How to request different session IDs from Java

As far as you know, In some web sites, when I send a home-page request to the web server, It assign a session ID to me. Using this session ID and cookies, it prevent multiple sign in (Login with different accounts in a single browser simultaneous). ie, if I don't signed out, when I send another request to the web server on another tab of my browser, it returns me the same session ID. Now,


据你所知,在一些网站中,当我向Web服务器发送一个主页请求时,它会给我分配一个会话ID。 使用此会话ID和Cookie,可防止多人登录(同时在单个浏览器中使用不同帐户登录)。 即如果我没有退出,当我在浏览器的另一个选项卡上向Web服务器发送另一个请求时,它会返回相同的会话ID。 现在,我想要为每个请求接收不同的会话ID。 我该怎么做?

Pyramid: static assets not found

I'm trying to deploy a Pyramid app. My domain is The HTML has loaded, but none of the static assets (css, js, images, fonts) are showing up. In my /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default file, I have set the location of the static files as follows, according to this tutorial: location /static { root /home/SkinProject; # this path + /s


我正在尝试部署一个金字塔应用程序。 我的域名是。 HTML已经加载,但没有任何静态资产(css,js,图像,字体)显示出来。 在我的/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default文件中,我按照以下教程设置了静态文件的位置: location /static { root /home/SkinProject; # this path + /skinproject/static is the absolute # path to my stati

Pyramid self.request.POST is empty

I'm currently working on a pyramid project, however I can't seem to submit POST data to the app from a form. I've created a basic form such as: <form method="post" role="form" action="/account/register"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="email">Email address:</label> <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placehol


我目前正在研究一个金字塔项目,但是我似乎无法将POST数据从窗体提交给应用程序。 我创建了一个基本的表单,例如: <form method="post" role="form" action="/account/register"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="email">Email address:</label> <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder=""> <p class="he

Should a cookie header be set on every response?

Let's say you're implementing sessions. You check whether the browser presents a session cookie. If yes, you authenticate the cookie and find the user that the session is associated with, and move on processing the request. If you didn't find a session cookie, you create a new session and send a cookie to the browser whch you expect to receive on subsequent requests. Now my que


假设您正在实施会话。 您检查浏览器是否显示会话Cookie。 如果是,则认证cookie并找到会话关联的用户,然后继续处理请求。 如果您没有找到会话cookie,那么您将创建一个新会话并向浏览器发送一个cookie,以期在随后的请求中收到该cookie。 现在我的问题是:如果您在请求中找到了会话cookie,您会在响应中重新发送相同的cookie吗? 在什么情况下这是正确的? 注意:我问这是Pyramid(Python)程序员,因为Pyramid实现无

How to use variables in SQL statement in Python?

Ok so I'm not that experienced in Python. I have the following Python code: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES var1, var2, var3,") where var1 is an integer, var2 & var3 are strings. How can I write the variable names without python including them as part of the query text? cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (var1, var2, var3)) Note that the parameters ar


好吧,所以我没有那种Python经验。 我有以下Python代码: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES var1, var2, var3,") 其中var1是一个整数, var2 & var3是字符串。 我如何在不使用python的情况下编写变量名称(包括它们作为查询文本的一部分)? cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (var1, var2, var3)) 请注意,参数作为元组传递。 数据库API可以正确地转义和引用变量。 小心不要使用字

for href not responding

I am trying to use url_for() to generate a url that will pass an argument to my Flask view. The client side html looks like this: {% for account in accounts %} <li class="list-group-item text-link-hover account clickable-panel" href="{{ url_for('accounts', }}" account-id={{ }}> <a>{{ }}</a> </li> {% endfor %} Wh


我正在尝试使用url_for()生成一个将参数传递给我的Flask视图的URL。 客户端的html看起来像这样: {% for account in accounts %} <li class="list-group-item text-link-hover account clickable-panel" href="{{ url_for('accounts', }}" account-id={{ }}> <a>{{ }}</a> </li> {% endfor %} 这似乎生成正确的HTML,因为结果如下所示

Routing fade modal in flask

I am having an issue with my fading modal routing in flask. My user login opens a modal and im trying to implement the POST feature from the modal in flask. I thought of implementing under index and search for the form name form the the post like below. @app.route('/') @app.route('/index') def index(): if request.form.get('login', None) == 'submit' : return 'Yeah hooo' return


我正在烧瓶中使用我的衰减模式路由问题。 我的用户登录打开一个模式,并试图从瓶中的模态实现POST功能。 我想在索引下实现,并像下面一样搜索表单名称。 @app.route('/') @app.route('/index') def index(): if request.form.get('login', None) == 'submit' : return 'Yeah hooo' return render_template('index.html') 但是,当我执行上面的代码时,我得到了 方法不允许 on / index。 我的其他担心

for) error with gunricorn + nginx

I am having a problem with the redirect(url_for) function in my flask app. Any redirect(url_for("index")) line redirects the application from to ip-addr/app , where the ip-addr is my own client machines ip, not the server's. This has gotten me very confused, and I don't know where exactly the issue occurs, as it only happens on the server and not on any local

)与gunricorn + nginx错误

我的烧瓶应用程序中的重定向(url_for)函数有问题。 任何重定向(url_for(“index”))行将应用程序从重定向到ip-addr / app ,其中ip-addr是我自己的客户端机器ip,而不是服务器的。 这让我感到非常困惑,我不知道究竟发生了什么问题,因为它只发生在服务器上,而不是任何本地测试。 细节: 我正在使用发现的反向代理设置。 我的nginx配置是这样设置的 location /a

How to upload and display image

**> **i try to upload and display image on my template html when i upload image i have success but when i want to display image, server saying "get static 404" anyone help me? @app.route("/upload/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def upload(username): form = PhotoForm() user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if requ


**> **我尝试上传和显示图像在我的模板html上传图片我有成功,但当我想显示图像,服务器说 “得到静态404”任何人都可以帮助我? @ app.route(“/ upload /”,methods = ['GET','POST'])@login_required def upload(username):form = PhotoForm()user = User.query.filter_by(用户名=用户名)。首先() 如果request.method =='POST'和form.validate_on_submit(): f = f

How to get data received in Flask request

I want to be able to get the data sent to my Flask app. I've tried accessing but it is an empty string. How do you access request data? @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def parse_request(): data = # data is empty # need posted data here The answer to this question led me to ask Get raw POST body in Python Flask regardless of Content-Type header n


我希望能够将数据发送到我的Flask应用程序。 我试过访问request.data但它是一个空字符串。 你如何访问请求数据? @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def parse_request(): data = # data is empty # need posted data here 这个问题的答案让我在Python Flask中获取原始POST主体,而不管Content-Type头是什么,这是关于获取原始数据而不是解析数据。 文档描述了请求中可用的属性。 在大多数