png", "a_movie_without_extension", "an_image_without_extension"} And they are proper movie and image files in script folder. You can use builtin mimetypes module, but it won't work without extensions. >>> import mimetypes


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何检查文件是否是有效的图像文件? 7个答案 假设: >>> files = {"a_movie.mkv", "an_image.png", "a_movie_without_extension", "an_image_without_extension"} 它们是脚本文件夹中正确的电影和图像文件。 你可以使用内建mimetypes模块,但是如果没有扩展名,它将不起作用。 >>> import mimetypes >>> {file: mimetypes.guess_type(file) for file in file

Get the mimetype of a file with Python

I want determine mimetype of an xml file , but I am getting error about some instance as first argument. I am new to python please help. Below is the code I am using and the error it throws. from mimetypes import MimeTypes import urllib FILENAME = 'Upload.xml' url = urllib.pathname2url(FILENAME) type = MimeTypes.guess_type(url) print type **ERROR :** Traceback (most recent call last): File "


我想确定一个XML文件的MIME类型,但我得到关于某个实例作为第一个参数的错误。 我是新来的python请帮忙。 下面是我正在使用的代码和它引发的错误。 from mimetypes import MimeTypes import urllib FILENAME = 'Upload.xml' url = urllib.pathname2url(FILENAME) type = MimeTypes.guess_type(url) print type **ERROR :** Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/navi/Desktop/", line 20, in <mod

Validating Uploaded Files in Django

A Django app that I am working has an Event model. An Event may have associated photos, static html files and pdf files. I would like to allow trusted users to upload these files, but I am wary about security, especially having read the following in the Django docs (link). Note that whenever you deal with uploaded files, you should pay close attention to where you're uploading them and w


我正在使用的Django应用程序有一个Event模型。 一个Event可能有相关的照片,静态HTML文件和PDF文件。 我希望允许可信用户上传这些文件,但我对安全性保持警惕,特别是在Django文档(链接)中阅读了以下内容。 请注意,无论何时处理上传的文件,都应密切关注您上传的文件以及它们的类型,以避免安全漏洞。 验证所有上传的文件,以便确保文件是您认为的文件。 例如,如果您盲目地让某人上传文件(如果没有进行验证)到Web服

How to check type of files without extensions in python?

I have a folder full of files and these doesn't have an extension. How can I check file types? I want to check the file type and change the filename accordingly. Let's assume a function filetype(x) returns file type like png . I want to do this: files = os.listdir(".") for f in files: os.rename(f, f+filetype(f)) How do I do this? There are Python libraries that can recognize f


我有一个文件夹充满文件,这些文件没有扩展名。 我如何检查文件类型? 我想检查文件类型并相应地更改文件名。 假设一个函数filetype(x)返回像png这样的文件类型。 我想做这个: files = os.listdir(".") for f in files: os.rename(f, f+filetype(f)) 我该怎么做呢? 有些Python库可以根据文件内容识别文件(通常是头/幻数),并且不依赖文件名或扩展名。 如果你正在寻找许多不同的文件类型,你可以使用python-mag

Determine the encoding of text in Python

I received some text that is encoded, but I don't know what charset was used. Is there a way to determine the encoding of a text file using Python? How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file deals with C#. Correctly detecting the encoding all times is impossible . (From chardet FAQ:) However, some encodings are optimized for specific languages, and languages are not random.


我收到了一些编码的文本,但我不知道使用了什么字符集。 有没有一种方法来确定使用Python的文本文件的编码? 如何检测处理C#的文本文件的编码/代码页。 正确检测编码是不可能的 。 (来自chardet常见问题:) 但是,某些编码已针对特定语言进行了优化,语言不是随机的。 一些字符序列总是弹出,而其他序列没有意义。 一个英文流利的人打开报纸,发现“txzqJv 2!dasd0a QqdKjvz”会立即认出那不是英语(尽管它完全是由英

In Python, how do you get the content

Possible Duplicate: How to find the mime type of a file in python? I'm using an email processing API ( that posts all incoming emails to a web request handler in my app. The attachments are posted as attachment0=xyz&attachment1=abc along with other email fields like 'to' 'cc' 'subject', etc... I then store these attachments as files in the BlobS


可能重复: 如何在Python中找到文件的MIME类型? 我正在使用电子邮件处理API(将所有传入的电子邮件发布到我的应用中的Web请求处理程序。 附件发布为attachment0 = xyz&attachment1 = abc以及其他电子邮件字段,例如'to''cc''主题'等。 然后我将这些附件作为文件存储在BlobStore中(使用App Engine)。 要将这些文件返回给用户,必须指定mime_type / content_type。 据我了解,

How to guess the type of a file in python?

This question already has an answer here: How to find the mime type of a file in python? 14 answers 你想要filemagic模块。 If you're on a Unix OS (Linux or Mac), you have access to magic . If on a Mac, you'll likely need to brew install libmagic . There's a Python library called filemagic for rolling it into your Python scripts. import magic mage = magic.Magic() mage.id_buffer(


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在Python中找到文件的MIME类型? 14个答案 你想要filemagic模块。 如果您使用的是Unix操作系统(Linux或Mac),则可以使用magic 。 如果在Mac上,您可能需要brew install libmagic 。 有一个名为filemagic的Python库将其转换为Python脚本。 import magic mage = magic.Magic() mage.id_buffer("adsfadsf←") 最后一行将返回'UTF-8 Unicode文本,没有行结束符' 你也可以让它