Experimenting with threading and multiprocessing modules, python

This question already has an answer here: Multiprocessing vs Threading Python 7 answers Both of your questions can be answered by this excerpt from the docs: "The mechanism used by the CPython interpreter to assure that only one thread executes Python bytecode at a time. This simplifies the CPython implementation by making the object model (including critical built-in types such as dic


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 多处理与线程Python 7的答案 您的两个问题都可以从文档摘录中得到解答: “CPython解释器用来确保一次只有一个线程执行Python字节码的机制,通过使对象模型(包括像dict这样的关键内置类型)隐式地避免并发访问,简化了CPython的实现。整个解释器使解释器变得更容易多线程化,而牺牲了多处理器机器提供的大部分并行性。“ 大胆重视我的。 你最终花了很多时间在线程之间切换,以确保它们全部

What to use Multiprocessing or multi

This question already has an answer here: Multiprocessing vs Threading Python 7 answers It heavily depends on the type of analysis. Here is a simple rule of thumb to give hints: if the process is memory bound, keep it serial if it is io bound, use multithreading - optimal number of threads depends on the percentage of time spent in io waiting if it is cpu-bound, use muti-processing wit


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 多处理与线程Python 7的答案 它很大程度上取决于分析的类型。 这里给出一些简单的经验法则: 如果进程是内存绑定的,请保持串行 如果它是绑定的,则使用多线程 - 最佳线程数取决于在io等待中花费的时间百分比 如果它是cpu绑定的,则使用与可用内核数相等的数字或进程进行多处理 如果你不能确定先验,那就试验......但是不要忘记,没有哪种方法更好,其他所有可能的用例 也许这就是

How to get a function name as a string in Python?

In Python, how do I get a function name as a string without calling the function? def my_function(): pass print get_function_name_as_string(my_function) # my_function is not in quotes should output "my_function" . Is this available in python? If not, any idea how to write get_function_name_as_string in Python? my_function.__name__ Using __name__ is the preferred method as it


在Python中,如何在不调用函数的情况下将函数名作为字符串获取? def my_function(): pass print get_function_name_as_string(my_function) # my_function is not in quotes 应该输出"my_function" 。 这在python中可用吗? 如果没有,任何想法如何在Python中编写get_function_name_as_string ? my_function.__name__ 使用__name__是统一应用的首选方法。 与func_name不同,它也适用于内置函数: >&

Efficient way to remove keys with empty strings from a dict

I have a dict and would like to remove all the keys for which there are empty value strings. metadata = {u'Composite:PreviewImage': u'(Binary data 101973 bytes)', u'EXIF:CFAPattern2': u''} What is the best way to do this? Python 2.X dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.iteritems() if v) Python 3.X {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v is not None} Note that all of your keys have


我有一个字典,并希望删除所有有空值字符串的键。 metadata = {u'Composite:PreviewImage': u'(Binary data 101973 bytes)', u'EXIF:CFAPattern2': u''} 做这个的最好方式是什么? Python 2.X dict((k, v) for k, v in metadata.iteritems() if v) Python 3.X {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if v is not None} 请注意,您的所有密钥都有值。 只是其中一些值是空字符串。 没有价值的字典中没有这样的

Determine function name from within an aliased function

How can I determine whether a function was called using the function's name or by the name of an alias of that function? I can inspect a function to get its name from within the body of a function by doing: import inspect def foo(): print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) foo() # prints 'foo' source: Determine function name from within that function (without using traceback) However, if I ali


我如何确定函数是使用函数的名称还是函数的别名来调用的? 我可以通过以下操作来检查函数以从函数体内获取其名称: import inspect def foo(): print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) foo() # prints 'foo' 源:确定该函数内的函数名称(不使用追溯) 但是,如果我别名该函数并尝试相同的事情,我会得到原始函数名称(而不是别名) bar = foo bar() # prints 'foo' 我希望能够做到以下几点: def foo(): print(... some

