I'm working on making a command-line tool using Cmd.cmd of Python, and I want to add a "load" command with filename argument, which is supporting tab-completion. Referring this and this, I mad a code like this: import os, cmd, sys, yaml import os.path as op import glob as gb def _complete_path(path): if op.isdir(path): return gb.glob(op.join(path, '*')) else:
我正在使用Python的Cmd.cmd制作一个命令行工具,并且我想添加一个带有文件名参数的“加载”命令,它支持制表符完成。 引用这个和这个,我疯狂的代码是这样的: import os, cmd, sys, yaml import os.path as op import glob as gb def _complete_path(path): if op.isdir(path): return gb.glob(op.join(path, '*')) else: return gb.glob(path+'*') class CmdHandler(cmd.Cmd): def do_load(sel
This question already has an answer here: Reading a file without newlines 6 answers 这应该做你想做的(列表中的文件内容,按行,没有 n) with open(filename) as f: mylist = f.read().splitlines() I'd do this: alist = [line.rstrip() for line in open('filename.txt')] or: with open('filename.txt') as f: alist = [line.rstrip() for line in f] You can use .rstrip('n') to only r
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 读取没有换行符的文件6个答案 这应该做你想做的(列表中的文件内容,按行,没有 n) with open(filename) as f: mylist = f.read().splitlines() 我会这样做: alist = [line.rstrip() for line in open('filename.txt')] 要么: with open('filename.txt') as f: alist = [line.rstrip() for line in f] 您可以使用.rstrip('n')仅从字符串的末尾删除换行符: for i in c
I'm creating a custom interactive console using Cmd.py and am using readline for tab completion. This is being tested on a Mac, using python 2.7.1. I define my completion candidates using complete_[cmd_name] so that cmd.py can use it to get a list of possible completions. The argument that is being completed is a string. My candidate completions is a list of strings. Everything works in
我正在使用Cmd.py创建一个自定义的交互式控制台,并使用readline来完成标签。 这正在使用python 2.7.1在Mac上进行测试。 我使用complete_ [cmd_name]定义完成候选项,以便cmd.py可以使用它来获取可能的完成列表。 正在完成的论点是一个字符串。 我的候选人完成是一个字符串列表。 一切正常情况下工作。 问题是当参数以'$'开头时。 Readline显然是剥离了领先的'$'字符,当我构建候选列表时,它正在搞乱我
I'm trying to create game called Connect Four with AI which use alpha-beta pruning algorithm in python. Here is the code what I have managed to do: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys class ConnectFour: def __init__(self): self.board = [[],[],[],[],[],[]] for i in range(7): for j in range(6): self.board[j].append(" ") self.moves
我试图用python创建一个名为Connect Four的游戏,它使用alpha-beta修剪算法。 这是我设法做的代码: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys class ConnectFour: def __init__(self): self.board = [[],[],[],[],[],[]] for i in range(7): for j in range(6): self.board[j].append(" ") self.moves = 0 self.colstack = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] self.n
I'm trying to implement a computer player in a Connect Four type game. Alpha-beta pruning seemed like the best way to achieve this, but I cannot seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. The following is the code I've come up with. It starts with a initial root state. For every possible, valid move (and if no pruning occurs) the algorithm: makes a deep copy of the state, updates t
我试图在Connect Four类型的游戏中实现一台电脑播放器。 alpha-beta修剪似乎是实现这一目标的最佳方法,但我似乎无法弄清楚我做错了什么。 以下是我提出的代码。 它从一个初始的根状态开始。 对于每一个可能的有效移动(如果不发生修剪),该算法:对状态进行深层复制,更新状态(增加深度,切换转动,添加一块,设置启发式值),并将此新状态添加到根的后继列表。 如果新状态不是叶(即在最大深度处),则递归地继续。
In IDLE on Windows, on the menu bar, there is a Shell menu. One of the items on the Shell menu is 'Restart Shell'. The Shell menu is not available in IDLE on Linux. The Restart Shell command is useful after you have made a change in a module and want to run the module again in the shell. In IDLE on Linux, I have to close IDLE and open it again for the shell to notice the change in t
在Windows的IDLE中,在菜单栏上有一个Shell菜单。 Shell菜单中的一项是'Restart Shell'。 在Linux上,IDLE菜单不可用。 在对模块进行更改并希望在shell中再次运行模块后,重新启动Shell命令很有用。 在Linux的IDLE中,我必须关闭IDLE并再次打开它,以便shell注意模块中的更改。 如何在不关闭并重新打开IDLE的情况下重新启动shell? 如果您希望模块中的更改可见,只需调用类似的内容(其中my_module是您更新的
Web services on Heroku normally use the PORT environment variable, but I want to run a custom mail server on Heroku. So I need to expose 2 ports, preferably 110 and 25, but I can live with alternatives. Is it possible? 不,只是对heroku代理(proxy.heroku.com)运行一些快速测试,我只能连接到端口80和443.作为heroku不提供任何POP / SMTP,它们没有意义,他们有恐怕那些港口开放。 Dotcloud允许:https://
Heroku上的Web服务通常使用PORT环境变量,但我想在Heroku上运行自定义邮件服务器。 所以我需要公开两个端口,最好是110和25,但我可以选择替代方案。 可能吗? 不,只是对heroku代理(proxy.heroku.com)运行一些快速测试,我只能连接到端口80和443.作为heroku不提供任何POP / SMTP,它们没有意义,他们有恐怕那些港口开放。 Dotcloud允许:https://github.com/pepijndevos/Twemail 定制邮件服务器? 不。 Heroku的邮件
AttributeError at /blog/8/share/ 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'build_absolute_uri' Request Method: POST Request URL: localhost Django Version: 1.8.6 Exception Type: AttributeError Exception Value: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'build_absoulte_uri' Traceback: File "/home/shaik/code/my_env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/core/hand
/ blog / 8 / share /中的AttributeError 'WSGIRequest'对象没有属性'build_absolute_uri' 请求方法:POST请求URL:localhost Django版本:1.8.6 异常类型:AttributeError异常值: 'WSGIRequest'对象没有属性'build_absoulte_uri' Traceback:get_response中的“/home/shaik/code/my_env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py”文件 response = wrapped_call
I am trying to veify Twitter account of user via Twython def twitter_view(request): twitter = Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET) auth = twitter.get_authentication_tokens(callback_url='', force_login=True) request.session['oauth_token'] = auth['oauth_token'] request.session['oauth_token_secret'] = auth['oauth_token_secret'] return HttpResponseRedirect(auth['auth_url'])
我正试图通过Twython提供用户的Twitter帐户 def twitter_view(request): twitter = Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET) auth = twitter.get_authentication_tokens(callback_url='', force_login=True) request.session['oauth_token'] = auth['oauth_token'] request.session['oauth_token_secret'] = auth['oauth_token_secret'] return HttpResponseRedirect(auth['auth_url']) def redirect_vie
I am setting up my first Django app. I am having some trouble getting my database model to work. Here is my template: {% extends 'layouts/base.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}I am a Django God - {{ block.super }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Delusions of Grandeur #{{ munber }}</h1> <p>They make life EXCITING for {{ thing }}.</p> <p>{%
我正在设置我的第一个Django应用程序。 我在使数据库模型正常工作时遇到了一些麻烦。 这是我的模板: {% extends 'layouts/base.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}I am a Django God - {{ block.super }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Delusions of Grandeur #{{ munber }}</h1> <p>They make life EXCITING for {{ thing }}.</p> <p>{% if munber %}Number exi