I am dealing with a problem of text summarization ie given a large chunk(s) of text, I want to find the most representative "topics" or the subject of the text. For this, I used various information theoretic measures such as TF-IDF, Residual IDF and Pointwise Mutual Information to create a "dictionary" for my corpus. This dictionary contains important words mentioned in the
我正在处理文本摘要问题,即给定大量文本,我想找到最具代表性的“主题”或文本主题。 为此,我使用各种信息理论措施,如TF-IDF,残余IDF和点互信息为我的语料库创建一个“字典”。 本词典包含文中提到的重要词汇。 我手动筛选了整个按照TFIDF度量排序的50,000条短语列表,并手工挑选了2,000个短语(我知道了!我花了15个小时来做到这一点......),这些都是基本事实,即这些非常重要。 现在,当我用这个字典作为字典并对我的
Based on what is mentioned in the scipy.stats's document, spearman ranking correlation has two array_like which defined as " ... arrays containing multiple variables and observations. Each represents a vector of observations of a single variable...". However, most of the practical examples like Spearman's rank correlation coefficient page of wikipedia calculate the correlation
根据scipy.stats文档中提到的内容,spearman排名相关性有两个array_like,它定义为“...包含多个变量和观察值的数组,每个代表一个变量的观测值向量......”。 但是,大多数实际例子,如斯皮尔曼的维基百科的等级相关系数页面,都计算出两个基本变量之间的相关性,而不是两个有序变量。 如果我想估计两个偏好排序列表有多接近,那么我的参数是多少? 例如,我们要求两个人在四个项目之间排序。 我们对person_2有[Item_1,Item_
i have a list of languages in my data store for a country which is stored like this : [u"[u'fa-AF'", u" u'ps'", u" u'uz-AF'", u" u'tk']"] i want the output as: fa-AF, ps, uz-AF, tk or fa-AF - ps, uz-AF - tk i have tried a couple of things but have not succeeded yet. seems like the data that has been imported to the datastore was not imported properly. Any help Regarding this would be
我在我的数据存储中有一个国家的语言列表,存储如下所示: [u"[u'fa-AF'", u" u'ps'", u" u'uz-AF'", u" u'tk']"] 我想输出为: fa-AF,ps,uz-AF,tk 要么 fa-AF - ps,uz-AF - tk 我已经尝试了几件事,但还没有成功。 似乎已导入数据存储的数据未正确导入。 任何帮助有关这将不胜感激。 另外,我希望您提供关于如何使用这些代码显示语言名称的建议。 例如,如果我们有“en-US”,那么我们希望将其显示为英语
How can I do this in python? array = [0,10,20,40] for (i = array.length() - 1 ;i >= 0; i--) I need to have the elements of an array but from the end to the beginning. You can make use of the reversed function for this as: >>> array=[0,10,20,40] >>> for i in reversed(array): ... print(i) Note that reversed(...) does not return a list. You can get a reversed list usi
我如何在Python中做到这一点? array = [0,10,20,40] for (i = array.length() - 1 ;i >= 0; i--) 我需要有一个数组的元素,但从头到尾。 你可以使用这个reversed函数作为: >>> array=[0,10,20,40] >>> for i in reversed(array): ... print(i) 请注意, reversed(...)不会返回列表。 您可以使用list(reversed(array))获得反转列表。 >>> L = [0,10,20,40] >>> L[::-1] [40,
I am trying to run a headless Firefox browser on Linux. I have firefox installed and on my PATH, xvfb is installed, and am using pyvirtualdisplay to setup the display with xvfb. When the last line is executed from pyvirtualdisplay import Display from selenium import webdriver display = Display(visible=False, size=(1024, 768)) display.start() browser = webdriver.Firefox() I get the error messa
我正尝试在Linux上运行无头Firefox浏览器。 我安装了firefox,并在我的PATH上安装了xvfb,并使用pyvirtualdisplay以xvfb设置显示。 当最后一行被执行时 from pyvirtualdisplay import Display from selenium import webdriver display = Display(visible=False, size=(1024, 768)) display.start() browser = webdriver.Firefox() 我收到错误消息: WebDriverException: Message: The browser appears to have exited before
