I like Python's Twisted and Cmd. I want to use them together. I got some things working, but so far I haven't figured out how to make tab-completion work, because I don't see how to receive tab keypres events right away (without pressing Enter) in Twisted's LineReceiver. Here's my code so far: #!/usr/bin/env python from cmd import Cmd from twisted.internet import reacto
我喜欢Python的Twisted和Cmd。 我想一起使用它们。 我得到了一些工作,但到目前为止,我还没有想出如何使Tab-Completion工作,因为我没有看到如何在Twisted的LineReceiver中立即接收tab keypres事件(没有按Enter键)。 这是我的代码到目前为止: #!/usr/bin/env python from cmd import Cmd from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.stdio import StandardIO from twisted.protocols.basic import Li
I have a long-running Python server and would like to be able to upgrade a service without restarting the server. What's the best way do do this? if foo.py has changed: unimport foo <-- How do I do this? import foo myfoo = foo.Foo() You can reload a module when it has already been imported by using the reload builtin function in Python 2: import foo while True: # Do s
我有一个长期运行的Python服务器,并希望能够在不重新启动服务器的情况下升级服务。 这样做的最佳方式是什么? if foo.py has changed: unimport foo <-- How do I do this? import foo myfoo = foo.Foo() 您可以在Python 2中使用reload builtin函数导入模块时重新加载模块: import foo while True: # Do some things. if is_changed(foo): foo = reload(foo) 在Python 3中, reload被移
I am using PyCharm (1.5.4) as my python IDE on MacOS 10.6.4. I am tinkering with some code to manipulate stock price data. As part of that I want to import price data from yahoo by using the DataReader function that comes with Pandas 0.6.0. The code is as follow: http://www.statalgo.com/2011/09/08/pandas-getting-financial-data-from-yahoo-fred-etc/ from pandas import ols, DataFrame from pand
我在MacOS 10.6.4上使用PyCharm(1.5.4)作为我的python IDE。 我正在修改一些代码来操纵股票价格数据。 作为其中的一部分,我想通过使用Pandas 0.6.0附带的DataReader函数从雅虎导入价格数据。 代码如下: http://www.statalgo.com/2011/09/08/pandas-getting-financial-data-from-yahoo-fred-etc/ from pandas import ols, DataFrame from pandas.stats.moments import rolling_std from pandas.io.data import DataReade
I'm somewhat of a newbie to Plone and I'm attempting to use DataGridField with Dexterity. The goal is to use Plone 4.1 to publish the results of a usability study on our intranet. I've created a custom document type (called an Interaction) and I want to use datagrid for one of the fields to model a table containing two columns showing a summary of findings. As per the instructions
我对Plone有点新手,我试图用敏捷的DataGridField。 目标是使用Plone 4.1在我们的Intranet上发布可用性研究的结果。 我创建了一个自定义文档类型(称为交互),并且我想为其中一个字段使用datagrid来建模一个包含显示结果摘要的两列的表。 根据collective.z3cform.datagridfield中列出的说明,我已经成功将collective.z3cform.datagrid egg添加到我的build中的egg列表中,并且我可以看到新插件在我的加载项列表中显示为Activ
I'm trying to run python code with the atom-runner for atom, but it returns and EOF error. I did what other answers to similar questions said to do, and put raw_input() instead of input(), but it still returns and EOF error. Here is my code: tempf = int(raw_input("What is the temperature in fahrenheit? ")) tempc = (tempf - 32) * 5 / 9 print("The temperature in celsius is", tempc, "degree
我试图运行原子的atom-runner python代码,但它返回和EOF错误。 我做了其他类似问题的答案,并将raw_input()代替input(),但它仍然返回并发生EOF错误。 这是我的代码: tempf = int(raw_input("What is the temperature in fahrenheit? ")) tempc = (tempf - 32) * 5 / 9 print("The temperature in celsius is", tempc, "degrees.") 这是错误: 华氏温度是多少? Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次):文件“C: Doc
Question I am observing behavior in Python 3.3.4 that I would like help understanding: Why are my exceptions properly raised when a function is executed normally, but not when the function is executed in a pool of workers? Code import multiprocessing class AllModuleExceptions(Exception): """Base class for library exceptions""" pass class ModuleException_1(AllModuleExceptions):
题 我正在观察Python 3.3.4中的行为,我希望能帮助理解:为什么当函数正常执行时,我的异常会正确地引发,而不是在一组工作中执行函数时呢? 码 import multiprocessing class AllModuleExceptions(Exception): """Base class for library exceptions""" pass class ModuleException_1(AllModuleExceptions): def __init__(self, message1): super(ModuleException_1, self).__init__() self.
I am trying to refactor the last code sample so that the Button is actually its own class with an on_release action. But my code is failing. I want to not only refactor it (per my attempt below) but I also need to set the text of the Button to "Clear" from random import random from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.g
我试图重构最后一个代码示例,以便Button实际上是具有on_release操作的自己的类。 但是我的代码失败了。 我不仅要重构它(每次我的尝试),而且还需要将Button的文本设置为“清除” from random import random from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.graphics import Color, Ellipse, Line class MyPaintWidget(Widget): def on_touch_down(self,
I am pretty new to python and am using pythons SocketServer.ForkingTCPServer to create a network script that needs to connect to a database(mysql). I expect the program to get hit at around 30 - 40 times a second. Is it possible to share the same database connection across the processes? import os import SocketServer import MySQLdb class EchoHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): de
我对Python很新,并且使用pythons SocketServer.ForkingTCPServer来创建需要连接到数据库(mysql)的网络脚本。 我预计该计划每秒钟会以大约30-40次的速度上升。 是否有可能跨进程共享相同的数据库连接? import os import SocketServer import MySQLdb class EchoHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): self.wfile.write("SET VARIABLE DBDIALSTRING dbstuff n")
I run simple example with xmlrpc server and press Ctrl-C on keyboard :). from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer from time import sleep import threading,time class Test(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.test1 = 0 def test(self): return self.test1 def run(self): while(1): time.sleep(1)
我用xmlrpc服务器运行一个简单的例子,并在键盘上按下Ctrl-C :)。 from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer from time import sleep import threading,time class Test(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.test1 = 0 def test(self): return self.test1 def run(self): while(1): time.sleep(1)
I am having a problem with my code here. The error that I am receiving is on the bottom. I have to enter payroll in and calculate pay with overtime or without. enter code here ####################### Functions ######################## def Input(): try: name=raw_input("Enter your first and last name: ") titlename=name.title() except: return Input def Hours(): try: wHours=raw_input(
我在这里遇到了我的代码问题。 我收到的错误在底部。 我必须输入工资,并在加班或不加班的情况下计算工资。 在此输入代码#######################功能####################### #def Input():try:name = raw_input(“输入你的名字和姓氏:”)titlename = name.title()除外:return Input def hours():尝试:wHours = raw_input(“输入本周工作的小时数:”),除非:wHours <1或wHours> 60:打印“员工”不能