If we have a Numpy recarray: x = np.array([(1.,2.)], dtype=np.dtype([('a','<f8'),('b','<f8')])) We can access its fields in Python as: x['a'] or x['b'] But if this array is passed to a C program as a PyArrayObject how do we access its fields? I realize we can get the dtype in C via: PyArray_Descr *dtype = PyArray_DTYPE(arr) PyObject
如果我们有一个Numpy recarray: x = np.array([(1.,2.)], dtype=np.dtype([('a','<f8'),('b','<f8')])) 我们可以在Python中访问其字段,如下所示: x['a']或x['b'] 但是,如果这个数组作为PyArrayObject传递给C程序,我们如何访问它的字段? 我知道我们可以通过C获取PyArray_Descr *dtype = PyArray_DTYPE(arr) : PyArray_Descr *dtype = PyArray_DTYPE(arr)
I am attempting to pass binary data over websockets, more specifically compressed strings over websockets. In my current setup I use tornado as the server with a websocket client transmitting the binary data. The binary data is formed by compressing the data with zlib . Both client and server are as simple as they get and are shown below. Server: import tornado.websocket import tornado.http
我试图通过websockets传递二进制数据,更具体地说是通过websockets传递压缩字符串。 在我当前的设置中,我使用龙卷风作为服务器,并使用websocket客户端传输二进制数据。 二进制数据是通过用zlib压缩数据形成的。 客户端和服务器都很简单,如下所示。 服务器: import tornado.websocket import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web class WebSocketServer(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
I need to create filled contour plots of sea surface temperature (SST) data within a polygon, however I am not sure the best way to do this. I have three 1D arrays containing data for X, Y, and SST which I plot using the following to create the attached plot: p=PatchCollection(mypatches,color='none', alpha=1.0,edgecolor="purple",linewidth=2.0) levels=np.arange(SST.min(),SST.max(),0.2) datamap=m
我需要在多边形内创建海面温度(SST)数据的填充等高线图,但我不确定最好的方法来做到这一点。 我有三个包含X,Y和SST数据的一维数组,我使用以下内容创建附加的图: p=PatchCollection(mypatches,color='none', alpha=1.0,edgecolor="purple",linewidth=2.0) levels=np.arange(SST.min(),SST.max(),0.2) datamap=mymap.scatter(x,y,c=SST, s=55, vmin=-2,vmax=3,alpha=1.0) 我希望能够将这些数据绘制为在多边形边界(紫色线
I'm trying to test gae-boilerplate locally, but when I try to create a new account the following error appears. The strange thing is that if I open python interpreter and type "import pwd" it works. Internal Server Error The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLaun
我试图在本地测试gae-boilerplate,但是当我尝试创建新帐户时,出现以下错误。 奇怪的是,如果我打开python解释器并键入“导入密码”它的作品。 Internal Server Error The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/go
What's the difference between: class Child(SomeBaseClass): def __init__(self): super(Child, self).__init__() and: class Child(SomeBaseClass): def __init__(self): SomeBaseClass.__init__(self) I've seen super being used quite a lot in classes with only single inheritance. I can see why you'd use it in multiple inheritance but am unclear as to what the advant
有什么区别: class Child(SomeBaseClass): def __init__(self): super(Child, self).__init__() 和: class Child(SomeBaseClass): def __init__(self): SomeBaseClass.__init__(self) 我已经看到只有单一继承才能在类中使用super类。 我可以看到为什么你会在多重继承中使用它,但我不清楚在这种情况下使用它的优点。 super()在单一继承中的好处是最小的 - 大多数情况下,您不必将基类的名称硬
I'm looking for a string.contains or string.indexof method in Python. I want to do: if not somestring.contains("blah"): continue 您可以使用in运算符: if "blah" not in somestring: continue If it's just a substring search you can use string.find("substring") . You do have to be a little careful with find , index , and in though, as they are substring searches. In ot
我正在Python中寻找一个string.contains或string.indexof方法。 我想要做: if not somestring.contains("blah"): continue 您可以使用in运算符: if "blah" not in somestring: continue 如果它只是一个子字符串搜索,你可以使用string.find("substring") 。 你必须与小心一点find , index ,并in虽然,因为它们是字符串搜索。 换句话说,这个: s = "This be a string" if s.find("is") == -1:
This question already has an answer here: Compare strings in python like the sql “like” (with “%” and “_”) 2 answers Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method? 13 answers You could use in to check if a string is contained in an other: 'toyota innova' in 'toyota innova 7' # True 'tempo traveller' in 'tempo traveller 15 str' # True If you only want to match the start of
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 比较python中的字符串,如sql“like”(带有“%”和“_”)2个答案 Python是否有一个字符串'contains'substring方法? 13个答案 你可以使用in检查一个字符串包含在其他: 'toyota innova' in 'toyota innova 7' # True 'tempo traveller' in 'tempo traveller 15 str' # True 如果你只想匹配字符串的开始,你可以使用str.startswith : 'toyota innova 7'.startswith('toyota innova')
Consider the following simple example: X = numpy.zeros([10, 4]) # 2D array x = numpy.arange(0,10) # 1D array X[:,0] = x # WORKS X[:,0:1] = x # returns ERROR: # ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10) into shape (10,1) X[:,0:1] = (x.reshape(-1, 1)) # WORKS Can someone explain why numpy has vectors of shape (N,) rather than (N,1) ? What is the best way to do the cast
考虑下面的简单例子: X = numpy.zeros([10, 4]) # 2D array x = numpy.arange(0,10) # 1D array X[:,0] = x # WORKS X[:,0:1] = x # returns ERROR: # ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10) into shape (10,1) X[:,0:1] = (x.reshape(-1, 1)) # WORKS 有人可以解释为什么numpy具有形状(N,)而不是(N,1)的向量? 从一维数组转换为二维数组的最佳方式是什么? 为什么我需要这个? 因
I'm new to PyEphem and this is probably a simple question. I want to calculate the angle of the sun above the horizon at a certain GPS point and date. My code is as follows: import ephem import datetime date = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1,12,0,0) print "Date: " + str(date) obs=ephem.Observer() obs.lat='31:00' obs.long='-106:00' obs.date = date print obs sun = ephem.Sun(obs) sun.compute(ob
我是PyEphem的新手,这可能是一个简单的问题。 我想在某个GPS点和日期计算地平线上太阳的角度。 我的代码如下: import ephem import datetime date = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1,12,0,0) print "Date: " + str(date) obs=ephem.Observer() obs.lat='31:00' obs.long='-106:00' obs.date = date print obs sun = ephem.Sun(obs) sun.compute(obs) print float(sun.alt) print str(sun.alt) sun_angle = float(sun.alt) * 5
i would like a python library function that translates/converts across different parts of speech. sometimes it should output multiple words (eg "coder" and "code" are both nouns from the verb "to code", one's the subject the other's the object) # :: String => List of String print verbify('writer') # => ['write'] print nounize('written') # => ['writ
我想要一个能够翻译/转换不同词类的python库函数。 有时它应该输出多个单词(例如,“编码器”和“代码”都是动词“代码”中的名词,其中一个是另一个的对象) # :: String => List of String print verbify('writer') # => ['write'] print nounize('written') # => ['writer'] print adjectivate('write') # => ['written'] 我主要关心动词<=>名词,因为我想写一个记笔记的程序。 即我可以写出“咖啡因拮抗A1”