How can I elide a function wrapper from the traceback in Python

The issue The Phantom Menace Say i wrote a function decorator which takes the function, and wraps it in another function like so: # File example-1.py from functools import wraps def decorator(func): # Do something @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Do something return func(*args, **kwargs) # Do something # Do something return wrapper No


问题 魅影危机 说我写了一个函数装饰器,它接受函数,并将其包装在另一个函数中,如下所示: # File example-1.py from functools import wraps def decorator(func): # Do something @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Do something return func(*args, **kwargs) # Do something # Do something return wrapper 现在让我们假设我正在装饰的函数引发一个异常:

How to print the full traceback without halting the program?

I'm writing a program that parses 10 websites, locates data files, saves the files, and then parses them to make data that can be readily used in the NumPy library. There are tons of errors this file encounters through bad links, poorly formed XML, missing entries, and other things I've yet to categorize. I initially made this program to handle errors like this: try: do_stuff() exc


我正在编写一个程序,用于解析10个网站,查找数据文件,保存文件,然后解析它们以生成可在NumPy库中使用的数据。 有吨的错误该文件通过遇到不良链接,不好的XML,缺项,其他的事情我还没有进行分类。 我最初做这个程序来处理像这样的错误: try: do_stuff() except: pass 但是现在我想记录错误: try: do_stuff() except Exception, err: print Exception, err 请注意,这将打印到日志文件供以后查看。

Accessing a Python traceback from the C API

I'm having some trouble figuring out the proper way to walk a Python traceback using the C API. I'm writing an application that embeds the Python interpreter. I want to be able to execute arbitrary Python code, and if it raises an exception, to translate it to my own application-specific C++ exception. For now, it is sufficient to extract just the file name and line number where the Py

从C API访问Python回溯

我在找出使用C API走Python追踪的正确方法时遇到了一些困难。 我正在编写嵌入Python解释器的应用程序。 我希望能够执行任意Python代码,并且如果它引发异常,请将其转换为我自己的特定于应用程序的C ++异常。 目前,仅提取Python异常引发的文件名和行号就足够了。 这是我到目前为止: PyObject* pyresult = PyObject_CallObject(someCallablePythonObject, someArgs); if (!pyresult) { PyObject* excType, *excValue, *

How to exit from Python without traceback?

I would like to know how to I exit from Python without having an traceback dump on the output. I still want want to be able to return an error code but I do not want to display the traceback log. I want to be able to exit using exit(number) without trace but in case of an Exception (not an exit) I want the trace. You are presumably encountering an exception and the program is exiting becaus


我想知道如何从Python退出而不在输出上有回溯转储。 我仍然希望能够返回错误代码,但我不想显示追溯日志。 我希望能够退出使用exit(number)无痕迹,但在例外(不是退出)的情况​​下,我想跟踪。 你大概会遇到一个异常,并且程序正在退出,因为(带回溯)。 因此,要做的第一件事就是在完全退出之前(可能会给出一条消息,给出示例)来捕获该异常。 在你的main尝试这样的事情: import sys, traceback def main():

Using python map and other functional tools

This is quite n00bish, but I'm trying to learn/understand functional programming in python. The following code: foos = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0] bars = [1,2,3] def maptest(foo, bar): print foo, bar map(maptest, foos, bars) produces: 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.0 3 4.0 None 5.0 None Q. Is there a way to use map or any other functional tools in python to produce the following without loops etc. 1.0 [


这非常完美,但我试图在python中学习/理解函数式编程。 以下代码: foos = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0] bars = [1,2,3] def maptest(foo, bar): print foo, bar map(maptest, foos, bars) 生产: 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.0 3 4.0 None 5.0 None 问:有没有一种方法可以在python中使用map或任何其他功能工具来产生下列内容,而不会产生循环等 1.0 [1,2,3] 2.0 [1,2,3] 3.0 [1,2,3] 4.0 [1,2,3] 5.0 [1,2,3] 正如旁注所示,如果foo