I became curious about the implementation of the "in" ( __contains__ ?) operator in python due to this SO question. I downloaded the source code and tried to grep, browse, etc. to find some base definition of it, but I haven't been successful. Could someone show me a way to find it? Of course a general approach to finding that kind of thing would be best so anyone like me can le
由于这个SO问题,我开始对python中的“in”( __contains__ ?)运算符的实现感到好奇。 我下载了源代码并尝试grep,浏览等来找到它的一些基本定义,但我没有成功。 有人能告诉我一种找到它的方法吗? 当然,寻找这种东西的一般方法是最好的,这样像我这样的人都可以学习下次钓鱼。 我使用的是2.7,但如果3.x的过程完全不同,那么使用这两种技术会很好。 我认为这个实现从Objects/abstract.c中的PySequence_Contains开始。
I have an application where I have one figure with nine line plot sub-plots (3x3) and I want to let the user select one of the charts and have a small wx Python application open up to allow editing and zooming on the specified sub-plot. Is it possible to grab all the information from the selected sub-plot, ie axis labels, axis formatting, lines, tick sizes, tick labels, etc and plot it quickly
我有一个应用程序,其中有一个带有九条线图子图(3x3)的图,我想让用户选择一个图表,并打开一个小的wx Python应用程序,以允许在指定的子图上进行编辑和缩放。情节。 是否可以从选定的子图中获取所有信息,即轴标签,轴格式,线条,刻度大小,刻度标签等,并将其快速绘制在wx应用程序的画布上? 我目前的解决方案太长且笨重,因为我只是重新制作用户选择的情节。 我正在考虑这样的事情,但这并不正确。 #ax is a dictiona
My web app needs to be able to send XMPP messages (Facebook Chat), and I thought Celery might be a good solution for this. A task would consist of querying the database and sending the XMPP message to a number of users. However, with that approach I would have to connect to the XMPP server every time I run a task, which is not a great idea. From the Facebook Chat API docs: Best Practices
我的网络应用程序需要能够发送XMPP消息(Facebook聊天),我认为芹菜可能是一个很好的解决方案。 一项任务将包括查询数据库并将XMPP消息发送给多个用户。 但是,通过这种方法,我每次运行任务时都必须连接到XMPP服务器,这不是一个好主意。 来自Facebook Chat API文档: 最佳实践 您的Facebook聊天集成应仅用于预期寿命较长的会话。 客户不应该快速打开和关闭。 有没有办法在工作人员之间共享XMPP连接,所以每次我想
I need to setup environment by running which abc command. Is there a Python equivalent function of the which command? This is my code. cmd = ["which","abc"] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) res = p.stdout.readlines() if len(res) == 0: return False return True 有distutils.spawn.find_executable。 I know this is an older question, but if you happen to be using Python 3.3+ you ca
我需要通过运行which abc命令来设置环境。 有which Python命令的等效函数? 这是我的代码。 cmd = ["which","abc"] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) res = p.stdout.readlines() if len(res) == 0: return False return True 有distutils.spawn.find_executable。 我知道这是一个较老的问题,但是如果你碰巧使用Python 3.3+,你可以使用shutil.which(cmd) 。 你可以在这里找到文档。 它具有在标准库中
I am currently writing an Inkscape plugin using Python. Within this plugin, I would like to load a template (an existing svg) from the plugin folder and access some objects within this template by name or key. Then I would like to change the border and/or fill color of the object and add some text to it. How would I do this using the python scripting interface of inkscape? I found just a few
我目前正在使用Python编写一个Inkscape插件。 在此插件中,我想从插件文件夹加载模板(现有的svg),并通过名称或密钥访问此模板中的某些对象。 然后我想更改对象的边框和/或填充颜色,并向其中添加一些文本。 我如何使用inkscape的python脚本接口来做到这一点? 我发现了几个关于如何为inkscape编写插件的示例(请参见下文),但它们都适用于现有的已打开文档。 http://www.hoboes.com/Mimsy/hacks/write-inkscape-extens