I try to add ModelForm for my model, but every POST attempt ends with "403 Forbidden. CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. Reason given for failure: CSRF token missing or incorrect". I have no render_to_response() method, so I can't fix this problem by adding RequestContext. Here's my model: from django.db import models from django.forms import ModelForm . . . class Tex
我尝试为我的模型添加ModelForm,但每次POST尝试都以“403 Forbidden结束,CSRF验证失败,请求中止,失败的原因:CSRF令牌丢失或不正确”。 我没有render_to_response()方法,所以我无法通过添加RequestContext来解决这个问题。 这是我的模型: from django.db import models from django.forms import ModelForm . . . class Text(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) content = models.TextFie
I'm following the Django guide on Show me do. But I have a question: If I just copy his code I gen an Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. I've solved that problem by adding context_instance=RequestContext(request) to all "my" return render_to_response and by adding {% csrf_token %} to the form I'm calling. Here comes the question : Can I any
我正在关注Django指南,让我看看。 但我有一个问题: 如果我只是复制他的代码我创建一个 禁止(403)CSRF验证失败。 请求中止。 我已经通过向所有“我的”返回render_to_response添加context_instance = RequestContext(request)并向我调用的窗体添加{%csrf_token%}来解决该问题。 问题来了:我能以任何方式将它设置为“在sceenes后面”或我必须将其添加到所有表单中! 延 是的,您可以使用render(request, templa
I have been getting this error referring to this method in my views.py file: def AddNewUser(request): a=AMI() if(request.method == "POST"): print(request.POST) # print(request['newUser']) # print(request['password']) return render_to_response("ac/AddNewUser.html", {}) But my other functions work just fine. It's just this button in my HTML file that doesn
我一直在我的views.py文件中引用此方法引用此方法: def AddNewUser(request): a=AMI() if(request.method == "POST"): print(request.POST) # print(request['newUser']) # print(request['password']) return render_to_response("ac/AddNewUser.html", {}) 但我的其他功能工作得很好。 这只是我的HTML文件中的这个按钮不起作用。 <form name="AddNewUser" action="/
I am creating a quiz app in django. here is the model: class Quiz(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) description = models.TextField() publish = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Question(models.Model): quiz = models.ForeignKey(Quiz) question = models.TextF
我正在django中创建一个测验应用程序。 这里是模型: class Quiz(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) description = models.TextField() publish = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Question(models.Model): quiz = models.ForeignKey(Quiz) question = models.TextField(
I'm trying to filter foreign key field selections in my model form, but form isn't working. My scripts: forms.py from django import forms from .models import Album, Song class SongCreateForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Song fields = [ 'album', 'name', 'is_favorite' ] widgets = { 'album': fo
我试图在我的模型表单中过滤外键字段选择,但表单不起作用。 我的脚本: forms.py from django import forms from .models import Album, Song class SongCreateForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Song fields = [ 'album', 'name', 'is_favorite' ] widgets = { 'album': forms.Select(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}),
Here's my view: def rsvp_list(request, id, template="rsvp/rsvp_list.html"): rsvp = RSVP.objects.get(id=id) return render_to_response(template, { 'attendees': rsvp.attendee_set.all().order_by('email__first_name'), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) and here's my template: {% for attendee in attendees %} {{ attendee.email.get_name }}{{ attendee.guests }}
这是我的看法: def rsvp_list(request, id, template="rsvp/rsvp_list.html"): rsvp = RSVP.objects.get(id=id) return render_to_response(template, { 'attendees': rsvp.attendee_set.all().order_by('email__first_name'), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) 这是我的模板: {% for attendee in attendees %} {{ attendee.email.get_name }}{{ attendee.guests }} {% endfor %} 当
I have a django view that looks like... def add_user(request): if User.objects.get(username__exact = request.POST['username']): context = { 'message': "Username already taken"} return render_to_response("mytemplate.html", context, RequestContext(request)) newUser = User(username="freeandclearusername") newUser.save() #then other code
我有一个django视图,看起来像... def add_user(request): if User.objects.get(username__exact = request.POST['username']): context = { 'message': "Username already taken"} return render_to_response("mytemplate.html", context, RequestContext(request)) newUser = User(username="freeandclearusername") newUser.save() #then other code that is
I'm asking the user to input as many directory-paths as he wants, something like this: allPaths = [] while True: path = raw_input('bla') if validatePath(path): allPaths.append(path) else: break Right now, the user selects multiple folders, makes a Shift+Rightclick on it in Windows and uses "Copy Paths", which will give him a list of directories, like this: "C:Usersx
我要求用户输入尽可能多的目录路径,如下所示: allPaths = [] while True: path = raw_input('bla') if validatePath(path): allPaths.append(path) else: break 现在,用户选择多个文件夹,在Windows上对其进行Shift + Rightclick并使用“复制路径”,这将给他一个目录列表,如下所示: "C:UsersxxDesktoptest" "C:UsersxxDesktoptest2" 通过使用鼠标右键单击插入到CMD窗口中,它将被raw_input接受为多个单行
Is it possible to add tab autocomplete to subcommands in the python Cmd class in the cmd module? Say I am running my command loop, and I wanted to have a command called add , where I can then have a selection of animal names, like add horse , or add elephant . How can I tab autocomplete for any sub commands, if at all possible? One thing I'm doing for the actual project I'm working on
是否可以在cmd模块的python Cmd类的子命令中添加tab自动完成功能? 假设我正在运行我的命令循环,并且我想要一个名为add的命令,在那里我可以选择动物名称,如add horse或add elephant 。 如何尽可能地为任何子命令选项卡自动完成? 我正在为我正在处理的实际项目做的一件事是为不同的模式使用不同的类。 如果您键入whitelist ,它将在该类中运行另一个命令循环,并且现在处于“白名单”模式。 然后你可以输入exit返回到主要
Im trying to use python to run cmd.exe and thereby running commands like cd C:name..... and executing other programs from the cmd what I have so far is. os.system("cmd.exe"). os.system("cd C:namefirstsecond"). When I try to run three other commands a new cmd window replaces the old one and the commands dont work since they need to be consecutively after each other.I already tried the above code
我试图使用python来运行cmd.exe,从而运行命令,如CD C:名称.....和执行其他程序从cmd我到目前为止是。 os.system("cmd.exe"). os.system("cd C:namefirstsecond"). 当我尝试运行其他三个命令时,一个新的cmd窗口会替换旧的命令,并且这些命令不起作用,因为它们需要彼此连续运行。我已经尝试了上述代码,并且需要帮助运行接下来的三个命令。 你也可以解释一下suproccess是什么。 为什么os.system("cd WHEREVER"